Author: Marian Vasilescu

Premium auto tyres online store in Reading

Best tyres online store in Reading? Driving a car of any kind is a passion and there are millions of people all around the world who are sharing this passion with great sincerity. Though this passion is similar for everyone irrespective of brand and model of the car, there are some differences in the attitude. People with the latest Sedans and SUVs are more passionate towards proper maintenance of their cars. That is where the demand of better type shop reading increases. The reasons are quite obvious. Though all car repairing shops and type shops claim to offer the service, there are certainly some differences.

A lot of people will be wondering where Bridgestone, Dunlop and Pirelli are, as I miss these out most years in the UHP segment. Well, the Bridgestone Potenza S001 seems to either have wear or wet grip issues, and while the S007 is now out, I’ve not seen it in any tests, or had any communication from Bridgestone about it. The Dunlop SportMaxx RT2 is a great tyre, but now a generation behind the top three as it came out with the Asymmetric 3, and the PZ4 P Zero is a VERY good tyre, but on average it just tests a little behind the Conti, Michelin and Goodyear trio, and on a personal note, I’m not the biggest fan of how it feels on the front axle.

BFGoodrich has participated in several competitions and has achieved success with 28 final victories at the Baja California Contest and 13 wins in the Paris-Dakar Rally. It is also the tire supplier for the 2006 and 2007 seasons of the World Rally Championship. When talking about top 10 tire brands in the world, we have to mention the Bridgestone, which is one of the most successful Japanese tire brands too. Bridgestone was founded in 1931 by Shojiro Ishibashi and the company specialises in manufacturing auto and truck parts. Discover extra information on

The model from the English Dunlop (today belongs to the American concern Goodyear) has an asymmetric tread pattern, wide longitudinal grooves for aqua resistance and is selected as the original factory equipment for many cars like Volkswagen Golf, Skoda Octavia, Jaguar XJ and others. It’s a proven and reliable way for safe driving on dry and wet asphalt. The model was introduced in the summer season of 2019 and is the base version for more “advanced” versions like Goodyear Eagle F1 SuperSport RS (the closest to sports tires) and Goodyear Eagle F1 SuperSport K (intermediate version).

Like some of the other tyres tested, the Toyo Proxes CF2 is now a few years old, but while several have stuck close to the winners, the Proxes is in need of an update. It has most obviously been surpassed in wet-weather performance, but was closer in the dry, where it came fourth around the handling track. That was despite it feeling a bit soft in comparison to most others, needing a bit more steering lock when committing to corners. This lack of response was also felt in wet tests, where patience was required before accelerating out of a corner and the car’s tail could be felt starting to slide. In the wet braking test, the Toyo took over eight metres further to stop than the top performer.

If you are looking for the best as well as most reliable car servicing for your vehicle, then you must rely on human expertise. Wheel Alignment Reading claims to have the best technicians in Berkshire who can make all the difference when it comes to serving and repairing your car. As far as the machines are concerned, the company never makes any compromise on that. Getting the right car servicing can be difficult on many occasions, but if you are a resident of Berkshire, then you can easily get that with Wheel Alignment Reading. Though we work on everyday basis, but we encourage our customers to get a prior appointment and then visit us with your car. It can save you time, and will help us to serve you better. Read extra info at

Best startup PR Agency by Trudy Darwin PR

Trudy Darwin PR or the growth of a tech PR agency in San Francisco? The second factor you should consider is the health of your social media marketing campaign. We all know just how important a strong social media presence can be for any new business and tech-related firms are no different. This is another area where a professional can make a difference, but there are some things that you can do on your own that can improve the health and effectiveness of your social media campaign. Sound interesting? To learn more about creating a more effective social media campaign for your tech startup, contact Trudy Darwin Consulting and speak with the Tech PR experts today.

Best tech PR trends for 2020 – 2021 ? Journalism and Storytelling – storytelling has been slowly growing in popularity among many tech startups as customers like to know that there are real people behind the brand. In 2020, we will see an increase in editorial storytelling, as this method of attracting media attention directly influences decision makers, where the standard press release does not.

