Category: Business

The rise of a real estate investor : Jack Brown from Invest Islands

The rise of a finance entrepreneur : Jack Brown from Invest Islands : A born entrepreneur, Jack founded his first company at 19. His self-starter attitude paired with invaluable experience as a sales and marketing professional for brands like OCS Cannon Hygiene and Marriott made him the perfect business partner for Kevin Deisser at Invest Islands. Impressed by the substantial returns Kevin was seeing with Invest Islands, he foresaw the potential of the business and what he could bring, and that is how Kevin Deisser and Jack Brown’s Invest Islands project came to life.

Discover Some of the Personal Benefits of Investing in Indonesia: The islands of Indonesia account for some of the most stunning and breathtaking beautiful places on earth, featuring unique flora and fauna and undeveloped abundant landscapes. Owning or investing in land and real estate in this environment offers one an exclusive opportunity to take advantage of the rapid growth and development currently taking place in the country. Here at Invest Islands, we work hand-in-hand with a wide range of developers as end users of the land. Our trusted expertise in the industry makes construction simple and hassle-free.

Invest Islands Jack Brown about investment opportunities in Hong Kong : Rating agency Moody’s Investor Service (Moody’s) increased the Republic of Indonesia National Credit Rating (SCR) from Baa3 / Positive Outlook to Stable Baa2 / Outlook on April 13, 2018.. As the country’s vulnerability to external shocks declines; macroeconomic stability and fiscal discipline, coupled with ongoing reforms, suggest that policy effectiveness is improving. Standard & Poor’s credit rating for Indonesia stands at BB+ with a positive outlook. Fitch’s credit rating for Indonesia was last reported at BBB- with a positive outlook.

Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world and the largest economy in Southeast Asia with a 2014 nominal GDP of $888.6 billion. With strong economic growth and a young population, many economists have argued that it should be added to the so-called BRIC economies as an up-and-coming emerging market. Those looking to invest in Indonesia should start with the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI). While the rest of the world was in a recession between 2009 and 2012, the country’s primary equity index jumped from a low of around 1140 to a high of around 4100. And it was one of the only emerging markets in the world to come out of 2011 with any real economic growth.

“Operating across the Asia Pacific region, Invest Islands is a land brokerage company based in Lombok Indonesia, with strategic offices in Hong Kong under Asian Island Group. I currently oversee all of the aspects of the Asian Island Group. I also travel to the development sites and visit the Invest Islands Foundation Charity projects. Additionally, I frequently travel to the plantation field at the foot of Mount Rinjani that supplies fresh fruits and vegetables to the Invest Islands Resort in Torok Bay.”

This intention is a good first step, however weak the implementation and enforcement may be. Nevertheless, the government support for these goals is there. To make funds available for action the government has put in place BUMDes (village financing companies); a blended finance policy and has successfully raised USD 2 billion via a “Green Sukuk” (a shariah government green bond). Much of these funds have been allocated for returns-generating SDG-relevant investments. More such Green bonds are likely to follow, like the Green Corporate bond issued by OCBC-NISP with the IFC. On another front, closing the gender gap, although by no means complete, has resulted in marginally more women being financially included (banking services) than men in Indonesia. Jokowi’s first Cabinet has a record 9 women ministers. Women do occupy positions of power, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Soekarno’s daughter, being the iconic example.

According to Jack Brown, Invest Islands Foundation is the project he is particularly proud of. The NGO has already built a school in the village of Batu Banke, pays local widows and single mothers to clean the beaches and is developing a recycling centre for the collected waste. See even more details on Jack Brown Invest Islands.

Fast translation services in London

Birth certificate translation companies in London, UK? Meets global regulations and standards: As members of the UK Translators Association, your translators understand the regulations in place for their profession that help protects your business from false impersonation. You can trust in a translator to give your business the boost it needs to work with international companies with ease as strict guidelines are in place to ensure proper conduct, behavior, and actions with your business.

Your company is more likely to face some grave consequences if you fail to hire a certified and professional legal document translation company. It might be challenging to understand some legal jargon, particularly if you don’t have any background in this field. By getting the services of a professional translation company,you would be able to avail certain benefits associated with it.

