Tag: blockchain

Blockchain software applications in health business

Healthcare industry uses digital methods for maintaining electronic health records.

From the patients personal information to diagnostic reports, and doctors prescriptions, healthcare organizations, currently use the centralized database for saving data.

IBMs Institute for Business Value Blockchain interviewed 200 healthcare executives and found 16% of them are willing to deploy a commercial blockchain solution.

Though healthcare centers are adopting digital technologies, the patients medical records are currently stored in the centralized servers. It creates the attack surface for hackers. Accentures survey claims one in five employees working in the healthcare is willing to sell the sensitive medical data to the unauthorized parties.

Recently, Grindr dating app has disclosed users HIV status, sexuality, GPS position, and other personal details to third-parties. Sharing protected health information of patients without their consent can make them feel traumatized. Once the medical data of an individual is generated, data enrichment is done to make the data secure.

Data stored on blockchain is like your cryptocurrency such as bitcoin saved in the crypto wallet. Though the users wallet can be identified with a public key, only a secret private key can help anyone read or understand the stored data. Any healthcare service provider would require patient consent or authorization to access PHI. If a patient denies sharing the medical data, no healthcare provider could get access to the records stored on the blockchain.

Add further information related to the timestamp, demographics, involved stakeholders, and eventually sign and provision the data to be stored on the blockchain.

The completion of the above steps adds value to the data to be stored on the blockchain.

We shall now discuss how health records can be stored on the blockchain. Even more on https://www.leewayhertz.com/healthcare-blockchain-how-medical-records-secured-blockchain/, Transactions are completed and identified uniquely: Transactions containing patients health records are saved on the blockchain with their unique IDs and patients public key. If a healthcare provider wants to access a patients public non-identifiable data, the transaction ID is matched, and the information is displayed.

Smart contracts ensure the enforcement of the business rules, compliance requirement, and the users will before the data is shared or retrieved.

Stakeholders involved in the patients treatment can consume the stored data with the patients consent.

Smart contracts will ensure a transparent, conflict-free exchange of the information. In case, the user denies to exchange the information; no one could access the patients health records.

Blockchain healthcare solution could also enable healthcare research companies to use health records for research purposes without affecting the patients privacy. Read further to understand how

Data Mining and AI in Healthcare Blockchain

But the centralized approach for maintaining the data could hinder the patients privacy. Blockchain could be leveraged to bring trust in the clinical trials and medical research process.

As discussed above, the blockchain healthcare platform could use de-identification for hiding the patients identity. So, medical research companies could utilize the non-identifiable records to carry out the research activities.

Heres what benefits could Blockchain bring to the Healthcare Industry

Control over the data:
Anyone willing to access the health records would require the patients public key. Patients could seamlessly control who should access what data.
Since the data is saved in encrypted form, it remains unreadable to the hackers.

Blockchain Consulting Services

A blockchain is a database with user-distributed validation. If youve ever heard of Bitcoin, youve seen one of blockchains biggest current applications. Through our workshop, youll develop a deep understanding of how blockchain works and why developers are becoming so interested in the technology. Well start by reviewing current blockchain-based models such as cryptocurrency, business order tracking, banking, and contract validation. By the end of our workshop, youll know how cryptocurrencies function, which emerging startups are currently getting funded in the blockchain scene, and why blockchain ledgers are considered the technology of the future.

If only time travel were possible then majority of people would wish to back in 2010 to buy bitcoins. A mere 10,000 rupees invested in bitcoins back then would have fetched you over mind boggling 330 crores by now! The world was stunned with such a phenomenal growth of bitcoins as a cryptocurrency. Keep reading this post as we will explain about bitcoin shortly. But how could such a currency grow stupendously on a global scale? The answer is Blockchain. Simple as it may sound there are huge mechanisms in place in making the technology work. The time spent by IBM global financing was reduced by 75% in solving financial disputes using Blockchain technology. Did you know that in international trade finance and remittances ICICI bank using Blockchain technology successfully executed transactions? Did you know SBI is using it in its KYC norms and smart projects? Did you know that Azure is already providing Blockchain as a service(BaaS)? And these are just three instances of the applications of Blockchain and the most obvious use case is bitcoin.

The high importance of blockchain has attracted the attention of organizations in different sectors, with banking sector being the most active at this stage. Blockchain has resulted in the development of thousands of new job positions and new startups ranging from mobile payment solutions to health care applications.

Whether you need a prototype or a production-ready platform, our engineering teams deep experience in cryptocurrency, data science, and serverless computing can help you leverage the benefits of blockchain. We will evaluate potential blockchains for your project, including Ethereum, Hyperledger, EOS, NEO, Tezos, and Qtum, and choose the best fit, like when to use private permissioned blockchains such as Quorum.

Today we are taking a look at an UAE blockchain developer software company, Leeway Hertz – blockchain technology company UAE

They provide various services including : Blockchain Consulting Services. We have helped our enterprise clients like TraceRx to come up with qualitative blockchain solutions.

Development Portfolio example:

Blockchain-based Pharma Supply Chain Solution

To track the movement of drugs from the manufacturer to the end consumer at global locations. Blockchain technology helps to maintain trust between all parties by capturing records from every location to the chain, eliminating paperwork. Ensuring no counterfeit medications slips because of lack of traceability. Ability to identify stock locations in case of a medical recall.

We convert ideas into practical applications that are scalable and reliable. We recommend following a process to test quickly and get product maturity at early stages. With the experience of building 100+ digital platforms for clouds, apps, and blockchain companies, we have tailored our process to match the ongoing blockchain industry changes.

Blockchain Ideation

Brainstorm idea and business requirements
Identify any existing system migration to Distributed Ledger
Prioritize use cases in Fail fast, MVP & v2.0
Define off chain & on chain business entities
Define technical component
Roadmap of the product

Supporting the following platforms:

1. Ethereum – A decentralized public platform that runs dApps
2. Hyperledger – A provisioned private network meant to share data and process for enterprises
3. R3 – A solution for managing financial agreements
4. Stellar – Stellar is an open platform for building financial products that connect people everywhere.
5. EOS – EOS is a decentralized blockchain, which can process fast and free transactions.
6. Hashgraph – Fair, Fast and most secured acrylic graph DLT.
7. Corda – Corda is an open source blockchain platform for businesses.
8. Credits – Credits blockchain platform manages for creates financial services based on blockchain/ledger
9. NEO – NEO is a blockchain platform designed to build a scalable network of decentralized applications.

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