TDC is thrilled to announce we have been shortlisted for two Global Marketing Awards in 2020 for Best Integrated Campaign and Best Global PR Campaign. The Global Marketing Awards recognize and celebrate the world’s very best marketing agencies and most innovative campaigns across all marketing channels, regardless of where an entrant is located across the seven continents. The awards will feature 36 categories, and winners will be announced virtually on October 15, 2020 in an online celebration of excellence. The judging panel comprises of several stellar marketing experts, many brand side marketers, who know what it takes to shine and succeed in a competitive world. A Global Marketing Award recognizes the best in world class marketing. Read more information on Best Tech PR Agency San Francisco.

Thought-leadership also begins by looking at the media as a customer, and by offering editors content that will interest their readership. Relevancy is key. Pitching an estate agency article idea about house prices to an IT magazine isn’t going to gain anyone any coverage unless there is a technology focus to the article. The next challenge is to write thought-leadership articles. Begin by discussing the challenges or issues; and then consider and propose the potential solutions. It should conclude by responding to the key argument of the article, answering why a particular solution should or should not be adopted. Alternatively, it should offer some predictions about future trends and what needs to be done to achieve the ambitions of a market, the needs of consumers, or the needs of an industry.

Trudy Darwin has been delivering successful business and technology PR campaigns for over 20 years in a variety of markets and industries. Based in London, England and the USA, she offers a unique aptitude for complex technologies, digital business theories and consumer trends. Her team of international journalists are writing for top publications and her team of digital media experts support campaign objectives. Together with certifications in SPIN® Selling and Certified Sales Specialist (MCSS) her team has the expertise to convert customers in a digital age. Find additional information at Trudy Darwin PR.

Journalism has changed dramatically in recent years. The evolution of social media and citizen journalism — when ordinary people report on newsworthy situations — there is often very little, if any, fact-checking. Because mainstream media is no longer our only source of news, professional journalists are faced with the challenge of credibility. There is no shortage of companies and startups who want coverage, but journalists rarely have the time to research, check for accuracy and write the compelling article you want and need them to. For this reason, we see a push from mainstream journalists for more vetted sources. Cision’s 2018 global State of the Media report found that globally, 75% of media say that ensuring content is 100% accurate is most important for their organisation, even more than being first to publish.

Top destinations au Vietnam

Des vacances sur mesure au Vietnam? L’embarras de la richesse géologique du Vietnam varie d’un pays à l’autre, du nord au sud. Au nord, la géologie karstique (calcaire) crée des merveilles naturelles comme la baie d’Ha Long et les nombreux lacs de Hanoi. Dans le centre du Vietnam, près de la ville de Mui Ne, les dunes de sable aux teintes rouges et blanches attirent les voyageurs curieux. Dans le sud, le delta du Mékong permet aux visiteurs d’observer un ancien mode de vie riverain et un habitat qui fournit beaucoup de fourrage aux biologistes – le delta a donné environ 10 000 nouvelles espèces depuis que les scientifiques ont commencé à étudier cette région.

Circuit Vietnam Cambodge journal: Après le petit-déjeuner, départ vers My Tho en plein cœur du Delta du Mékong, là où le fleuve se divise en de multiples canaux et arroyos. A l’arrivée, embarquement pour une croisière sur le Mékong jusqu’à Ben Tre. Escale pour la visite d’une fabrique de bonbons de coco, une excursion en calèche, dégustation de fruits exotiques, une croisière en barque à rame dans le canal de palmiers d’eau. Déjeuner en plein air dans un jardin où vous dégusterez la spécialité locale: le poisson « oreille d’éléphant », puis continuation vers Can Tho, principale ville du Delta du Mékong. Dîner libre.Nuit à Can Tho.

Nha Trang est la station balnéaire la plus populaire du Vietnam, située le long de la deuxième plus belle baies du pays. Il dispose de belles plages de sable fin et propre et d’eau de mer claire avec des températures douces. La ville compte environ 300 000 habitants et a un caractère plus vivant et urbain que d’autres destinations balnéaires comme Mui Ne et Phu Quoc. C’est aussi le centre de plongée sous-marine du Vietnam. Trouver encore plus détails sur sejour Vietnam.

