Author: Marian Vasilescu

Everything you need to know about The Parable Of The Net

Bible stories : The Parable Of The Net? The parable of the net is another simple story. However, it is very important. We should understand what it teaches us. Fishermen (men who catch fish) put a net in the water. They catch all kinds of fish, good and bad. At last they pull the net to the shore, and separate the fish. They keep the good ones but they throw away the bad ones. Jesus says that it will be like that at the end of the age. *Angels will separate the *righteous people from the wicked people. Jesus says that there will be severe punishment for the wicked people.

Jesus then interprets the parable for His disciples: “This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (verses 49-50).

This parable, the last of the series, directs our thoughts to the completion of the kingdom. “So shall it be in the end of the world;” this is the starting point of the interpretation. We are to consider what part the kingdom of heaven is to play then; when other kingdoms have played their parts; when. things are being settled for eternity according to their value to God. It makes no practical difference in the application of the parable whether you make the net the Church, or simply the progress of all things towards eternity.

These “bad fish,” or false believers, can be likened to the rocky soil and thorny soil in Matthew 13:5-7 and to the tares in verse 40. They claim to have a relationship with Jesus, saying “Lord, Lord” (Matthew 7:22), and Jesus’ reply will be “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (verse 23). The sobering main point of the parable can be stated thus: “A day of reckoning will come in which God will separate the true believers from mere pretenders, and those found to be false will be cast into hell.” See even more details with the The Parable Of The Net video on YouTube.

Looking at fish in a net, you see many that are not swimming freely, but caught in the meshes and dragged on. Many have this interpreted by their own experience. They feel daily the pressure of the net; their position is not altogether of their own choosing, and now they discharge its duties because they must, not because they would. Such a condition may be sinful or sinless. If the duties required of you be sinful, then have you not recognized the detriment to your own soul? Do you not reflect that what was good when first entangled may be landed broken, bruised, and useless? But if the duties required of you are not violations of God’s Law or offences to your own conscience, then rest satisfied with them, till God shows you a way of escape.

Bible stories : The Parable Of The Lost Coin

New Testament : The Parable Of The Lost Coin? In the illustration, the sinner is likened to a valuable coin which has been lost. The woman does not take a lax attitude towards her lost possession. No. First she lights a lamp, necessarily expending oil, so that she can see clearly. Next, instead of simply glancing here and there, she uses a broom or some utensil to sweep her house so that she can reach places that might otherwise be inaccessible to her. Above all, she searches carefully. There is no hint of indifference, only diligence. This coin was valuable; she must find it at all costs.

The parable of the lost coin is the story about a woman who loses one of her ten silver coins. She looks through her entire house and rejoices when she finds the coin. After finding this coin, the lady makes it seem like that one coin has become more valuable than all of the other nine coins.

The significance of this story for me was the recurring theme in these parables of judgment. After the woman has found the one coin she lost, it becomes more valuable than all of the other nine coins even though they are of equal value in terms of money. This is similar to the idea that if one were to be a sinner and become lost from God, they would be preferred in the kingdom if they change their ways than nine people who do not repent but claim to be good. A person who has sinned but has begun repentance is much more valued by God then a person who sins and repents but claims not to.

Have you guys ever lost something? I know that I lose things all the time and so does my mom. I remember when I was a little kid, my mom used to lose her glasses every day. Most of the time they’d fall under the bed, sometimes she would put them into a drawer, but I remember there were some times where they would be right on her head the whole time and she never knew. Now when we lose something that has a lot of value, we search for it and we’ll look everywhere for it. And that’s what today’s story is. Today’s story is called the parable of the lost coin. So there was a lady who owned 10 coins. Discover additional info with the The Parable Of The Lost Coin video on YouTube.

This parable teaches us that God is a loving and forgiving person. Although someone may have been lost, they can still be found and repent and be let into the kingdom of heaven. God values those people far more than those who refuse to admit that they have sinned and claim to be followers of him. We learn from this parable that because God is such a loving and forgiving person, it is never too late to clean up our act. There is always an opportunity to repent and become a better person through the eyes of God.

If someone really did lose a coin on the floor, it would be difficult to find, and it would be a serious issue due to poverty (this woman only had ten silver coins, which would be a crisis for her to lose one). It really would be necessary to sweep the house and look carefully through the debris. Jesus’ audience understood the the significance of this event, which is why he states it as a rhetorical question. The meaning of this parable of the lost coin is clear. Just like we would be joyful if we lost something that we considered to be of great value, likewise everyone in heaven is also immensely joyful whenever even just one sinner stops sinning and returns to obeying God (repents).

