Author: Marian Vasilescu

Michael Jackson’s daughter books Portuguese edition out now – The dark side of the Netherlands

Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now out in Portuguese! Part two of the three-part autobiography of Mocienne Petit Jackson starts with an extended description of the kidnapping of Mocienne and her life in The Netherlands. Subsequently we read how her life turned out with her adoptive family – where she and her cousin Delivrance stayed. Gradually she discovers that her real father is Michael Jackson. At the age of 15 she left her adoptive family, lived at a boarding school for 4 years and then got a place of her own. We follow her throughout the time when she passed through her teenage years and entered maturity – which was not always easy. Mocienne meets a man who she has a child with. However, this commitment was not to be.

Michael Jackson is one of the most popular artists in human history and that’s why everything related to him is huge. You maybe heard about the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson, called by the media the Michael Jackson’s secret daughter. What you most likely didn’t know is the fact that Mocienne Petit Jackson is a productive writer, with plenty of book available on Amazon and most of the other major book retailers. Against the conclusion that has been suggested by members of the international media, the L.A. County Superior Court did not reject the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson in 2010 on the basis of the case’s validity. Instead, the request to validate Ms Jackson’s claim using DNA evidence from the deceased Michael Jackson was not granted due to the fact that the State of California does not possess the jurisdiction to conduct DNA tests on the deceased. As a result, the case has remained open indefinitely. She asserts that the stories which had been published in late-2010 in light of the case have had a damaging effect on her reputation and on her business operations, and she expresses her belief that some measure of responsibility ought to be taken for the detrimental effects that being in the media spotlight can have on one’s repute. Ms Jackson also points out that the role of social media runs in a similar vein—alleging that it was used as a means to verbally harass her in relation to the court case, as well as to spread misinformation more generally.

According to this assessment, a majority of press coverage on the subject has been misleading. For example, before the death of her father in June 2009, Michael Jackson had spent eight months living in the Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam in order to be nearer to his then nine-year-old grandson. Furthermore, Ms Jackson’s mother Barbara Jane Ross, sister of the musician Diana Ross, is alleged to have lied about ever having met Michael Jackson while speaking in an interview on the Dutch television programme RTL Boulevard. Ms Jackson therefore believes—due to these two factors not having featured in press reports—that the media has treated the story in an unbalanced manner.

In this, the first of a three-part autobiography by Mocienne Petit Jackson, we meet the main character Mocienne. We read about her wonderful adventures from the age of six until the age of nine.She lived with her father – Michael Jackson! – in California. As he was not at home very often she was always in the company of a nanny. However, one nanny was continuously being replaced by the next. Mocienne was also often sick.Her father made an important decision and moved her to Haiti to go and live with an aunt -he wanted her to be part of a family. In time, she realised that her father was not like other fathers and that he was not who he claimed to be: a policeman. He would often visit her on Haiti when he was not busy with a performance.Her life on Haiti was not what she expected – a normal family life. She came into contact with some very kind people but also with others who were not so kind. She experienced many things which were not meant for a child of that age. We relive those experiences with her as she describes them through the eyes of a young and vulnerable little girl.After moving to Port-au-Prince, her life changes dramatically. Not long after that it became a complete nightmare.

Ms Jackson also claims that her father had a tendency to exhibit unusual behaviour which she believes may have arisen from the knowledge that he had kept his daughter in secret since the age of seventeen years. Michael Jackson allegedly did not discuss the topic openly because it was difficult and frightening for him to come to terms with. At present, Ms Jackson is seeking to make a name for herself as her own individual. Thriller, for example, offers unique insights on her life by including stories concerning unusual and difficult situations that she experienced while living in the Netherlands. She argues extensively, for instance, that the harshness of the Dutch political system has had a significant impact on her character, and that by writing about it she can express a sense of frankness.

For our portuguese speaking readers :

A seu tempo, ela acaba por perceber que o seu pai não era como os outros pais e que ele não era quem ele alegava que era: um polícia. Ele visitava-a com regularidade no Haiti quando não estava ocupado com os seus espetáculos. A sua vida no Haiti não foi o que ela esperava – uma vida familiar normal. Ela contactou com pessoas muito gentis, mas também com outras que não eram tão gentis. Ela experienciou muitas coisas que não eram suposto ser experienciadas por uma menina daquela idade. Nós revivemos tais experiências com ela, à maneira que ela as descreve através dos olhos de uma muito jovem e vulnerável rapariga. Após se mudar para Porto Príncipe, a sua vida muda dramaticamente. E pouco depois, torna-se num verdadeiro pesadelo.