Sud du Vietnam : Sai Gon est la ville la plus animée et chaotique du pays. Si vous souhaitez vous éloigner de ce chaos, nous vous recommandons de visiter les deux parcs Dam Sen ou Suoi Tien. Ces deux endroits ont beaucoup d’activités axées sur les enfants et c’est un excellent moyen de les garder actifs pendant vos vacances. Dam Sen est un parc aquatique avec des toboggans et des piscines pour les enfants tandis que Suoi Tien est un parc à thème des génies et des personnages de contes vietnamiens, cela semble étrange mais aussi très ludique. Le delta du Mékong est une destination familiale très agréable. Nous recommandons des circuits privées qui offrent des activités adaptées aux enfants: balade en sampan sous l’ombre des cocotiers, visite des ateliers de papier de riz, promenade dans des jardins potagers.

Entouré de montagnes luxuriantes couvertes de jungle, My Son est une ville-temple en ruine datant du 4ème siècle. Cet ancien centre religieux hindou était encore très utilisé au cours du 7e au 10e siècle et n’est tombé en déclin et abandon complet qu’au XIIIe siècle. Il y a environ 20 structures de temples encore debout ici, toutes construites en briques ou en blocs de grès et montrant des influences intéressantes de divers empires asiatiques, y compris indien et malais. Notez que les temples du groupe B sont les plus anciens, tandis que le groupe A contenait autrefois le monument le plus important du site mais a été délibérément détruit par les forces américaines pendant la guerre du Vietnam. Un bon musée sur place abrite de nombreuses informations sur le Cham. L’accès à My Son se fait depuis Hoi An.

Laenuleib ja laastutuli – ei need kaua kesta @ Jaan Kelder

Kelder arutleb: huvitav, kui kaua suudab rahatrükk maailmamajandust stimuleerida, ilma et vallanduks hüperinflatsioon ja selle järel traditsiooniline ühiskondlik kriis ehk poliitkorrektselt öeldes „kaasnevad sotsiaalsed pinged“?

Eesti valitsuse otsus eelarve tasakaal ELi suurte järel nii nominaalses kui strukturaalses arvestuses nurka visata on ühtepidi justkui mõistetav – kaua sa paja ühes ääres ikka rammusamat suppi üritad keeta kui ülejäänud osa juba lastakse lurriks minna. Aga teisipidi – kui nende miljarditega ei suudeta nüüd teha vajalikke taristu- ja nt. teadusinvesteeringuid, vaid lihtsalt jooksvate kulude katteks ära kulutatakse, on see ikka puhas lollus.

Aga lurriks asi läheb, sest ühtegi muud rohtu majanduskriisi vältimiseks, õigemini edasilükkamiseks, kui „kvantitatiivne lõdvendamine“ (Quantitave Easing) ehk sisuliselt lihtsalt rahatrükiga inflatsiooni tekitamine, ei ole suudetud leida.

Euroopa Stabiilsusmehhanismi ehk ESM-i eesmärgiks oli poliitilistel põhjustel eurotsooniga liituma saadud Kreeka ja teiste Lõuna-Euroopa riikide päästmine, jagades nende kohustused euroala riikide vahel garantiide võtmise teel proportsionaalselt kuni 40 aastaks laiali, aga koroonakriisi aegne stimulatsioonipakett ületab seda mahtu juba oluliselt. Sajad miljardid muudkui lendavad ja muid teid majanduse elushoidmiseks kui võlakoormuse kasv ei paista.

Kuhu see viib? Teadagi kuhu – kas hüperinflatsiooni või siis varade eriti ebavõrdse jaotumiseni ühiskonnas, tõenäoliselt aga nende mõlemani. Kus kokkuvõttes kaotavad usinad hoiustajad ja võidavad julged ja ka vähese vastutusvõimega laenajad. Seda nii piisava inflatsiooni kui ka (hetkel veel) hüpoteetilise rahandussüsteemi kokkukukkumise puhul, mille järel alustatakse, nagu ikka, puhtalt lehelt.

Asi peab ikka jama olema, kui juba isegi Warren Buffet ostab kulda, muutes oma kümnenditepikkuseid veendumisi. Väärismetallid ja bitcoin on saanud turvasadamaks neile, kes kõuekõmina järel ka reaalset üleujutust ootavad.