Guido Accordini Conservazione Vino Accordini Igino

Lazienda Accordini Igino Presenta L Amarone Della Valpolicella Docg Le Bessole 2011? Recioto di Accordini Igino e tutela dell’ambiente: Guido Accordini enologo sa bene che, al fine di produrre dei vini della qualità più alta, il rispetto delle politiche ambientali è uno degli elementi chiave. Per questo motivo, durante la coltivazione delle vigne, si attiene scrupolosamente alla morfologia territoriale. In più, l’utilizzo di pozzi artesiani e di impianti d’irrigazione a goccia aiuta sia ad eliminare gli sprechi d’acqua, sia ad ottenere risultati al top. Ma non è tutto: al fine di essere in regola al 100%, l’azienda deve conseguire delle certificazioni volte a testimoniare l’impiego di attrezzature moderne per contenere al massimo lo stress delle piante più l’utilizzo di antiparassitari ecosostenibili, i cui ingredienti non nuocciono né alla salute dei vitigni, né a quella degli esseri umani.

Sono migliaia, tutti gli anni, le bottiglie prodotte, richieste non solo dai clienti in Italia ma anche da quelli all’estero. La tradizione ereditata da una cantina attiva da quasi 2 secoli si abbina con il ricorso alle tecnologie più all’avanguardia che assicurano al marchio Accordini Igino un posto di primo piano nel settore ecologico. Sin dai tempi antichi la Valpolicella è stata terra di vini: lo stesso nome lo denuncia, visto che deriva dal latino “Val polis cellae”, vale a dire la valle di tante cantine. Le caratteristiche che rendono questo territorio così speciale sono principalmente due: da un lato la natura calcarea del terreno, e dall’altro lato il clima temperato, con piogge moderate.

Quali sono i vini della Valpolicella che hanno contribuito alla fama della cantina? Recioto Accordini IginoLa fama di Accordini Igino è dovuta alla tecnica che viene sfruttata per realizzare i vini più spettacolari di tutta la Valpolicella. Per esempio il Recioto, un vino da dessert per produrre il quale le uve autoctone del territorio (vale a dire Molinara, Rondinella, Corvinone e Corvina) sono lasciate in grappoli fino al termine della vendemmia. La raccolta, infatti, viene effettuata unicamente nel momento in cui le uve sono giunte a completa maturazione. A quel punto le migliori sono selezionate e messe ad asciugare su tappetini di legno, dove resteranno per sei mesi; in alternativa possono essere lasciate per l’intero inverno appese al soffitto di una tettoia ventilata. Vedere aggiuntivo dettagli sopra Accordini Igino.

Quella di Accordini Igino è la storia di uno vino che nasce dall’amore per il territorio e per l’enologia. Ne abbiamo parlato con il figlio di Igino, Guido, al quale abbiamo chiesto di raccontarci non solo la storia di suo padre, ma anche i segreti della cantina e le caratteristiche dei vini che l’hanno resa famosa. Qual è la storia di Accordini Igino? Igino Accordini nacque in una famiglia di contadini. Perse l’uso di un occhio in qualità di partigiano durante la guerra ed ebbe due figli: io e mia sorella Loretta. Avendo preso il posto di mio padre nella gestione dell’attività vitivinicola, io mi sono diplomato enologo e ho aumentato le dimensioni dell’azienda grazie all’acquisizione di diversi terreni.

Non è difficile intuirne il motivo, considerate le caratteristiche distintive di questo vino: il sapore al palato è intenso, mentre il gusto non ha eguali nel resto del mondo. Con il suo profumo complesso, l’Amarone è un vino dal carattere deciso. L’Amarone della Valpolicella di Igino Accordini: L’Igino Accordini Amarone della Valpolicella è un vino di grande successo in tutto il mondo. L’imprenditore agricolo Guido Accordini, che è un vero e proprio esperto di questo vino, prima di altri è stato in grado di capire e di sfruttare l’importanza delle esportazioni in Estremo Oriente. Scoprire aggiuntivo Informazioni sopra Accordini Igino.

