Author: Marian Vasilescu

The perfect career advancement with speaking classes

Fear of speaking in public can be a major obstacle if you want to develop your career. Here are some public speaking advices and a suggestion if you are searching for a public speaking course. Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It. Keep the focus on the audience. Gauge their reactions, adjust your message, and stay flexible. Delivering a canned speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of or confuse even the most devoted listeners. Let Your Personality Come Through. Be yourself, don’t become a talking head—in any type of communication. You will establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust what you have to say if they can see you as a real person.

The most important part of a successful presentation happens before you even start talking. Once you do begin speaking, you will be thankful for your fastidious preparation and practice. Create your presentation with lots of time to spare and make notes on all of the points you want to make for each slide. This time will help you ensure that all the materials you need exist and allow for plenty of practice. If you are going to use a handout, then make sure you have these ready in advance (this is also a useful backup in case of technical difficulties). Give your presentation to the mirror, your partner/mum/housemate, video camera. Get feedback and watch the recording. Establish where your difficulties lie and any bad habits you might have. Fix them with more practice or by altering the talk. If there are any difficult to pronounce words or technical jargon, then make sure you can say them. The correct pronunciation and knowledge of industry language will give you credibility. See extra info Career advancement.

Practice in front of a mirror. Practicing in front of a mirror is a good way to learn the proper amount of body motion, hand usage and facial expressions. Take every opportunity to speak. The only way to get better at anything is to do it all the time. Rehearsing is good, but nothing compares to actually getting up in front of an audience and doing it for real. Practice body language and movement. Remember, communication is much more about tone and body language than the words we say. The words of course matter, but emphasis comes with movement and body language.

What people say ? “Do you HATE public speaking? Are you TERRIFIED to stand in front of people? When you think of speaking, do you get nervous, anxious, even sweaty? You don’t have to be afraid any longer. This book can help you. You will learn 7 strategies you can begin today. These strategies will give you a new perspective, they will prepare you, and they will give you actions to practice. As you implement these strategies, your fear will begin to fade.” The amount and quality of instruction and tips that Mike Acker gives in this book were way beyond my expectation. He really delivers a slam-dunk primer on how to get yourself prepared to speak without fear. The Amazon book can be obtained here: Public speaking coach ebook.

Make mistakes intentionally: This is another trick I encourage you to try. Once I “accidentally” dropped my notes on the floor, and while picking them up, I warned the audiences that the presentation will be more confusing after this. I heard some laughter from the floor. The idea is to gain control of your audience. If you can make them laugh and be more interactive with you, your presentation will have that casual feel to it which will make it more memorable than others. Ultimately you will find it easier to do.

Mike’s training stretches from private Spanish speaking schools in Mexico, national college debate tournaments, master classes in cultural leadership, certifications in coaching, and his current MBA. Mike has been a professional speaker for 18 years and has spoken to groups of 10 to 10,000. Source:

Pain treatment for hemorrhoids problems

Topic for this article : Pain treatment for hemorrhoids problems. Seek topical relief for hemorrhoids. Over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams containing a local anesthetic can temporarily soothe pain. Witch hazel wipes (Tucks) are soothing and have no harmful effects. A small ice pack placed against the anal area for a few minutes can also help reduce pain and swelling. Finally, sitting on a cushion rather than a hard surface helps reduce the swelling of existing hemorrhoids and prevents the formation of new ones.

Over-the-counter ointments and creams, like Preparation H, can be found in almost every drug store and can offer immediate relief. Some can even reduce swelling and help your hemorrhoid to heal faster. If you use a cream with hydrocortisone, though, don’t use it for more than a week at a time. Using toilet paper after a bowel movement can aggravate existing hemorrhoids. Wipes can help keep you clean without causing further irritation. For an added boost, you can find wipes with soothing, anti-hemorrhoid ingredients, like witch hazel or aloe vera. Make sure that the wipes you choose don’t have alcohol, perfume, or other irritants in them. These substances could aggravate symptoms instead of relieving them.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? Many anorectal problems, including fissures, fistulae, abscesses, or irritation and itching, also called pruritus ani, have similar symptoms and are incorrectly referred to as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids usually are not dangerous or life threatening. In most cases, hemorrhoidal symptoms will go away within a few days. Although many people have hemorrhoids, not all experience symptoms. The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. However, an internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful. This is known as a protruding hemorrhoid.