Mida me järeldame? Laenajate patud laotakse ikka hoiustajate kaela ning rumal võib tunduda see, kes enne seda laenu ei võta. Kogemused ja vanarahva tarkus on ununenud. Aga see ei tähenda, et ta end millalgi ise meelde ei tuleta.

Kes on Jaan Kelder?

Jaan Kelder on eraettevõtja, kes on rajanud ning haldanud nii suuremaid kui väiksemaid hooneid; reisisell, kel seljataga ligi 50 erinevat riiki kõigil mandreil; kaasalööja mitmes valdkonnas muusikast kogukonnaaktivismini.

Poliitiliselt on Kelder üsnagi tsentris, väikeste variatsioonidega – kui usaldada viimase Riigikogu valimiste eel tehtud valijakompasside määratlusi.Jaan Kelder on lisaks välja andnud mitmeid teemakohaseid publikatsioone. Võimalusel katsub Jaan Kelder Eestit ja selle inimesi aidata niikuidas oskab, on toetanud ka heategevust välismaal. Kelder peab keskkonnateemat ja sellest tulenevaid probleeme (sh. migratsiooni) oluliseks, aga loodab samas, et Eestil õnnestub vaatamata kõigele jääda siiski Eestiks. Meedias loodaks Jaan näha, et ajakirjanikel oleks rohkem meeles Juhan Peegli soovitus oma õpilastele: “Ajakirjanik sa võid olla, inimene sa pead olema.”

High quality garage door repairs in Brookhaven

Premium garage door repairs in Blue Point? With our services, garage door repairs can be taken care of not only affordably but efficiently! Whether you’re looking for parts, repair or a complete garage door service, you’ve come to the right place! We offer free estimates throughout the Long Island area. Looking for a repair or installation of a particular brand? No problem, we work with all brands of garage door parts and equipment. If your garage door is not functioning properly it can be a hazard to you or your family.

The 3240 1/2 HP Screw Drive Garage Door Opener is smooth-running, even in the most extreme temperatures, and is the perfect choice if you want the latest advancements in smooth-running performance with a completely maintenance-free drive system. Our engineers replaced the two-piece plastic liner and aluminum rail system with a stronger, simpler one-piece galvanized steel rail, resulting in reduced friction and eliminating binding and the need for lubrication. And the 1/2 HP motor is equipped with our patented Motor Vibration Isolation System (MVIS®) to reduce noise and provide smooth operation year after year.

Heavily visited areas such as retail stores, pharmacies and hospitals often need the security that the Allura® shutter door offers as well as the flexibility in the aesthetic options to match the surrounding environment. These door systems incorporate innovative design elements that enable fast installation and ensure smooth operation for enhanced door life. Key features include quick-connect components that simplify installation without sacrificing strength. A single, through-hole universal guide can be installed quickly and easily in concrete, masonry, steel or wood — and it requires minimal sideroom. Find additional information at Garage Door Repairs Blue Point.

Improve your home’s appearance and energy efficiency with JD Garage Doors Gold Series insulated garage door, available in nominal 24 gauge steel with full polystyrene insulation providing strength, interior beauty and great insulating value. All of our steel series doors are installed with our unique white section support system and are designed for beautiful, long-lasting performance.Choose from short panel or long panel designs available in white, almond, brown and sandstone. You may choose to further enhance your home’s beauty by added optional designer windows to your new door. JD’s Gold Series doors deliver beauty and energy efficiency without breaking the bank.