In the language and culture sector, our specialty is solving communication problems where language and culture are barriers. This includes all forms of written and spoken communication (e.g. large-scale multilingual web site, a Chinese user guide, a Russian manual, a Swedish business card, or a French travel guide). Specifically, our translating and typesetting project experience includes legal document translation, technical manuals, medical data and communication, patents, training materials, marketing material such as brochures, newsletters, product packaging, web sites and software localization. Our professional translation services include typesetting, interpreting, voice talent, and subtitling. Find even more details on translation company London.

Many of our expert translators are also specialists in certain areas of law to provide you with an even greater accuracy and industry experience for your translations. Many have worked in the legal translation field for over a decade and come equipped with all the know-how and skills to translate legal documents in any legal area. KL Translations Ltd has a team of experienced legal translators, project managers, and editors to ensure total accuracy and readability of all translated documents. Our translators specialize in a wide range of topics in the field of law and are able to quickly translate a legal document from one language to another, ensuring total accuracy and consistency along the way.

KL Translations Ltd is a professional document translation company delivering exceptional document translation services to worldwide clients. We provide high quality and accurate document translation services at competitive prices and keep an eye to detail and cultural nuances. Our document translation services come to you in over 100 languages and every document translation is executed by native linguists with professional experience and expert knowledge in the field to which the document relates. Quality Translations: Our leitmotiv is our clients’ satisfaction; we want you to call us again! Therefore we will make sure that your translation is delivered promptly, and that your designated linguist is the perfect fit for the job. Find more information at

One-to-one online tutoring

Private chemistry online tutoring: Students nowadays are used to an online world and all the technology associated with online lessons and are therefore able to learn well this way. The entire lesson can be saved as a neat PDF and lesson recording is also possible. Any links and materials sent via Skype chat, for example, is available at any later time in the chat history.

Tutoring in math, English, German, biology, chemistry, physics and many other subjects is cheap and easy at Online tutoring is child’s play and offers numerous advantages.

Web-based tutoring is also especially valuable college students. Cherie Mazer, a student of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, published a white-paper report that highlights the benefits of online college tutors. Her findings indicate that college students enrolled in online programs reported significantly higher grades than students who didn’t. The students receiving tutoring were also noted to be making strides in “achievement, attitude, and retention” when compared to the students without tutoring. See even more info at here.

In a classroom environment, or when finding a face-to-face tutor, it can be hard to find an adult with a real connection with your child. Online, there are more people to choose from, and it greatly increases your chances of finding a tutor who can resonate with your child. Not only does this create camaraderie and trust, but these shared interests can make learning more fun. “I think it’s a great idea for students who need the help and are too scared to ask face to face. This gives them the opportunity to ask without being embarrassed or nervous.” ECU student, WA

For our german readers:

Die Eins-zu-Eins Online Nachhilfe findet in optimaler Video und Audioqualität statt. Zudem garantiert eine interaktive multifunktionsfähige Tafel eine bestmögliche Nachhilfeerfahrung und maximalen Erfolg. Alle unsere Lehrer wurden auf ihre Qualitäten überprüft und haben bereits langjährige Nachhilfeerfahrung. Buche Nachhilfestunden wann und wo du willst.

In unserem Online Kalender siehst du die Verfügbarkeit aller Lehrer und kannst jedes Mal selbst entscheiden wann und mit wem du deine nächste Nachhilfestunde haben willst. Unsere Online Nachhilfe ist kinderleicht. Du brauchst weder besonderes Zubehör, noch musst du ein Computerspezialist sein. Alles was du für die Nachhilfe brauchst ist ein Computer oder ein Tablet. Welche technischen Vorraussetzungen benötige ich für den Unterricht? Alles, was du für die Nachhilfe brauchst, ist einen Computer, einen Laptop oder ein Tablet. Wichtig ist, dass das Gerät ein Mikrofon und eine Webcam besitzt. Ausserdem solltest du eine stabile Internetverbindung haben.

Was ist Online Nachhilfe? Online Nachhilfe ist eine neuartige Form der Nachhilfe. Sie ist im Prinzip wie herkömmliche Einzelnachhilfe, mit dem einzigen Unterschied, dass der Lehrer nicht neben einem sitzt, sondern vor einem auf dem Bildschirm zu sehen ist. Aufgaben bearbeitet man ganz einfach auf einer digitalen Tafel, auf die Lehrer und Schüler gleichzeitig zugreifen können. Der derzeit beste und Anbieter für Online-Nachhilfe was Preis-Leistung angeht ist Sehen extra information auf Online-Nachhilfe.