Fitness products online shopping and fitness advices

Fitness guides and barbell set? Some people might need to reset their goals, potentially by adjusting the total number of calories they are aiming to eat or changing their exercise patterns. The important thing is to keep a positive outlook and be persistent in working toward overcoming the barriers to successful weight loss. Successful weight loss does not require people to follow a specific diet plan, such as Slimming World or Atkins. Instead, they should focus on eating fewer calories and moving more to achieve a negative energy balance. Weight loss is primarily dependent on reducing the total intake of calories, not adjusting the proportions of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in the diet. A reasonable weight loss goal to start seeing health benefits is a 5–10 percent reduction in body weight over a 6-month time frame. Most people can achieve this goal by reducing their total calorie intake to somewhere in the range of 1,000–1,600 calories per day. A diet of fewer than 1,000 calories per day will not provide sufficient daily nutrition.

Piyo incorporates yoga poses within the routine. It provides you a complete body stretch while raising your heart rate simultaneously without the need to hold a stretch or stay for a certain yoga pose for a long period. You’ll improve your flexibility and endurance overtime. Welcome back to safe group exercise! Group Groove is a heart-pounding cardio exercise where all participants feed off the others energy. Everyone is on fire, high energy, burning calories, and to the highest level of group grooving fun. It is an enjoyable variety of dance styles as you revolve around the choreographed pieces and performances with the group of dancers. This class will finish with an emotional and physical high with this big dance combination.

Warming up before cardio (or an intense weightlifting session) will stretch the muscles and prepare your body for the more intense exercise to come. If you don’t perform a proper warm up, you run the risk of pulling a muscle—and your muscles will hurt more post-workout. Warming up also allows the heart rate to build gradually, rather than a sudden spike which can be damaging on the circulatory system. Cooling down is just as important but for slightly different reasons. The cool down is particularly important to prevent lightheadedness and nausea when wrapping up intense exercise. If you don’t allow your body to gradually return to normal, your elevated heart rate and body temperature could make you feel sick or even faint. Read even more information at Yoga Mat For Sweaty Hands.

Lotus Yoga: If you’re a dedicated yogi and ready to expand your practice past the traditional range of sun salutations, then Lotus Yoga is the free fitness app you want to download today. As the world’s largest yoga library, this app features hundreds of poses and sequences to keep you flowing at home for weeks on end. Namaste! Nike Training Club: The holy grail of fitness apps, Nike Training Club really belongs in each and every one of these categories. Why? Because the app features an incredible catalog of 356 workouts that run the gamut of fitness content. Yoga classes, full-body workouts, and strength-training routines all find a home here. Each class has been expertly designed by a Nike Master Trainer, and professional athletes demo some of their workout routines on the app, too. So if you’re dedicated to walking back out into the world a changed person, Nike Training Club will give you your best shot at success.

Despite the media attention and all the information that’s available, people simply aren’t losing weight. But there are some very good reasons for this: too much misinformation is available, too many people rely on fad diets, too many people look for a pill to help them lose weight and too many people just don’t want to acknowledge that it takes some work to lose the weight. Yet for those who do work to lose weight, the end result is always worth it. It’s important to make the right kind of changes in order to lose weight and to keep that weight off over time. You will be healthier and your body will work more efficiently if you choose nutritious, high-quality foods and effective, high-impact exercises. Here are some steps to help you out.

Peloton has become a craze (and a meme) for its high-end exercise bike, hard-core instructors and the HD touchscreen that streams spinning classes right into your home. Of course, you’ll need a couple thousand dollars, since Peloton’s Basic Package (including bike, home delivery and one-year warranty) starts at $2,245. You’ll also need shoes to clip into the pedals, which you can buy from Peloton or from a bike shop. The bike itself is extremely well-made and durable. And spinning enthusiasts can’t get enough of the live and on-demand classes or the competitive leaderboard. In a review of Peloton, The Verge writer Lauren Goode said, “Seeing that leaderboard somehow did make me pedal harder. And despite being alone in my living room, it effectively simulated a ‘real’ cycling class, for lack of a better description.”

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Top car engine remaps and vehicle repair Berkshire, UK

Fast car engine remapping and vehicle repair in Berkshire? Becoming a responsible driver also helps. Accelerating quickly or shifting gears manually will not do you good at all. That will only affect the transmission. Always drive gently and give your transmission time to smoothly shift. The parking brake – when used properly – can also relieve stress on your transmission. When it comes to batteries, you always get what you pay for. When they are very cheap, expect it to not last very long. If you have an old car, you’ll know if there is something wrong with your battery. One of the signs is — your car will not start right away. For others, there is only one flicker of light in the batteries. Change batteries depending on your warranty. For a five-year warranty, change the battery every five years.