Ok. Not bad. I would give this product about an 8. It took about 1 week before I felt results. I`d buy it again if my hems got bad in the future. Totally had a very positive experience with ClearMed. The product is wonderful! It help me with external hemorrhoids that were bleeding on and off. Very good product if you have bleeding hemorrhoids. Before ClearMed, I tried three other products that never worked, and just made my problem worse. ClearMed worked right off the bat! You can feel this product actually working after the 4th dosage. I give this product a ten. Will buy again if needed.

Having issues and searching for advices about hemorrhoid cream ? Step up the fiber. “The most important thing is to add fiber to your diet,” Dr. Wolf says. This is best done with foods that help hemorrhoids, but some people find they need to take a fiber supplement to get 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day. To start, try a psyllium husk fiber supplement, such as Metamucil or a generic equivalent. If psyllium causes gas or bloating, try a supplement containing wheat dextrin or methylcellulose.

The ClearMed product has finely milled preparations that works well together to heal and reduce hemorrhoidal swelling. ClearMed seemed to get a very good feedback for healing bleeding hemorrhoids as well.The ClearMed company has been around since 1999 with a solid track record. Another very good quality about ClearMed is that it`s completely safe with no reported side effects. ClearMed is a triple action therapy and hemorrhoid management system – it combines prescription strength ingredients in a system that works together to rapidly shrink hemorrhoid tissue. Individual ingredients are well-researched and have been specifically chosen for even the most difficult cases of hemorrhoids. Developed in 1998, this unique hemorrhoid fighting system combines finely milled preparations to gently soothe and reduce inflammation within 5-7 days. Read more info at How to treat hemorrhoids.

Tecna electrode holder reduced diameter

Projection welding can be used on low-carbon, low-alloy and stainless steels, as well as on aluminum. Typically, thicknesses up to 0.125 in. (3.18 mm) can be joined. Thin workpieces–from 0.010 in. (0.25 mm) up to 0.022 in. (0.56 mm)–may require special equipment. Below 0.010 in. (0.25 mm), resistance spot welding is recommended, because on this thin material the projections would collapse before the fusion temperature is reached. While projection welding can be less expensive than resistance spot welding, workpiece alignment is more critical, and heights of projections with simultaneous welds need to be closely controlled– typically, within 0.003 in. (0.08 mm) of each other.

One alternative to plug welding is “MIG spot welding”. It is similar to plug welding, although a hole is not drilled in the front sheet of metal. Instead the power of the MIG is relied upon to fully melt the top sheet and penetrate into the back sheet. This technique would require less preparation work than plug welding, but the two sheets need to be in tight contact and high amps used to complete the weld or else the weld could be very weak. Plug welding is a much more suitable technique for all but the most experienced welders.

Where is Spot Welding Used? Spot welding has applications in a number of industries, including automotive, aerospace, rail, white goods, metal furniture, electronics, medical building and construction. Given the ease with which spot welding can be automated when combined with robots and manipulation systems, it is the most common joining process in high volume manufacturing lines and has in particular been the main joining process in the construction of steel cars for over 100 years. See more details at Spot Welder.

What type of sheets can be welded? Rust-free, non-painted sheets of the same or different metals can be welded provided they are compatible alloys with a very similar melting point. Metals such as stainless steel, aluminium, steel alloys and galvanized steels can be spot welded, subject to operating adjustments (current, welding time, intensity of compression). Note that the coating on galvanized metals tends to clog the electrodes – which must be cleaned regularly!

BCGA CP7/CP47 regulations advices

Your employer has a ‘duty of care’ to make sure, as far as possible, your health, safety and welfare while you’re at work. They should start with a risk assessment to spot possible health and safety hazards. They have to appoint a ‘competent person’ with health and safety responsibilities usually one of the owners in smaller firms, or a member of staff trained in health and safety.

