Follow These 3 Steps To Pick The Perfect Watermelon

The bigger the field spot and the creamier its color, both indicate that the melon spent more time ripening on the vine. The perfect watermelon should have a regular, oval shape. If the melon has bumps or an uneven shape, this might mean that it receives uneven amounts of hydration or sunlight in the field. Unevenly shaped melons may have areas of dry flesh inside, or the quality of the fruit may not be consistent throughout.

  • A large yellow spot on the bottom – This shows the watermelon has been sitting in the field ripening on the vine for a while, not picked too early.
  • For best results in our cooler climate grow your melons in a greenhouse or coldframe, or against a sunny sheltered wall with a cloche covering them.
  • A key indicator of a watermelon’s maturity is the tendrils or pigtails on vines change from green to brown.
  • So, if you pick it up and it feels nice and heavy that means that it is full of juice and sugar, therefore is ripe and ready for eating right away.
  • And I’ve gotten a watermelon every single week of the summer, so it’s not just luck.
  • Never store a watermelon below 40 °F (4 °C), as this causes chilling injury to the fruit.
  • This summer, I’ve had my fair share of unripe watermelon incidences.
  • Handle carefully to avoid rolling, bumping or dropping to prevent internal bruising.
  • A watermelon should be firm and symmetrical, without bruises, cuts or dents.

Here are the tips for hunting the perfect sugar baby watermelon everytime. The summarized version of the tips in a card form is provided at the end. Give the melon a little scratch with your fingernail. A greenish-white color just below the outer rind indicates the melon is ripe.

How Do You Tell If A Watermelon Is Ripe?

A ripe one will have a hollow sound which means it is filled with juice and it is at the peak of its ripeness. Under-ripe or over-ripe melons will have more of a dull, flat sound. Whether it is big or small you will want a heavy watermelon .

The soil pH should range between neutral to slightly acidic. If you have sandy soil, then you won’t need to plant the watermelon on hills or raised beds. But the advantages of such structures outweigh the drawbacks and still require less work and care than growing the vines vertically on a trellis. At first glance, yellow watermelon vines look almost identical to their red cousins. The leaves, flowers, and even fruits look the same. The real surprise is when you split the green orb open only to discover yellow or yellow crimson flesh instead of the regular red one.

How To Tell If The Watermelon Is Ripe

Last year I planted beans by my greenhouse with a trellis going up the side. I had watermelon close and one grew up the trellis by itself. I ended up building a sort of shelf for the melon that grew on the roof of the greenhouse. It was about 6 lbs when I harvested it, I had never seen this before but it was a great conversation piece. Please advise me on how I can deal with Melon flies.

To encourage side shoots, when seedlings have 3 leaves, pinch off the growing end. When new side shoots have 3 leaves, pinch off the central growing area again. When fruits begin to form, pinch back the vine to two leaves beyond the fruit. Make sure fruits on a trellis are supported by netting or pantyhose, and fruits on the ground vines are elevated by empty pots to prevent disease and encourage ripening. Watermelon does best when sown directly into the garden.

Try to find a watermelon with lots of seeds for this . One of the joys of alfresco watermelon dining is seeing how far you can spit them, and who knows, you may end up with a surprise watermelon vine next spring. If, after all this, you still feel unsure, there’s no shame in shopping the produce department’s cut-watermelon section. One peek, they say, is worth a lot of finesse.

Just in time for limes to drop back down to normal price so we could whip up a few batches of this mint and lime watermelon agua fresca. The sound of a ripe watermelon should be hollow. Take your finger and lightly thump it against the watermelon cbd cream 600 mg skin. If the watermelon sounds dull, it may be under ripe or overripe. For that reason, you may want to put that watermelon back and keep looking. Furthermore, the color of the spot should be creamy and almost butter-like yellow.

As your watermelon starts to get bigger, you might wonder how in the heck you’ll know when to when to harvest. The last thing you want is to cut your watermelon from the vine, only to find out that it’s white inside. images cbd topicals Thanks for the tips, now i can pick out my water melon like a pro! I am definitely going to apply them in my next shopping. Using your knuckles in a fist, tap your chosen watermelon and listen for a full sound.

Sometimes the tendrils start dying back a little early if it’s been hot and/or dry. Check your days to maturity and planting date, and see if the timing is right, give it a thunk take your best guess. What worked for me this year was to plant water melons and butternut squash, then pull up the squash and put them in my garbage can as soon as squash bugs appeared. That way, the overwintering squash bugs layed their eggs, and I got rid of them. After that, squash bugs didn’t appear on cantaloupes or water melons. I actually planted the squash about six weeks later, and got no bugs.