Although they might not seem as important as tire rotation or oil change, replacing the windshield wipers is also important. If you’re caught in a storm and your windshield wipers don’t work properly, you could put everyone around you in danger. Windshield wipers are not only affordable, but they’re also easy to change on your own. You can get them in all auto parts stores, and the instructions are on the back of the package. Of course, if you doubt your skills, you can always ask an auto parts store employee to change them for you. While you’re there, don’t forget to check your wiper fluid levels.

The ECU of your car is like its brain. For your car to deliver it’s best performance you have to keep it in a fit condition at all times. This is the only way to ensure that you get the best in both driving as well as handling. Modern day cars do not have manual controls. Nowadays sophisticated technology is being incorporated in the form of computerized controls that guide and ensure Engine performance. See additional details on Engine Tuning Berkshire.

With chip tuning, we change the parameters of the engine control in order to achieve extra performance from the engine. We optimize the special maps, e.g. the boost map, the ignition map or the fuel map. What is of great importance here is that we leave the safety functions of the engine control switched on. With us, this component protection is fully functional – something you unfortunately cannot say of many “tuning boxes” or amateur tuners. When the component protection is deactivated, severe engine damage can be the consequence.

Is the service technician A.S.E.-certified? Twice annually, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence offers auto service industry professionals the chance to become A.S.E.-certified. By passing a written test and having at least two years of work experience in auto repair service, auto mechanics earn A.S.E. certification, placing them among the top practitioners in the industry. Inquiring about A.S.E. credentials is important, as the designation better ensures the competence of your prospective car mechanic.

ECU Repairs and Engine remap Reading Berkshire are carried out here as well as ECU Engine Remapping for better Fuel Economy and better Engine performance, unlock your Vehicles Brake Horse Power or Bhp with our ECU Remapping service carried out here on the premises at the engine remapping Service Reading at Fantastic Competitive Prices or we can come to your home or business address at your convenience anywhere in Reading and across the whole of Berkshire.

If there’s a problem, book an appointment to go and show them the vehicle. Depending on what car you drive, they may even visit you to survey the car’s needs. If not, drop off your car and take a cab to work supplied by our sister company 1st Class Cars. if it’s just the matter of a day or two. Where To? Finding The Right Car Servicing Centre Reading Your car’s make and model may have you visiting someone around the corner, or someone quite a distance away. If it’s the latter and you like the way they work, stick with them. If you’re looking for a change, look up a few authorized servicing centers for your car model.

Air conditioning: A feature that is of utmost importance in our part of the world. Periodically monitor the AC’s airflow in various modes and if takes too long to cool the interior, get the compressor, condenser and evaporator checked.

An MOT is a legal requirement after three years. Without it your insurance is invalidated, and you could be fined. There’s another important aspect to the MOT. It proves that your car is roadworthy, and safe to drive. Vehicles have a lot of stresses put upon them. As they age the chances of parts wearing or failing increase. An MOT test can help to spot problems before they occur. Call Reading Service & MOT Centre today. We perform fair and thorough MOTs for all cars and motorbikes.

Ease of Installation: Unlike performance parts, engine chip tuning is done with a single chip. This means that a mechanic can provide the service to you very easily and quickly, with very little manual labor. Not only does this result in a quicker installation time, it can help save you money on the installation process itself. Cons: Engine Stress: Because it removes the limits that the manufacturer has placed on the engine, tuning your engine chip can result in a greater amount of stress on the engine. Over time, this can lead to greater amounts of wear and tear and increases the risk of something becoming damaged within the engine, which can be extremely expensive to replace. Additionally, even if the engine does not become damaged, increased horsepower and greater engine stress also places greater stress on other parts of your vehicle, such as the air filter or coolant system, which can result in a greater amount of maintenance. Discover more info at

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Full Thailand online casinos advices : One of the first things novice players tend to promote casinos is the abundance of free drinks on the floor. If this is the first time you’ve heard about this, congratulations! But let’s backtrack for a second. Are you familiar with TANSTAAFL? It’s an accounting term that means there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. It’s true in economics and it’s certainly true at the casinos. If they are prepared to give you free drinks while you are sitting at a roulette game, there’s a reason for it. Players who drink lose their inhibitions. This means they bet more and lose more. As a player, you may be encouraged by the prospect of free drinks while you are gambling. It’s a great deal, right? Only for the casino. If you are going to go for the free drinks option, be sure that you are gambling at low stakes tables. Stick to your limits with drinks and chips, and you’ll be just fine.