Wie funktioniert Online-Nachhilfe? Über einen Link, den du per E-Mail erhältst, gelangst du zu dem Videogespräch mit deinem Lehrer. Parallel zum Videogespräch arbeitet ihr auf einer digitalen Tafel, auf der ihr schreiben, zeichnen und abfotografierte Aufgaben bearbeiten könnt. Alle Aufzeichnungen der Nachhilfestunde werden online abgespeichert, sodass du sie jederzeit im Nachhinein nochmal anschauen und wiederholen kannst.

Tax services best firms in Houston

High class tax help providers in Houston? In particular, look for receipts for medical costs not covered by insurance or reimbursed by any other health plan (like a flexible spending account or health savings account), property taxes, and investment-related expenses). These are all subject to limits, but if they’re substantial enough, it may be worth your while to itemize. If you do itemize your deductions, you’ll also need to collect any back-up you have for charitable contributions. For example, contributions of $250 or more require a written acknowledgment from the charity stating the amount of your gift and that you did not receive anything (other than perhaps a token item) in return.15? If you don’t have such an acknowledgment, contact the charity and request it. You can find more details on charitable deductions in IRS Publication 1771.

Why Change the Character of Your Income? One way to reduce your tax burden is to change the character of your income. If you’re wondering why you should do so, here are some of the ways it can help you to lower your tax bill. Convert your SIMPLE, SEP, or traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. If you are over the age of 591/2 and you meet the five-year rule, Roth distributions are tax free. Because they are not considered investment income, they will not increase your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), which is used to calculate the 3.8% Medicare surtax.

Avoid Taxes on an RMD with a Charitable Donation: Seniors who have a traditional 401(k) or IRA must take a required minimum distribution each year once they reach age 70 1/2. Those who don’t need this money for living expenses may want to consider having it sent directly to a charity as a qualified charitable distribution. “It’s basically a check issued from the IRA and made out to the charity,” Zollars says. This prevents the money from becoming taxable income and could help reduce the amount of Social Security retirement benefits that are deemed taxable, too.

Consult a tax professional before making any decisions that can affect your business tax return or spending money for the sole purpose of saving on taxes. Make sure you select someone who can help you all year, not just at tax time. Consider hiring an expert who can represent you before the IRS in case you’re ever audited. An enrolled agent might be your best bet. These professionals are designated by the IRS because they’ve passed a strenuous, three-part test, or because they actually worked for the IRS at some point. Note: These tips are not intended to be tax advice, but only to give you some tax-saving ideas to discuss with your tax professional. Every business is unique, and tax laws change frequently. Find extra details at

Avoid Confrontation and Manipulation. Attempt to find out if the debtor’s excuse for not paying is legitimate. For example, if the person blames the non-payment on someone else, confirm this is true or false by contacting the other person. Listen carefully to what the person is telling you, and get a sense of whether the person is being honest with you. Often, your gut feeling will be right on.

When you offer a 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan, employer contributions and some administrative fees are tax-deductible if they meet certain criteria. And qualified employers can receive a $500 per year tax credit for the first three years of the plan. Plus, as an employee of your practice, you will be able to take advantage of tax-deferred savings with your company 401(k) as well. To make sure the plan seamlessly integrates with your current back-office systems and payroll deductions, contact your payroll services provider to see what retirement savings plans they offer.

Aluminum recyclable recommendations

Aluminum recycle info? How Failing to Recycle Aluminum Harms the Environment: Globally, the aluminum industry annually emits millions of tons of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. Although aluminum cans represent only 1.4% of a ton of garbage by weight, according to the Container Recycling Institute, they account for 14.1% of the greenhouse gas impacts associated with replacing an average ton of garbage with new products made from virgin materials.

Some Pyrex dishes come with plastic lids for covering up pans of brownies or lasagnas. You can also use leftover containers from cottage cheese, sour cream and other food products for storage. When it comes to choosing between aluminum foil and cling wrap, I always choose aluminum foil because it is easier to reuse when I am ready to put my pan away. Cling wrap is impossible to recycle, so aluminum foil is definitely a better bet if you live somewhere where it can be recycled.

What about aluminum pie plates and trays? If your local recycling program accepts aluminum foil, it will most often accept other aluminum food storage products. You’ll want to make sure these items are rinsed first, though. How is aluminum foil recycled? First, aluminum of all types must be separated from steel using an eddy current in a materials recovery facility. The aluminum is crushed and baled, then sent to a metal recycler. At this point, the aluminum is cleaned and melted into sheets of aluminum, where it can be manufactured into aluminum cans or foil products. Read additional info at is aluminum foil recyclable.

