Quality intervention transport specialists with Assisted Interventions Inc.

Teen interventions services by Assisted Interventions Inc. New York: Assisted Interventions was founded on the principles of Dignity, Compassion and Safety in Intervention and Transport Services. We understand what it takes to bring a family to the point where they accept that their child is in need of help, and the difficult decisions they face in seeking professional treatment. Our many years of experience has prepared us to assist in that process and to be the “First Step” in the journey to restore the family culture to a healthy balance of love, understanding and respect. We recognize the significance of our role in assuring that this first critical step is positive in all aspects of our carefully planned approach. See more information at Assisted Interventions Inc.

Why should you stage an Intervention? Many reasons exist why you should consider arranging an intervention for your beloved person. The staging of an intervention will show you What Caused the Issue. If you are arranging an intervention that professionally trained interventionists are organizing, they can assist you in determining the source of the person you love dearly’s addiction. For example, in the case of alcohol abuse, many individuals begin to drink or misuse alcohol because of trauma or abuse. You may not be aware of this at first. An intervention can help identify the factors that caused your loved one to become involved in addiction or addiction to a behavior. In turn, they will aid you in putting preventative measures in place to prevent it from happening again. Repeat the same thing.

If, however, your teen is obstinate or angry and refuses to enter a treatment program, an interventionist may be able to help. A good interventionist is a trained professional who helps a person move out of addiction and into recovery. Anyone you consider should: Be trained in substance abuse or addiction, Have a level of expertise that allows them to provide comprehensive information to the patient and family members about treatment options, Be licensed or certified, Adhere to strict ethical standards that are clearly spelled out, Coordinate proper transport to treatment. Follow up after the initial intervention to advocate for your teen’s recovery.

What will my child need to bring with them? Your child brings only what is required by the program. They are not required to have I.D., money or a passport. A Travel Authorization Document signed by you will give us permission to transport your child. What do I do with my child’s medications, eyeglasses, retainer, etc? All medications MUST be placed in a clear plastic “zip-lock” bag. If there are any medications that you would like Assisted Interventions to administer, they should be placed in a separate clear “baggie,” along with specific written and signed (by a parent) instructions. Pre-packing of any eyeglasses or retainer may cause your child to become suspicious. We can gather those items when we arrive at your home for the intervention.

If you suspect that your teen is drinking or using drugs, looking for the warning signs of drug addiction and symptoms of teen drug use before the intervention will make the conversation hold more weight—in your mind and in your teen’s. Take note of your teen’s suspicious behaviors: How often does he break curfew? When did his grades start to drop? How much alcohol is missing from your liquor cabinet? How many pills off is your prescription bottle? Did you find evidence of drug use in his room or his car? By having your story straight, you will be more likely to get a straight story out of your teen.

Yet, parents are often unsure of how to respond when they find out their child is using drugs. They tend to be reactive rather than thoughtfully responsive, perhaps making it up as they go along. The problem with this type of off-the-cuff confrontation is that emotions often take over and lead to unproductive interactions. In especially challenging cases, a trained, professional interventionist is a great resource who can guide you through the process to get your child the help they need. This article covers the signs of adolescent drug addiction and outlines which steps to take in response, including hiring an interventionist, what to expect when confronting your child, and what happens post-intervention. Find even more information on Assisted Interventions Inc.

Prepare for the conversation: Your teen may try to steer the conversation in another direction. In order to gain a foothold, we suggest that parents come up with a readied list of questions to ask their teens before the intervention takes place. As a concerned parent, you likely already have an idea of what you want to ask your teen. A huge question in your mind may be, “Why?” Ask your teen why he likes using drugs, or why he started in the first place. You may want to ask him how often it is that he drinks or uses drugs, and with whom he is using. Try to get a sense for his situation, and to understand it from his perspective. This is an intervention, not a lecture.

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