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Your new best friend as far as growing watermelons is mulch. Mulch not only suppresses weeds by smothering them and not letting light reach them, it keeps the ground warm; holding heat in the soil. It also keeps moisture in the ground allowing you more time between waterings.

We all love watermelons, they are sweet, juicy, messy to eat and remind us of summer like nothing else does. But first all, we should know that there are many varieties of watermelons and if you are buying watermelons in the store, generally there are couple of categories. Though your fellow grocery shoppers may shoot you an inquisitive look, knocking on your watermelon may help you choose the best one. Give your fruit a gentle tap and listen to the sound it makes. If the pitch sounds deep and hollow, that indicates that the fruit has more water and is likely riper. By contrast, if your knock sounds denser it may be a sign that your rind is too thick and your fruit has not fully ripened to its optimal state.

Five Tips That Will Help You Choose A Ripe Watermelon Every Single Time

The downside to this plant, is that each watermelon on the vine is about twelve pounds. And, the vine will have only one or two melons on it. The plant here has only one watermelon – for the whole summer. When you’re picking a watermelon, you need to cut the stem.

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Not only my first watermelon of the season, but the first watermelon I have ever grown – ever! I’m incredibly excited to hit this milestone, as I’ve always had a hard time growing these delicious fruits. Goldman says watermelon can last 2 to 3 weeks at 60 degrees and winter melons 3 to 4 weeks at 45 to 50 degrees. For many of us in summer, that’s warmer than the fridge but much cooler than ambient room temps, unless you happen to have access to a nice, chilly root cellar. Otherwise, realistically you’re looking at perhaps a week whole, uncut on the counter and then no longer than a week cut in the refrigerator. Lift a potential watermelon and note how heavy it feels.

Pick The Right Watermelon

Watermelons are 91% water — a characteristic that explains its name. The temperature requirement for watermelon germination is between 26°C -33°C, with night temperature expected not to be lower than 25. Watermelons can be stored uncut for about 10 days. If cut, they can last in the refrigerator for about 4 days. Stems should be cut with a sharp knife close to the fruit.

How To Pick A Watermelon: Shape & Size

Any seeds that look flat or have unusual shapes should be discarded. Now you’re ready to start your yellow watermelon veggie garden. If you’re growing your own watermelon, you’ll want to be sure not to harvest them too early.

How To Pick A Watermelon? Here Are 5 Easy Tricks!

Secondly, a full watermelon will last for 7 to 10 days at room temperature, while a cut watermelon will only be good for two days in the refrigerator. If you’re not sure what to do with all that watermelon, consider making grilled watermelon steaks, watermelon salad, watermelon drinks and watermelon salsa. Also, I’m not a fan of melons, but my family is, at what bubbler smoking pipe point (size wise – like softball size or bigger??) did you need the slings? We are going to grow sugar baby watermelons, I think, so I suppose we don’t need as tall of a vining trellis. I will be incorporating your knowledge this year with my favorite Sugar Baby melons. I do thank the one who mentioned not to pick till 7 days after tendril dries in this variety.

This is actually caused during pollination and growth on the flowers of the watermelon plant. Knowing what to look for will help you pick a delicious melon at the fruit stand. You should put a fresh watermelon in a net bag or aluminum foil to preserve.

The sound that your watermelon makes when knocked on can be a huge indicator of its ripeness. According to Frey, you want to listen for a crisp, sharp ring . On the other hand, a deep, low-toned clunking sound can mean it’s overripe. Make sure that when you’re knocking the fruit that you are physically holding it (not while it’s resting on the counter or another surface). This will yield the truest sound of what’s going on inside the melon. Have you ever seen that viral video going around of the hippo eating the watermelons?

Nutritionists Have Found That Watermelon Should Be In Most Peoples Diets Because Of All The Health

In his spare time, he enjoys experiencing the outdoors, raising chickens and ducks, and reading about current environmental issues. Despite slight colorblindness, his favorite color is green. Go for the ones with a dull, uninviting appearance. Shiny, perfect colors indicate an unripe fruit.

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I don’t remember when the law started declaring the differences between fruits and veggies, but the law is the law. You can always continue to call watermelon a fruit in the privacy of your own home . Whatever you want to call them, here’s how to grow your watermelons super sweet. There are, however, a few things you can look out for, and do, to ensure you’ve got a melon that’s ready to eat. Next, you’ll want to pick up a watermelon and hold it in both of your hands. That indicates that there’s a lot of juice, so the heavier the better.

Paint Watermelon Summer

You can harvest your watermelon once all of the signs mentioned above indicate that your fruits are ripe. These fruits mature the most readily when the weather is hot, with most ready to go about 32 days after blooming. The theory here is the same one behind the sound test I mentioned earlier in this article – however, the app takes the guesswork out of the equation for you.