A segunda parte da autobiografia dividida em três partes de Mocienne Petit Jackson começa com uma extensiva descrição do rapto de Mocienne e da sua vida nos Países Baixos. Subsequentemente, nós lemos como se tornou a vida de Mocienne com a sua família adotiva – com a qual ela e a sua prima Délivrance ficaram. Gradualmente, ela descobre que o seu verdadeiro pai é o Michael Jackson. Aos 15 anos, ela deixa a sua família adotiva e passa a viver num internato, durante 4 anos, até arranjar um sítio próprio para si. Nós seguimos o seu trajeto desde o final da sua adolescência até entrar na idade adulta – que não foi fácil. Leia ou compre o livro aqui O Lado Obscuro Dos Países Baixos – Mocienne Petit Jackson.

O tabloide americano TMZ, como muitos outros tabloides estrangeiros, tentou entrevistar-me. Naquele momento, pensei que todos me iam etiquetar como sendo uma pessoa louca. Poderia até me custar a minha empresa, Thuiszorg Ernestine BV, após terem nas mãos as imagens que pretendiam.

Contrariamente ao que foi relatado por membros da imprensa internacional, o Tribunal Superior do Condado de Los Angeles não rejeitou o processo judicial de Mocienne Petit Jackson em 2010 devido à validade do processo. Em vez disso, o pedido para validar a reivindicação da Sra. Jackson usando provas de DNA do falecido Michael Jackson não foi concedido pelo facto do Estado da Califórnia não possuir jurisdição para conduzir testes de DNA em falecidos. Como resultado, o processo permaneceu aberto indefinidamente.

Michael Jackson full cover : albums, life and kids

Music review : Michael Jackson and kids tribute: A quarter century later, it seems absurd that Michael Jackson smashing a few windows before turning into a Jungle Book character could be cause for mass protest, but you have to remember how adored and family-friendly Michael Jackson was. My parents only owned two records: Thriller and *Bad. *So until I was 9 years old, I listened to those two almost every single day of my life, and honestly I didn’t really need anything else. Michael Jackson was my entire conception of music. Millions more could say the same thing. So when he dropped “Black or White,” it was shocking. If he was previously pop’s Peter Pan figure, Jackson had suddenly adopted a more carnal streak, but even here it was cartoonish. If the adult world looked dull and stifling, Jackson’s imagination offered a hope that it was possible not to wind up like George Wendt, bloated on a couch with a bored housewife. You could hang out with Macaulay Culkin, dance on top of the Statue of Liberty, and if all else failed, you could transform into a panther and bounce.

It’s strange, too. For instance, at the time of Jackson’s death, people kept saying to one another, “I can’t believe he’s gone.” When had anyone seen him? Save for headlines or tabloids, Jackson spent most of his time during the ’00s out of the spotlight. Even when he released 2001’s highly underrated Invincible, he made little to no appearances. Sure, Sony botched any plans on promotion, but it was nothing a world tour wouldn’t have solved. That’s why the release of Michael, Jackson’s first posthumous effort, feels relatively similar. The interest is there, but the icon isn’t.

Skipping over his teenage albums is just silly – I mean, would you skip Brandy’s debut album just because she was 15 when it dropped? Playa please. Y’all gotta do better. Oh and let me clarify the word “entire.” While most of your favorite bloggers like to pretend that Michael Jackson’s career started in 1979 with Off the Wall, that was FAR from the case. We’ll be revisiting MJ’s TOTAL solo discography, going all the way back to his 1972 debut.

Michael Jackson family: Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now available in french! For our dutch guests: In dit eerste deel van de driedelige autobiografie van Mocienne Petit Jackson maken we kennis met Mocienne, het hoofdpersonage. We volgen haar vanaf haar zesde tot haar negende levensjaar en lezen over haar wonderlijke avonturen. Eerst woont zij bij haar vader – Michael Jackson! – in Californië. Omdat deze dikwijls weg moet, is zij steeds in gezelschap van een nanny. Meer dan eens wordt de nanny vervangen door een andere. Mocienne is vaak ziek. Zij gaat op Haiti wonen bij een tante – haar vader Michael vindt het belangrijk dat ze in een gezin met andere kinderen opgroeit. Langzaam maar zeker wordt het haar duidelijk dat ze geen gewone vader heeft, en dat hij niet de man is die hij beweert te zijn: een politieman. Op Haïti bezoekt hij haar tussen zijn optredens door regelmatig. Haar leven daar gaat bepaald niet over rozen. Mocienne heeft er te maken met aardige en minder aardige mensen en krijgt veel meer voor haar kiezen dan gezond is voor een kind. Vanuit het perspectief van het jonge meisje beleven we allerhande avonturen op het eiland. Het leven van Mocienne neemt een dramatische wending nadat zij naar Port-??au-??Prince is verhuisd. Niet lang daarna verandert haar leven in een ware nachtmerrie… Lees het boek hier Michael Jackson Books.