Aluminum itself is one of the most recyclable — and indeed, one of the most recycled — materials around. According to the Aluminum Association, nearly 75 percent of all the aluminum produced in the US is still in use today, thanks to recycling efforts and the fact that it can be recycled again and again without its quality diminishing. If you’re not ready yet to relegate aluminum foil to the recycling bin or the trash can, you might be able to give clean pieces another life — there are other uses for aluminum foil besides wrapping up leftovers.

Recycling Aluminum Reduces Your Carbon Footprint! Increasing environmental awareness and growing social responsibility have also driven the recent upsurge in aluminum recycling (see References 4). Recycling aluminum prevents more than 90 million tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere each year (see References 3). Recycling a single aluminum can avoids carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to a one-mile car ride and saves enough energy to power a television for about three hours. See additional info at

Best automobile recovery company in UK

Top vehicle recovery firm Surrey? If you want to spend a little more, molded plastic recovery tracks are a considerable improvement over a carpet or cardboard solution. They won’t sink or slide under your tire, and when held on the end, they can be used as a shovel. Maxtrax, are so popular that the brand name is all but synonymous with these boards in the same way that “Kleenex” is for tissues. But there are plenty of other, less expensive options. In a pinch, a hi-lift jack can also be used as a come-along winch. You can buy an extra off-road winch accessory kit that makes this process easier.

This can mean simply finding downed tree branches or a substantial amount of nearby vegetation to fill the void that the tire has been buried in. You can also utilize your vehicle’s floor mats, turning them upside down so the tire can grip the mat’s rubber backing. In order to place the chosen medium in the proper location, you will either need to dig under the wheel or jack the vehicle up to create enough space for the replacement surface material.

There are also other steps that you can take to be controlled in the event of a vehicle failure. The following steps include: Arrangement for cover for vehicle breakdown. Make sure your breakdown cover extends to your journey while traveling overseas. Contact your insurance company to see if it does. You should organize a distinct insurance policy if you do not. Maintain a road map in the vehicle. Even if you have a GPS device, a roadmap in the vehicle should still be in place for any scenario. You can readily find out if you have a roadmap and clarify where you are if the navigation loses battery or signal. See more information on Car Recovery Services.

The different service providers will charge you at different rates. If you intend to save money when trying to jump start in the vehicle Benson, then you need to compare the service providers before you hire one. Check on the free quotes offered by different roadside rescue services in Benson so that you can hire the best. There are some companies which can take advantage of your situation and they end up exploiting you, you should avoid such service providers if possible. The right experts you need to hire should always respond fast to offer the necessary services that you need and require.

There can be a million situations where the 24-hour recovery companies in Berkshire can come to our aid. When you are in a stranded place and are in desperate need of help, you can simply give a call to your vehicle recovery company and expect help is coming your way and reaching you within forty five minutes to one hour depending on your location. A reliable company usually has a vast operating area over a wide space. When you are alone with a broken car in a stranded place, an hour may seem too long, but it is better to be patient than to remain helpless and clueless. See even more details at this website.

SEO provider for Italian companies

Online advertising provider in Italy? Google My Business: Having a well-optimized and verified Google My Business (GMB) profile is very important as it is considered to be the topmost factor for ranking in map results. Update and secure your GMB profile so that you have your own online identity, and the chances for your business to appear in Google’s local search is more. Make sure to be as specific as possible when adding information to your GMB profile.

Keyword intent is one of the most important aspects to consider when targeting keywords for your Local SEO campaign. When it comes to choosing the right keywords for local SEO, the most important thing to consider is: “What audience am I trying to attract to my website?”. There are three kinds of SEO intent to consider when planning for your local SEO campaign. Each of these categories will provide information about the searcher that will form the basis for the kind of information that should be served.