A carbon monoxide detector, which can be purchased for around £20, can alert you to the presence of carbon monoxide in your home. You should ideally place one in every room where gas is being burned-for example, in the kitchen near a gas hob or beside a boiler. Opt for an audible detector, which works much like a smoke detector, alerting you via a loud noise. Be sure to test the detector regularly and replace the batteries as needed.

The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) Code of Practice 7 (CP7): The Safe Use of Oxy-fuel Gas Equipment (Individual Portable or Mobile Cylinder Supply) and Code of Practice 47 (CP47) The Safe Use of Individual Portable or Mobile Cylinder Gas Supply Equipment provide guidance on maintenance and recommend, for example, that regulators and flashback arrestors are checked annually, both visually and functionally, by a competent person and replaced every five years. See extra details on CP7 Gas Inspections.

Keep ventilation clear and unblocked. Ventilation for gas appliances can include chimney flues and air vents and bricks. Black soot marks appearing on an appliance can be a sign that the ventilation is blocked. Properly fit a carbon monoxide detector: Carbon monoxide is a highly dangerous colourless and odourless gas, making it difficult to detect until it’s too late without a carbon monoxide detector. All homes containing gas appliances should have a detector, which can be bought from most DIY stores and are readily available to buy online. When choosing an alarm, make sure that it meets European safety standards.

Online business research

One of the most subtle forms of determination is tenacity as a private truth, says Foursquare Co-founder Dennis Crowley. To wit, casual observers probably don’t know that the Foursquare team has been defining itself as a location intelligence company with partnerships with Snap, Twitter or Apple Maps, but rather continue to evaluate it by its consumer apps’ usage metrics. As a founder, you will likely find yourself in your early years, sitting on business data or strategy that you can’t yet share. That’s the moment, Crowley says, to double down and stay true to your big idea. “Repeat what you’re doing every week at the company meeting. Remind each other. Explain how you define success, and reinforce that internally.”

Looking at the history of startups, it is often clear that most businesses will fail within the first 18 months. The reason behind the same is that people don’t know how hard it is to become a successful entrepreneur. No one can promise that your business will definitely bloom, but with these considerations, your journey will become smooth towards the success. Extra info can be read on Online business research.

Build a good team. Yes, you must be the brain of all activities and decisions, but your team matters too. Without it, the work cannot be completed, and the desired success will be delayed. So make sure you have professional people around you who are doing well in their field and who can help give your company added value. Once you have the team, start with the beginning! Focus on the image. What you do, your actions matter most. Thus, you take care of the image that you post, because in the end you represent your company and you are solely responsible for it. But do not try to look like someone who you are not, because you will seem fake and you will not inspire confidence. On the contrary, choose to be yourself, honest and open and people will appreciate this. Perhaps the least interesting activity of an entrepreneur is the one regarding the legal and tax aspects, but these are essential both for the success of the business and for the peace of the entrepreneur. In addition, it is much more difficult and costly to try to repair such mistakes later, so together with your consultant or your accountant and notices are needed, which is the tax regime, etc.

Take any opportunity to network and learn from more experienced executives, as well as to be mentored and coached by some of them. Further, exposure to specific meetings, boardroom discussion, and strategic planning would be utterly beneficial. – Izabela Lundberg, Legacy Leaders Institute Source:

Corporate travel agent in Mumbai

Let’s talk indoor and outdoor corporate event organizer in Mumbai. River Runner: A business exercise that takes you on an incredible commercial run. Each team operates as a rafting company that embarks on one of the largest rivers in the world. Board your team! A team building activity can have a very strong impact on participants, from increasing productivity, creating a connection and removing barriers between participants to energizing and entertaining teams.

Wine is fine! It’s all autumn and we started picking, we propose a relaxing and interesting activity! We will find out everything we need to know about the history and tradition of wines in Romania, notions of wine-food pairing, rules of service and many other details. Of course, the favorite part will be working in the team, that is, combining different types of wine to create their own flavor! See extra info on Corporate travel agent Mumbai.

When organising an event for a business there are some areas to consider which aren’t always that obvious. Here are our tips on what makes for a good corporate event and how to facilitate lots of different elements – including networking, fundraising, celebrity guests and social media shareability. The first step in organising your company’s event is to decide its purpose. Most events start as a company objective, such as “reward employees for a year of hard work”, or something externally facing such as “engage with potential investors”. The purpose of the event will determine which type of event you throw and who will be invited.