Online poker guides to have fun at Indonesian casinos

Online poker strategies is the topic of the day. To get to the top of your game, you are going to have to climb that poker ladder. Start by studying this 5-step guide, practice as much as possible, and understand the rules of the game. Keep your head down, your wits about you, and play low stakes contest until you’re ready to move up a notch. Poker is entertainment at the end of the day – so remember to have fun while sticking to your bankroll.

Winning poker is about math and cold hard logic, not superstition. Playing too many hands is a widespread mistake (see: Five Common Mistakes New Poker Players Make). One of the best ways to avoid it is to introduce range-based thinking in your reads. Adopt a Consistent Strategy: Another big key to becoming a great poker player (and perhaps one of the most important poker tips you should know) is consistently applying a winning strategy. It is not okay suddenly to change things up (e.g. to open with 9-7–suited from early position) just because you are bored or tilted. All of your learning, experience and study over the years has given you a body of knowledge telling you how to play this game profitably. But it only actually matters if you apply it at the poker tables all the time. Every hand counts and every session counts.

Semi-Bluff Aggressively with Your Draws: If you want to truly crush poker, you need to bluff effectively. But bluffing ineffectively is one of the fastest ways to lose your money at the table. So, how do you keep your bluffing frequency under control? The most effective way to bluff is to let the cards you have dictate if you are going to bluff or not. This means bluffing with hands that have outs to improve to the best hand on a later street, such as straight draws, flush draws, or even just an overcard or two to the board. Think of these draws as your backup plan in case your bluff gets called. Poker players call these hands “semi-bluffs” because of their potential beyond the bluff itself. You can learn more about semi-bluffing here. When you’re just starting out, bluffing with total nothing hands prior to the river is not advisable (except in one situation that I’ll tell you about shortly).

For our indonesian visitors:

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Pada intinya, poker benar-benar adalah permainan sederhana. Setelah Anda memahami aturan dasar poker, dan Anda tahu tangan mana yang terbaik, Anda sudah dua langkah di depan kompetisi. Namun, bukan hanya aturan main yang membuat Anda menjadi pemain poker yang lebih baik, tetapi juga kemampuan Anda dalam bermain. Pemain poker profesional secara konsisten menghasilkan keuntungan dengan permainan poker mereka; itulah pertanda keajaiban poker sejati. Permainan poker yang terampil dimulai dengan pemahaman tentang peraturan, tetapi permainan yang luar biasa bisa memakan waktu seumur hidup untuk dicapai. Mainkan poker di situs web JudiOnline Terpercaya.

Mainkan Cepat Tanganmu yang Kuat untuk Membangun Pot dan Menghasilkan Lebih Banyak Uang: Ini adalah pemandangan yang menyedihkan ketika seorang pemain memeriksa kacang flush-flush mereka tiga kali, dan kemudian harus dengan canggung menata rakasa mereka dari tangan poker ketika lawan mereka memeriksa kembali sungai. Bermain lambat terlalu sering adalah kesalahan umum di antara pemain yang takut mengejar lawan keluar dari pot ketika mereka memiliki tangan poker yang kuat. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, yang terbaik adalah bertaruh tangan Anda yang kuat untuk membangun pot dan melindungi ekuitas Anda. Itu tidak berarti Anda harus selalu bertaruh / angkat tangan kuat Anda setelah kegagalan. Anda dapat memeriksa tangan Anda yang kuat jika: Kecil kemungkinan Anda akan ditarik mundur. Tidak ada banyak kartu menakut-nakuti untuk mencegah Anda dibayar di jalan-jalan nanti. Kisaran lawan Anda sangat berat ke tangan tanpa nilai showdown.

West Melbourne safety switches and switchboard company

Looking for a high quality safety switches and switchboard provider in West Melbourne? Here are some electrician tricks and an presentation for Melbourne West Electricians, a top provider in West Melbourne.

Overlamping may melt the socket and damage the wires of the fixture. That kind of damage creates a significant fire risk known as arc faults. In other words, the electricity can’t follow its proper path and may jump to the carpet or table and ignite a fire. Most houses have the easy-to-check circuit breaker. Just open the door on the circuit breaker panel and flip the switch back to the “On” position. Older homes might still have a fuse box, so look for a fuse that is cloudy or discolored. It may even be melted in some areas.