If you need a reminder on best practices for growing these glorious fruits, make sure to check out our complete guide to growing watermelons. Expect fruits to be ready for harvest in days. These icebox sized watermelons are sure to surprise you – not only do they have gold flesh, they also come dressed in a two-toned yellow and gold rind. Also called ‘Orange Flesh Tendersweet,’ this heirloom variety is in fact very sweet, and fruit will weigh pounds at full ripeness. Plants produce heavy yields of fruits that are resistant to sunburn and hollow heart.

If it’s over-ripe, it’ll have a hollow or flat sound, which can indicate that the flesh is starting to become soft and spoil. You’ve probably seen people tapping or knocking on watermelons in the store. They’re looking for the watermelon that has a hollow sound when being tapped. Again, this test is pretty subjective and is only effective when comparing one watermelon to another. The best watermelon will have a slightly hollow, low pitch sound that resembles a drum or a knock on the door.

All melons you pick should be free of blemishes or damage and should have a smooth stem end with no stem still attached. If the stem is still there, it was removed from the vine early, ripe melons will pull away cleanly. Ripe melons will feel heavy for their size, if they feel light, they are not as juicy, and juiciness equates to ripeness.

The rind may be used in making watermelon rind pickles (see this page, but the seeds are useless, except for planting or spitting at each other. This recipe is the same as the lab tested pickled watermelon rind recipe, just pureed the flesh instead, and added a small amount of pectin. And still acidify it in the same way, to the same extent. It should be as safe as the lab tested pickled watermelon rind recipe. But since it has not been specifically tested, I would keep it refrigerated.

If you have an unripe melon, store it at room temperature to jumpstart the ripening process. The color of your ideal ripe cantaloupe should be a beige or sandy-gold. Try your best to stay away from those that are still green. This means they are unripe and not ready to consume.

They will not climb a trellis by themselves, so you need to tie the vines to the trellis as they grow. Don’t count on their tendrils to hold the plants secure – especially during wind storms or when they have heavy fruits hanging from them. I prefer to plant the seeds directly in the garden bed, instead of using transplants.

Bees have to pollinate the flowers, and the more the pollination, the sweeter the fruit would be. Go for the fruits that have deep brown webbings. The field spot is the part of the watermelon’s shell on which it was resting out in the farm or field. Field spot colors can range from creamy-white to creamy-yellow and golden-yellow.

But I would prefer to pre-cut the whole fruit in chunks, ready for portioning and then eating with just a fork or spoon. To add additional flavor to your smoothie, we recommend adding another cup of frozen fruit, like strawberries or cantaloupe. Another reason you may want to be keeping watermelon fresh is to create hydrating smoothies.

It will stretch to support the watermelon as the fruit gets bigger. There are 3 primary reasons as to why you might want to grow watermelon in a container, and almost all of them have to do with ease. Now that you know how easy it is to harvest your cantaloupes, you can sit back, relax, and watch them mature. This is when the stem separates easily from the fruit, without twisting or pulling.

As watermelons grow and ripen, they develop a yellow area, called a field spot, where the watermelon rests on the ground. The longer the watermelon is allowed to ripen in the field, the brighter and larger the spot. Look for a watermelon with a large, creamy yellow field spot. Like with most fruit, if the stem of a watermelon is still fresh and green, the fruit was picked too soon.

What’s important is that you do the best you can with what you have, and your plant will do its best in return. For watermelons, the indicators are often more subtle and hard to spot unless you know what you’re looking for. A key indicator of a watermelon’s maturity is the tendrils or pigtails on vines change from green to brown. One tip doesn’t work for me due to another trick I learned some time ago. They are also less prone to be attacked by ground crawling critters and they are much more uniform in shape.

A long time ago, I’m honestly not sure how, I developed a knocking technique in choosing my watermelons that seems to work nine times out of 10. I feel like a good watermelon has a special kind of resonance. While it turns out that many folks feel similarly, the professionals at the Florida Watermelon Association are not fond of my method. I help put healthy, seasonal food on tables and agendas. You’ll find my favorite recipes, tips and how to’s for making tasty homemade food & preserves.

These look like irregular brown or white patterns on the rinds and can be caused by insect feeding. If so, you’re going to want to pass and pick another one. If a watermelon still has a stem attached, it means that it was not easily removed from the vine. Therefore, it wasn’t ripe enough when harvested. Instead of a stem, your watermelon would have a slight indent where its stem fell off naturally, all on its own. Look for one that is just about as symmetrical as can be.

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