Team outdoor events provide a good opportunity for the team to re-energize. Nature Knights Camp provides a thrilling break from routine with exciting adventure activities like rock climbing, sailing, paragliding, fishing, caving, and white water rafting and snorkeling amongst other things. It is located near Lonavala, a three hours drive from Mumbai. They offer tents with camping mats as well as sleeping bags and great food. Find ample opportunities for games and recreation here. You can relax with a campfire, breakfast with nature, barbeques, star gaze and take amazing pictures to remind you of the wonderful times spent here.

Here is another top location for team outing activities. Situated just 16 kilometres from Panchgani, Mahabaleshwar is the highest hill station in the Western part of the country. Arthur’s Seat and Elephant’s Head Point offer some breath-taking views. You can go boating in the Venna lake, or enjoy scenic drives around town. The Pratapgad fort and the Mapro garden are also very much worth a visit to delve into some history and fruity goodness. Being a much bigger town than some of the other hill-stations, there are plenty of luxurious hotels and resorts that offer plenty of opportunities to de-stress and unwind from the buzz of daily life. There are also plenty of eateries to appease your taste buds and nightclubs to party your troubles away! Source:

Peter Brown plumbing & heating Co opens improved plumbing & heating services offer in London

Peter Brown opens new beautiful bathrooms product in Harrow. Here are some home heating, plumbing and energy saving recommendations from Peter Brown, a proud to be a well respected, reliable and family run plumbing, boiler and central heating expert in Harrow offering fantastic levels of service.

If you need an experienced, reliable and trusted boiler installation expert in Harrow offering free competitive quotes then we can help. Peter Brown Plumbing and Heating have been installing and replacing boilers since 1970. We are approved by the Gas Safe Register and are a member of the Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors so we can ensure the quality of our work. Read our genuine customer reviews at the bottom of the page so you can read about our excellent reputation. There are a number of factors to consider before choosing a new boiler for your needs such as knowing how much hot water you use, how much space you have and so on. So the boiler you want installed will very much depend on your individual requirements and circumstances. At Peter Brown Plumbing & Heating we will advise you of your options and the most suitable central heating system for your needs. Prices for boiler replacement vary and can range from £600 to £3,000. This is dependant on many differing factors including what type of boiler it is, the size of the boiler and any additional costs that may result from the installation itself. You can read about the most popular types of boilers we install below. We also can help you save up to £300 a year with high-efficiency gas boilers. Read extra details at

Don’t undo your work by having an inefficient loft hatch, says Potter. “Some people might have a lovely insulated loft but the loft hatch might be an old timber one that’s not insulated,” she says. Insulating it can be done with same self-adhesive strips as for window and doors. It’s also worth checking that none of your roof tiles is loose or missing. “If you have loose tiles or a damaged roof then you’re going to get water that can get into your loft and as soon as the insulation gets wet it loses its efficiency,” she says. Although the difficulty of checking may be the biggest obstacle, if it’s safe to do so then a single tile or so can be relatively cheap to replace.

Top-up your loft insulation: The majority of homes have some loft insulation but many don’t have enough. The recommended depth is 270mm. Cost: Topping up your loft insulation from 120mm to 270mm could cost around £240. Saving: Topping up your loft insulation from 120mm to 270mm will help stop warmth escaping through the roof and could save around £12 a year.