Has your garage door stopped working? Call us today for a Free Estimate and see why we are the best professionals for your job. We specialize in garage door installation and repair, garage door openers, broken spring repair, cables, pulleys, rollers and weather seals. JD Garage Doors Will Go Above And Beyond For You Always. We pride ourselves in providing exceptional service to every customer and helping them with all of their garage door needs. We have a full line of all major brand garage doors and garage door openers in stock to fit everyone’s budget and needs. At JD Garage Doors we are more than just quality product, we are dedicated to customer satisfaction! My garage door opener broke at 1:00 PM. By 5:00 PM a new one was installed and operating. That is what I call terrific service. It’s refreshing today to find a business that is all about service. The owner, Joe and his assistant were knowledgable and polite. Discover even more details on

Content planning strategy and content marketing tips

Planning great website content with content marketing guides? Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing content for a target audience. The content aims at being valuable, relevant, and (ideally) consistent. Its ultimate goal is to drive a profitable customer action. The crucial part here is “valuable” and “relevant”. This is what tells content marketing apart from traditional spammy advertising. The target audience should want to seek the content out and consume it. In the broader sense, content marketing is part of every other digital marketing activity, be it social media marketing, SEO, or email marketing. Quality content should be the core of every other marketing activity you pursue. Some examples of content marketing include: blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, white papers, case studies, ebooks.

Providing good local content directed at solving problems for your target market will increase the value of your local SEO campaign. If your content serves to help your target audience and give them valuable resources and information, this will increase the overall effectiveness of the content. There is no point in churning out average content to simply tick a box. In order to make an impact on local SEO, the content must be well-written and geared towards helping the local audience.

Letting old or incomplete content sit for years is like getting a pet rock and expecting it to do tricks for your guests(we love the pet rock analogy at 95Visual). Give your website the attention it deserves by keeping pages updated as your business grows and it will serve your customers better as time goes on. This includes making sure contact info, relevant service pages, and the About page are accurate no matter what quarter it is. For those that need new website content and will be writing it themselves, we have some tips for planning it all. Find extra info at Planning Website Content.

Some guest blogging eLearning industry sites also share posts on their social media pages. Thereby maximizing your social media exposure. Readers who may not regularly check the website are more likely to see your content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. You can also engage with readers in the comments section to answer questions and gather feedback. As well as track engagement to see which posts outperform others. Such as those that earn the most likes or generate the most discussion.

Guest blogging is one of the best online marketing strategies you can invest in. If you want to spread your brand’s message and win the trust of your target audience, start contributing content to other blogs related to your market or niche. Not convinced you should work hard writing content for someone else’s site? You should know that guest blogging offers many major benefits – both for your company and you, personally.

Each year has presented opportunities for our team to grow, so we have had the pleasure of adding team members whose hearts are bursting with a desire and talent for branding, web design, and web development. To be a part of the 95Visual team means to constantly pursue ways to learn more about their craft and develop it into an even finer tuned talent. The next time you are looking for a company to assist you with your business’ branding, website, or marketing needs, remember that 95Visual is here for you. Discover extra details at

Medical marijuana dispensaries near me

CBD oil dispensaries near me? Find local cannabis dispensaries, marijuana dispensaries near me, weed deliveries, and medical marijuana doctors where you can buy marijuana, seeds, clones, get a medical marijuana card, and more! What is a marijuana dispensary? There are marijuana dispensaries because federal law prohibits the prescription and filling of cannabis in pharmacies. What’s a marijuana dispensary without weed? Weedmaps shows a location specializing in selling cannabis products and educating the public on safe consumption. So, if you need any type of cannabis product, you want to go to a the marijuana dispensary near me Depending on the state you are in, there are both recreational marijuana dispensaries and medical marijuana dispensaries. We’re going to go over to a san diego dispensary to ask the differences between the two and all you should know about the closest marijuana dispensary near by.

How do you use CBD oil? The best way to take CBD oil is by using a dropper to place the oil directly under the tongue and then holding the oil there for 30 – 60 seconds. CBD enters the bloodstream quicker this way. Once swallowed, CBD must go through the digestive system. It’s easy to find your dosage with the dropper that comes with CBD tinctures; however, these droppers can be poorly made depending on the company. Some droppers leak while others do not show any measurements, so you don’t know how much you’re taking.

People are turning to CBD as a natural alternative to harsher pharmaceuticals usually prescribed for depression and anxiety. Side effects to prescription antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications include sedation, headaches, nausea, sexual dysfunction, and more. It’s critical to speak to your physician before stopping any prescribed health regimen for depression or anxiety. Stopping antidepressants cold turkey can be dangerous. Furthermore, taking CBD while taking other medications could nullify the positive effects of prescription medications.