This is more a tip for managing a residential electrician once they’re hired, but it’s important to mention nonetheless. Any adjustments made to the plan or contract once you begin should be documented, along with the associated expenses and adjusted timeline estimates. This becomes increasingly important with larger jobs, where changes can quickly pile up if communication early on wasn’t clear enough, the electrician didn’t plan well enough, or you’re working with a dubious contractor looking to stack up extra charges. Read additional info at Electrician West Melbourne.

While it would be great if all electrical work happened on the habitable side of the walls, electricians more than almost any other tradesmen end up right up close with the sawdust and insulation. Besides wanting to wear a face mask and eye protection, that stuff is incredibly itchy and can cause major skin irritation. even wearing long sleeves, it still gets up around your collar and onto your face and hands. The solution to this is a bottle of baby powder or a small box of cornstarch. Coat your exposed skin a little way under collars and sleeve ends. Make sure to get your face and ears while keeping it out of your eyes. This protective layer will keep the insulation from settling directly on your skin, preventing irritation and itching.

We work hard to get your project done as quickly as possible, but rest assured that we will never cut corners or compromise on the work we do. We take electrical safety very seriously and our end results have always shown that. It is our passion to install a beautiful looking and functioning electrical system in to your business or home. We take pride in every job we start and finish and we stand by what we do, 100%. If you think that an electrical job is in your future, let us be the team to get it done for you. We are an easy to work with, kind and outgoing team that is always ready to take on any project, big or small. We also pride ourselves on being able to offer services to commercial and industrial businesses. In this type of electrical setting, a failing system can be a lot more than an annoyance or inconvenience. If your businesses electrical system begins to fail, that means a loss of operating income for both you and your employees. To rectify this, let us make sure your business is properly wired. See additional info at

Safe TOTO and Travelers TOTO betting recommendations for soccer

Korean SportsTOTO betting advices for horse racing : If you see a line moving one way and you think it’s way off because the public is betting based on their hearts and popularity, definitely bet the other direction. You may still want to wait a little bit to see if it moves any further in what you think is the wUSDg direction. For example, in the above example, after the public starts betting what you think is incorrect, the line will move from Magic -6 to Magic -5. You could bet it right then if you think it’s now a great bet or you could wait and see what happens. If the public keeps betting it, the line will move further and further in your favor making your bet much more attractive. The worst thing that can happen is the line corrects back to its original point, and then you just don’t bet on that game. You can also bet the game at -5 and then bet it again if it moves further if you think they’re both good bets.

Even if you can’t read Korean you should be able to figure out how to use the official 6/45 Lotto Results. On the list (from lottorich website) of previous results the third to last column shows how many first place winners there were that week, and the second to last column shows how many second place winners there are. The lottery is averaging 6.96 first place winners and 39.59 second place winners per draw. First Place Prize: This is for those who match all six numbers correctly. In a recent draw with 8 winners this paid W1,785,671,579 to each. Second Place Prize: This is matching 5 numbers plus the extra number. In a recent draw with 44 winners each received W54,111,260.

A good example of a football strategy you can use on Betfair is called Laying the Draw. This approach has been popular for a while and as a result, it’s not that profitable as it used to be. However, there are still opportunities to make money with low risk. As the name suggests, you will be laying the draw in certain football matches. However, it’s not that simple, so let’s see how the whole thing works. For a start, you have to select a game where one of the teams is a clear favorite to win, usually the home team. Then, the first thing you do is lay the draw. Your intention is not simply to wait for the game to end and take profits. You can secure a win much earlier or take a tiny loss depending on the way the match is unfolding. Usually, the favorite will be ahead at some point and this is when the price for a draw will skyrocket. You will be able to back it at much higher odds compared to the lay price you took before the game. This will guarantee a profitable outcome no matter what.

Another sports South Koreans and expats can bet on is the Golf Toto. In this game, punters can choose a particular player as he plays against 11 more golfers. The bet is placed on whether the player will win, lose, or force a draw against each of the 11 players. Sports Proto is a fixed betting odds option. Bettors have a higher probability of winning because the payout is calculated by multiplying the stake to the predetermined payout ratio.

For our korean visitors :

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7년 무사고 경력이 말해주듯 안전을 최우선으로 사이트 운영을 하고 있는 곳입니다 철통같은 보안은 남들이 따라하기가 어려울 정도로 강합니다 안전은 토토사이트들의 생명과도 같습니다 메이저는 확실히 다릅니다 안전사이트로 확실하게 자리를 잡고 있는 한국의 대표 메이저사이트를 소개합니다 이 웹 사이트에서 TOTO를 즐겨보세요 스포츠토토.