If you are looking for a reliable, professional and expert underfloor heating system installer in North West London and surrounding area, then we can help. Our specialist team can install and repair wet systems. For many homeowners, radiators are not an ideal solution. They take up far too much wall space and much of the extra heat they generate is often blocked off partly or fully by furniture that’s put in front of it. You end up paying a lot of money to heat the back of your sofa while you and your family feel the need to put extra clothing on to keep warm. Underfloor heating is a solution that more and more Harrow homeowners are turning to so that they can keep their rooms at the temperature they want and to rid their walls of unsightly radiators. To find out if it’s suitable for your home, why not get in touch with us and speak to a Peter Brown underfloor heating installer? Underfloor heating – what is it and what are its benefits? Peter Brown’s underfloor heating installers specialise in wet systems which pump hot water through the pipes under your floor. When your Peter Brown underfloor heating installer visits you, you can discuss with them the system that’s better for you. We only install electric (dry) underfloor heating in bathrooms that will be tiled over as it is generally too expensive to run in large areas. For more information click here to make an enquiry or call 020 8863 1155. Why do homeowners invest in underfloor heating? The heat from the underfloor pipes rises to provide warmth to your home and the temperature is fully controllable. You can choose the temperature you want for each room in which you’ve installed your underfloor heating system. Energy experts agree that underfloor heating means lower energy bills because they don’t have to work as hard to provide you with the warmth you want as radiators do. Which rooms can I install underfloor heating in? The most popular rooms for underfloor heating installation among Peter Brown customers are the bathroom, bedrooms, the kitchen, and the living room. We’re being asked more and more by clients to retrospectively fit underfloor heating in their conservatories so that they can get better use out of them during the colder months. Read more info on Underfloor heating installers London.

Once dinner comes out of the oven, we all close the door again. But why waste that heat? Leave the oven door open and let the heat transfer slowly into your kitchen, it’ll help keep your house warm while you eat. And, naturally, keep the kids away from the door. Wooden floors might look lovely but they can also let heat escape from right under your feet. Putting down a warm rug covers up the gaps and ensures your toes stay toasty.

Carpet cleaning Hope Mills

Discount pros depend on making volume sales rather than establishing ongoing client relationships. They typically spray soap on your carpet, suck up the water and are gone in 30 minutes. These services leave behind a soap residue that will actually attract dirt to your carpet. Those “three rooms for 50 bucks” offers also get them into your house so they can sell you high-priced add-ons like spot removal and deodorizers—services that quality pros include for free. Quality pros charge according to the type of carpeting, the services you need and the size of the job. The entire process can take one to three hours.

If you want a team of professional tile and grout cleaners who have the knowledge and experience to get the job done right the first time, call the professionals at Brighter Image Carpet Care today. Our team will come out, inspect your tile and grout and provide expert cleaning and sealing. Keeping your homes tile and grout clean can be hard work, but it doesn’t have to be. We recommend having your tile and grout professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months to ensure a durable finish and long lasting shine and to preserve your tiles natural beauty. Why not safeguard your investment and give our team a call today? Count on us for all of your commercial and residential hard surface cleaning needs.

Some cleaning tips: Use tights to stop your vacuum cleaner hoovering up coins: Don’t throw away those laddered tights! Save money and precious small objects by using the foot of a pair of tights over your hoover nozzle. It will catch any change, hair bands and other bits and bobs before they get sucked away. Clean your microwave naturally with a cup of water: If your microwave is looking a little unsanitary after one too many food explosions, don’t panic – it can be cleaned for free in just a jiffy. Just pop a heat-proof cup of water with half a lemon and its juice in the microwave on a high setting for a minute or two. 1. Leave the mixture in the microwave with the door closed for 5 minutes for the steam to do its work, then easily wipe down the inside of your microwave. The lemon will leave your entire kitchen will smell clean and fresh! Extra details at green carpet cleaning in Fayetteville NC.

Encapping is a very low moisture or “dry” type of cleaning that uses polymers to encapsulate and crystallize stains and dirt for immediate vacuuming. These polymers act like small sponges. The crystals absorb and hold dirt and soil to be vacuumed out, leaving no sticky residue and providing a deep clean. For the past few decades, encapsulation has gained popularity and garnered a reputation for both commercial and residential carpet cleaning. The benefits of encapsulation carpet cleaning are much faster dry times, no sticky residue and affordable cost. This process is ideal for those looking for a maintenance cleaning or “touch up” in between steam cleanings.

Why Should You Call Brighter Image Carpet Care? Protect Your Home – Our crew uses corner guards to protect your walls, floor coverings to protect your wood floors and our popular Seal-A-Door. We also protect any furniture that is moved with plastic tabs or styrofoam blocks. Clean carpets demand professional attention, but you don’t want just anyone coming into your home. You need a cleaning team you feel comfortable with. A company that has the knowledge and experience you can depend on. A company that is highly rated by past customers and is dedicated to providing the best customer service experience possible. Source:

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