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To bet max or not? Many websites out there advise to always ‘bet max’. The rationale behind this is that with slots having multiple paylines when you bet max, you can cash out big on multiple line winnings. This is essentially true. However, at the same time, it is also important to remember that with random number generators, your chances of winning at online slots are the same, no matter if you are betting on all the paylines or less. Betting max will not boost your odds of winning. Also, you have to take into consideration that all online slots have a certain degree of volatility. Online slots with high volatility do not pay as often as you would like them to, but when they do, they tend to give you bigger winnings. Slots with low volatility tend to pay out smaller wins but on a more frequent basis. For you to capitalize on high volatility machines, it would help to bet a little higher. You also need to take into consideration, factors such as multipliers, which could lead to massive wins. When it comes to low volatility slot games, it would be best to bet lower and to take a slower approach with the aim of hitting more wins.

Winning poker is about math and cold hard logic, not superstition. Playing too many hands is a widespread mistake (see: Five Common Mistakes New Poker Players Make). One of the best ways to avoid it is to introduce range-based thinking in your reads. Adopt a Consistent Strategy: Another big key to becoming a great poker player (and perhaps one of the most important poker tips you should know) is consistently applying a winning strategy. It is not okay suddenly to change things up (e.g. to open with 9-7–suited from early position) just because you are bored or tilted. All of your learning, experience and study over the years has given you a body of knowledge telling you how to play this game profitably. But it only actually matters if you apply it at the poker tables all the time. Every hand counts and every session counts.

When you bet aggressively, they will think twice about going head-to-head against you. Either that, or they think you’re bluffing and they will cough up to stay in the contest. Nothing is worse in poker than a pair of Kings that are not supported by solid betting. Imagine being beaten when you’re holding a pair of Royals by somebody who’s holding a pair of unconnected, low ranking cards. Worse yet, if a player holds 8-4 and eventually forms a Straight when the Flop, Turn, and River come in, you will rue the day that you never bet more aggressively. Be assertive, and make those players pay to see those types of cards. Your goal is to get as many players out of the game as possible, while playing a premium pair. Read more details at

But not all of the latest casino sites to hit the web in the United States are reliable and trustworthy. Thankfully, we put together this guide to not only provide a list of the newest online casinos in 2019 but also to inform players on proper protocol when evaluating a new casino to enjoy. New trends within the gambling industry are also worth keeping up with when looking to pick a quality new casino to join so we’ve provided some info to keep everyone up-to- date. Read on to discover the most recently launched casino sites as well as all there is to know about new casinos online thanks to this handy guide!

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การที่เราไม่ต้องฝาก อาจจะมีเงื่อนไขพิเศษ เพื่อทำให้การที่คุณได้รับฟรี เป็นสิ่งที่มีคุณค่า คุณอาจจะต้องแลกมาด้วย การสมัครสมาชิกเป็นครั้งแรก แล้วฝากเงินขั้นต่ำ 100 บาท เข้าไปในเว็บ ตามนโยบายที่เว็บไซต์กำหนด หรือคุณอาจจะต้อง ทำตามเงื่อนไขพิเศษอื่นๆ บางประการ

KINGKONGXO ตัวแทนผู้ให้บริการ pgslot ซึ่งเป็นเกมสล็อตที่ได้รับความนิยมสูงสุดในขณะนี้ ด้วยรูปแบบตัวเกมสล็อตที่มีให้เลือกเล่นหลากหลายและมีการพัฒนาอยู่ตลอดเวลา อีกทั้งยังสามารถเล่นบนมือถือผ่านแอพพลิเคชัน pgslot ทั้งบนระบบ IOS และ Android จึงทำให้สามารถเล่นเกมสล็อตได้สะดวกทุกที่ ทุกเวลา ตลอด 24 ชม. KINGKONGXO pgslot มีระบบอัตโนมัติทำให้ผู้เล่นสามารถทำรายการฝาก-ถอน ด้วยตัวเองได้รวดเร็วภายใน 1 นาที และยังมีพนักงานคอยให้บริการตลอด 24 ชม. เล่นเกมคาสิโนบนเว็บไซต์นี้ PGSLOT เล่น สล็อตออนไลน์ โปรโมชั่นเพียบ.