안전을 최우선 과제로 검증사이트를 운영하고 있는 토토인포는 어떤 검증사이트보다 양심적인 사이트 운영을 하는 곳으로 알려져 있습니다 사설사이트들을 종합적으로 관찰하고 실시간 업데이트 되고 있는 ㅓㄱ튀 정보를 고객들에게 적극적으로 알려드리고 있습니다 아예 신규사이트는 검증 대상에도 올라가지 못할 정도로 토토인포는 이미 어느 정도 토토 유저들에게 알려진 곳들로만 안내하고 있습니다

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However, when you feel uncertain, just bet (or check-raise if you weren’t the preflop aggressor). Yes, it’s disappointing when your opponent folds, but that’s not nearly as disappointing as getting outdrawn or missing out on potential value. Check out this infographic to learn more about the basic poker concept of fast-playing vs slow-playing. The big blind is a special position because you already have 1 big blind invested in the pot. For this reason, whenever you are faced with a raise while sitting in the big blind, you will have better pot odds to call than the other positions – think of it as a discount. Because of your discount and the fact that you are the last person to act preflop, you can profitably call with many more hands than if you were sitting in another position.

Casino poker guides to play at Indonesian casinos: How to Play the Late Stages of an MTT: Scenario 3: You’re in the top third of the leaderboard. You get moved to a new table. You raise with pocket kings from middle position and get a call from a player in the blinds who has you slightly covered. On the flop the situation is as follows. Your opponent checks, you bet small and get raised. What do you do? Daniel Negreanu: In this situation you should usually call, unless you think they have a strong hand they want to go with. But, as there’s a chance they might be bluffing, I want to give them the chance to bluff again. Pushing all-in would not be very smart even though you have the best hand at the moment. Yes, you’ll occasionally get value from drawing hands. But by calling you’ll accomplish one of two things. You might even fold your three kings. Also at this stage you have to think about what you would do with your entire range. If you call the check-raise with just a king or a nine or even a gutshot, you have to have a set of kings in your calling range, too. If you don’t, you become too easy to exploit. Your play in that situation changes if you don’t have position. Out of position you would often re-raise on the flop because if you don’t your opponent is likely to check back the turn if he misses.

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Comedy videos search on YT

Top income on YT ? Anastasia Radzinskaya is an unlikely media star. Born in southern Russia with cerebral palsy, her doctors feared she would never be able to speak. To document her development through treatments, her parents posted videos of her on YouTube so friends and relatives could see the progress. The videos are typical kid stuff: playdates with dad, jumping around on an inflatable castle and playing with her cat, each video accompanied by catchy jingles and voice-over giggles. She soon gained followers around the world. Her biggest hit was a 2018 trip to the petting zoo with her father Yuri that featured the two dancing to child favorite “Baby Shark,” milking a pretend cow and eating ice cream. That video has garnered 767 million views, the top draw for a growing media business that has funneled $18 million to the Radzinskayas between June 1, 2018, and June 1, 2019.

Critics had high expectations of Hustlers before it came out, and yet somehow, it still managed to exceed the hype. For weeks after its release fans and critics called for Jennifer Lopez to have her Oscar moment, making this one of the most praised comedies of 2019. Based on the true New York Magazine story about strippers who drugged and conned Wall Street scumbags out of thousands of dollars, the Constance Wu-led film is a darkly comedic look at the 2008 economic recession and an astute observation on class differences in 2019. Also, Lili Reinhart’s ability to vomit on command is award-worthy all on its own.

The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger: This ordinary nature video got a fantastic voice-over narration by a guy named Randall, and the internet could not get enough of it. The “Honey Badger Don’t Care” meme was everywhere in 2011, inspiring parodies, t-shirts, and other products based on the hilariously bad-tempered creature. Before there was ?Grumpy Cat, Honey Badger ruled the web. Discover extra cool movies on YT.

Best clip for a song in 2019 ? With a Glastonbury headline slot on the horizon and a crown to maintain, you’d be forgiven for thinking Stormzy would return with some kind of weighty, state-of-the-nation opus. Nah: the twitchy, tantalising Vossi Bop was a raw reminder of his charisma, the way he kisses words like the pope anointing a baby (“gyal say I’m bougie”) and how pretenders wither to dust in his gaze. “The rules are kinda different when you’re baddin’ up the game,” indeed.

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