What is CBD oil made of? Each brand makes their CBD oil differently. For one, the hemp strain that is used to create the CBD will be different between brands. To aid in absorption, CBD must be suspended in a carrier oil, including medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. MCT oil is basically coconut oil. Other oils used are avocado oil, vegetable glycerin, olive oil, and hemp seed oil. Companies can also add flavoring or additives for additional benefits that can be either artificial or natural. Some brands add essential oils, fruit juice concentrates, cane sugar, vitamins, or minerals.

THC edibles are one of the most popular cannabis products available, specifically THC gummies, after talking to the dispensary near me and reading articles online. This store locator functions similar to weed maps. Sifting through all the different THC gummies can be fun when shoping at recreational weed near me, but we suggest you try our Budderweeds products if you want to save time and money buying edibles at a dispensary open near by. My favorite weed shop near me has the best Budderweeds marijuana edibles in California. Read even more info at Store Locator.

Watch out for companies that make explicit health claims. The FDA prohibits companies from doing this because the FDA does not recognize CBD as a cure or treatment for any symptom or condition. Steer clear of any company that makes any unequivocal claims. Being a savvy shopper is critical when it comes to CBD. Do your due diligence on a company and their CBD oil. The more transparent a company is, the better. You want to know what’s going into your body. But you also want to go the extra mile and know how the CBD is being processed and how the hemp is grown. Hemp is an excellent bioaccumulator, which means that it easily absorbs whatever’s in the soil it grows in, including pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

High quality hymen reconstruction medical procedure clinic India

Best hymen reconstruction surgery health clinic in India? This is a medical procedure of stitching a broken hymen. Since the loss of virginity is considered as taboo in India, there are a few who take the manmade way of regaining back their virginity. Medically known as hymenoplasty, this surgery involves post-surgery swelling and less pain that can last for a couple of weeks. Re-establishing a broken hymen can b a way to restore confidence among young women who had lost their virginity due to a sports activity or premarital intercourse. A hymenoplasty medical procedure has less side and is done for the purpose of reconstructing a broken hymen. The below-listed information will give you an insight into how this surgery is done.

The entrance to the vagina is closed by connective tissue, which is commonly known as the hymen. Different girls have different types of hymens depending on the individual physiological peculiarities such as location, width and thickness. As per doctors and medical experts, the main function performed by the hymen is to protect the vagina from the penetration of bacteria. So, it is not only a symbol of virginity but also protects and preserves the health of women. The first sexual intercourse, tampons, extreme physical activities, etc, are the main reasons for the loss of virginity. There are a good number of females who want to restore their virginity to woo their male partner, avoid shame and negative remarks, and experience vaginal orgasm at all the times during sexual intercourse. Religious, moral, ethical considerations also lead women to go for this operation.

The hymen is a small piece of mucosal tissue that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It forms part of the vulva, or external genitalia, and is similar in structure to the vagina. There are many reasons for a woman’s hymen to break/tear. Contrary, to popular belief, sexual intercourse is not one of the common causes of breaking the hymen. Some of the common causes for the hymen to break are due to the woman indulging in sports, dance and using tampons. Therefore, the hymen being intact does not indicate the status of the woman’s virginity. Discover more info on Hymen reconstruction surgery.

What is the Recovery Time? The surgery can be expected to take anywhere from one to two hours depending on the amount of repair needed. Though this is a clinical procedure with no hospital stay necessary, and women may return to work the next day, strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided. During the first 48 to 72 hours, there may be some slight bleeding, but this is perfectly normal. Full healing takes approximately six weeks. There will be no visible signs of surgery and it will be impossible to tell the difference between a natural hymen and a reconstructed one. At this time, the reconstruction process will be complete and all the sensations associated with virginal, first time sex may be experienced.

Her illustrious career started at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, from where she completed her MBBS as well as her Masters in Obstetrics and Gynecology. After practicing Obstetrics for a few years, her interest in Laparoscopy and Cosmetic Gynecology led her to gain training all over the world. Her diplomas in Minimal Access Surgery, Minimal Invasive Surgery, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and Cosmetic Gynecology from USA, France and Germany set her apart as one of the most qualified people in her field. See additional details on

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