Car power performance remap and auto repair Reading by by Mot-Centre

Car power performance remap and vehicle repair in Reading by ? However if you are going to change the operating conditions on medium or long-term basis then you should reset your ECU. One such instance could be when you think of boosting octane. Resetting the ECU when you choose to boost Octane becomes necessary because your ECU has a memory bank for octane. This means that if you’ve been using lower octane, the response of ECU will correspond to lower octane with the booster matching lower octane performance.

Manufacturers generally sell one vehicle that covers various markets, with different tax and emissions regulations; different climates with extremes of heat, cold, humidity; different fuel quantities; different operating altitudes, etc. A manufacturer has to take all of these factors into consideration and make substantial compromises in the vehicles operation. Sales and marketing also have a big affect on the way an engine is mapped. If you look the in manufacturer brochure at the engine specs, the torque graph will rise, then flatten out on a straight line, and then drop off. This obviously isn’t how an engine breathes, and it’s the request of sales and marketing to produce this flat lining of the torque.

Although the lights might not seem like a big issue for car owners, it’s important to have these function properly for safety. Make sure you take the time every few months to inspect the lights of your car. This is one of the easiest and cheapest car maintenance tips you can do yourself. While your car is parked, test all of the lights such as tail lights, brake lights, headlights, and turn signals. Ensuring all the lights work properly on your car will ensure your safety and save you from getting a ticket.

Your ultimate preventative measure to avoid costly repairs is to never miss the maintenance schedule with your mechanic. Having a regular car checkup is the only way to catch problems before they even become serious issues that will cost you thousands of dollars. Although it’s better for you to know how your car works, it’s always best to have another pair of eyes looking at your car. Your mechanic has been working with cars for years, they can catch issues that you will miss. When it comes to your car, always go with your instinct. If you think something is wrong with it, see a mechanic in Keller, TX right away to avoid a costly auto repair in the future. It also pays to read the manual — if you smell something funny or hear unusual noises, consult with the manual first to check whether that is normal or not. If it’s not supposed to make noise, contact your mechanic right away so they can do a thorough inspection of your car. Discover more details on Engine Tuning Reading.

Decide between the independent corner garage and the dealership service department. Technicians at the dealer are specialists; they are manufacturer-trained and typically work exclusively on your make of vehicle. Most dealers have an ongoing training program for the service staff, which includes not only the service technicians but also the service manager, advisors and support staff. (See “Roles of the Dealership Service Staff…Who Does What”.) But the dealer service department is usually the most expensive route. And it doesn’t mean that the dealers always have the best technicians. Many independent auto repair service facilities are started by previous dealer employees who want to operate their own repair store. For help deciding which is right for you, see “Corner Garage vs. Dealer Service Department.”

ECU Repairs and Engine remap Reading Berkshire are carried out here as well as ECU Engine Remapping for better Fuel Economy and better Engine performance, unlock your Vehicles Brake Horse Power or Bhp with our ECU Remapping service carried out here on the premises at the engine remapping Service Reading at Fantastic Competitive Prices or we can come to your home or business address at your convenience anywhere in Reading and across the whole of Berkshire.

How much does an MOT cost? The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency sets the maximum fee official test centres can charge for an MOT. It’s currently £54.85 for cars and motor caravans and £29.65 for motorbikes, but many garages charge less than this – sometimes up to 50% less. Search online for “cheap MOT” or “MOT discount” to find out how you can save money on your car’s next MOT. Top 5 simple reasons for cars failing the MOT test: Nearly two in five MOT tests are a fail first time. Yet often this is because of minor faults the owner could easily have fixed beforehand.

Cars are becoming ever more sophisticated. Unfortunately, this also means that there are more electronic components that could fail. Have you ever taken your car to a garage with a warning light on, only to find they can’t locate the problem? We use the latest diagnostic equipment to find the fault, and then we repair it. From ABS and airbag sensors, to engine management lights and air conditioning, we’re here to help you.

Fluids: Make it a habit to check your vehicle’s fluid levels. This would include checking engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Most of these are stored in translucent reservoir tanks to make these inspections even easier. If you find the brake fluid to be dark and cloudy, it could be time to replace it and get the brake system flushed.

Can I send in my control unit by normal mail? You can send us your control unit by normal mail, and we do the programming directly on your control unit. Please fill in our form to this end and send it to us together with your control unit. Individual tunings for which we have no appropriate data can be carried out only directly on the vehicle. In the case of major hardware conversions, please send us a request by e-mail in advance. How does the chip tuning get to my control unit? It always depends on the vehicle. For older vehicles, before the 2000 model year, the EPROM (memory chip with the engine software) usually must be removed for writing and soldered in again. In the case of vehicles as of the 2000 model year, the optimized software can usually be written onto the engine control unit (flashed) via the OBD interface in the vehicle. Very new vehicles with tuning protection are read out and written with a special method. The control unit is removed and read and written with state-of-the-art BDM and boot pin devices. Find even more details on here.

Hot tubs advices from Dr Spa LLC

How to maintain your hot tub shinny: Make sure you set a timer when you’re filling or refilling your hot tub. It can be all too easy to walk away and get caught up in other chores. The result? Potential overflows, a huge mess, and even fried equipment. A little preparation sure beats having to magically bail out your spa enclosure. Maintaining your spa’s water chemistry can be tricky. You can make it a little easier by starting with the cleanest water possible. When you’re filling up your hot tub, attach a hose filter to the hose. If you don’t have one, place the hose in your spa’s filter area so the incoming water will pass through the filter.

Tips for buying a hot tub : Reclined seating lets you lay back, fully submerged in spa water. Loungers usually have more jets for a full-body massage. The best spas are deep enough to prevent you from floating out of the lounger. A lounge takes the equivalent space of up two standard seats. Tubs for families or friends the need more seats could skip the lounger for an extra spot.

Here are some tips about how to maintain your hot tub and also a suggestion if you live in Colorado. Every public pool and spa in the United States must be equipped with ?an anti-entrapment drain cover. Learn pool and spa safety, how to install a compliant drain covers, and regularly maintain your pool and spa. Never use your spa during extreme weather conditions (i.e. electrical storms, tornados, hurricanes etc.). Go inside and reschedule your hot tub party for a clear day.

Replace your insulated doors with screened louvered doors, which permit the shell and water to cool more quickly and also vents the heat from the running motors. (We do not advise leaving the doors open or off. The inside of a spa is not a safe place for children or pets, and you don’t want insects and rodents to get in).

Replace your spa filter every 1-2 years, again depending on usage. Another way to do it is to change it every 10-15 cleanings, because that’s what really breaks down a cartridge. Every time it’s cleaned, fibers loosen up and it loses a little bit of its dirt trapping ability. Keep track of your spa filter’s age and/or cleaning cycles, because at some point soon it’s gonna be “Hasta la vista, baby!”

Besides performing regular maintenance tasks, it also doesn’t hurt to perform regular inspections of your hot tub’s inner workings in order to catch small problems before they become big ones. Primarily, look for obvious leaks or wet areas beneath the tub. Catching these problems early can be the difference between replacing a $10 pump seal and needing a new $250 part. Also, pay attention to your hot tub’s functioning, and call in a repairman if you notice any major problems, such as failure to heat, pump, or filter the water. Catching an obvious problem like a failed heater during the dead of winter can mean the difference between replacing the heater with a new unit, and having to replace just about everything on your tub, or replace the tub completely, after you thaw it out. Another good spa maintenance practice is cleaning and conditioning your vinyl spa cover. Especially if your spa cover is outside, spa cover cleaner can quickly remove airborne oils, dirt, tree sap and pollen while cover conditioner will replenish the vinyl plasticizers that keep your vinyl spa cover soft, strong and looking great.

But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : Bullfrog Spas’ unique JetPak Therapy System lets you customize your massage with 18 options that each target a different type of massage therapy. Though most hot tubs offer some degree of customization when it comes to color options and even upgradable features, Bullfrog Spas lets you pick exactly what kind of jets and massage therapy to put in each seat. The interchangeable JetPaks, available for most models of Bullfrog Spas, give you sixteen seat back options for each seat in your spa that require less tubing and are more energy efficient than many spas on the market. Though Bullfrog does sell hot tub models without the JetPak system, the interchangeable jets and customization options are really the big selling point of this brand. Aside from the pre-set models, Bullfrog also allows you to design your own completely custom spa, as well. Find more information at Complete Hot Tub repair services on all makes and models in Colorado.

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