Local SEO is more biased towards positive reviews; the more positive reviews, the better your page rank. The positive reviews also help in building your confidence and credibility with customers. Consumer behavior trends have shown a move towards the appreciation of customer reviews in making purchasing decisions. Apart from the positive reviews creating a buzz for your business, providing outstanding customer service can make the community sing your praises, and the praises might find their way into cyberspace. Discover even more details on

For our italian guests:

Le pubblicità di Facebook non ti danno molto spazio (e agli utenti non piace sempre darti tutta la loro attenzione), quindi devi arrivare subito al punto. Ciò è particolarmente vero con gli annunci video; gli utenti vogliono leggere solo una breve descrizione prima di decidere di guardare o no il video. Esattamente come ha fatto Animoto in uno dei loro ultimi Facebook Ads. Il loro invito all’azione è chiaro. “Guarda il nostro summit con questi grandi influencer e ottieni il 25% di sconto sul nostro piano. Per ulteriori informazioni clicca qui. ” Questo è super diretto e utilizza quella che chiamo la formula “Fai questo per avere questo” (ne parleremo più avanti). Fondamentalmente, stanno dicendo “Fai questa azione per ottenere questo vantaggio“. È chiaro, arriva subito al punto ed è efficace.

Stabilisci il “look” del tuo brand su Instagram: Una volta stabilito quale tipo di contenuto pubblicare, devi decidere come apparirà. Come spieghiamo nel nostro articolo sui colori nel marketing, il colore influenza le scelte di acquisto e il riconoscimento del brand. Il look del tuo profilo e dei tuoi post dovrebbe essere coerente e continuativo nel tempo, fai in modo che seguano il tuo stile, aiutando i tuoi follower a riconoscere facilmente il tuo post in mezzo al loro feed. Un ottimo esempio di ciò è l’account Instagram mr.pokee. strategia strategie instagram. Le foto hanno una combinazione di colori e un aspetto coerenti tra loro. Sono immediatamente riconoscibili.

Con la nostra esperienza e certificazioni da aziende rispettate nel settore come Google, SocialBooster è l’agenzia SEO che le aziende scelgono quando cercano di aumentare i loro ricavi onlineIl mercato online è competitivo, motivo per cui la tua attività (online e offline) ha bisogno di un’agenzia SEO affidabile ed esperta. SocialBooster è una Agenzia SEO freelance composta da esperti nella crescita di Ecommerce, Blog e Siti web. Scopri altro info on Servizi e Consulenza SEO.

NorthAmerican Bancard agent program recommendations and merchant services jobs

NorthAmerican Bancard agent program guides and merchant services business opportunities by With the true up bonus you will get up to $5000 for each merchant account based on the monthly profit. Here is a basic example: if the profit for NAB on an account is an average of $100 you would earn a total amount of $1400 (Average over 3 months of processing). Since North American Bancard already paid an upfront activation bonus of $500 you would be paid an additional $900. Keep in mind this is paid out after 90 days. Also if you’re selling merchant accounts that are not profitable NAB will retract the upfront bonus.

Typical payout terms you can expect are either daily or weekly, with 1-7 day delay time for each. In many cases a daily payout with very short delay will be granted only if you are assessed as low-risk, or most usually after you spend processing with the provider for couple of months and have enough volume to support that. Contract Terms and Periods: Don’t be surprised when you’ll see that every provider wants to impose a Rolling Reserve to your account. This is a standard measure to lower the risk exposure of provider in case of excessive chargebacks or refunds. Typical Rolling Reserve is between 3-10% for the period of 90 or 180 days. As with payout terms, keep in mind this can be negotiated, especially after your company spends couple of months processing payments with the provider.

The North American Merchant Services Agent Program offers the features you’d find with any large merchant’s services provider. They offer both eCommerce and retail programs, but their bread and butter is the retail program. North American Bancard provides free equipment with both chip and NFC-payment options. The ‘free’ component of the program, however, usually comes with strings, as it would anywhere else. Pay close attention to your contract to see what it means, such as free as long as you keep your services with North American or free as long as you sign a terminal lease. Read extra information on credit card processing agent.

To analyze volumes of customer data, merchants are required to take the painstaking process of securing, storing and minimizing erroneous risks into consideration – all of which are viewed as arduous for businesses of all sizes. Today, technology has revolutionized this process by providing online payment systems capacious to deal with volumes of customer data and details. These systems are equipped with key functionalities for data storage, security and maintaining regulatory compliances when the need arises.

A restaurant deals with a high volume of sales on a daily basis, with most customers paying with debit and credit cares. They will also have a large staff that receives tips. Since cash flow is a necessity, restaurants need quick and easy access to card transaction deposits. On the other hand, healthcare-oriented businesses like dentists, physicians, and veterinarians tend to process a lower volume of transactions, though each sale will be larger on average. In addition to a POS system for in-house credit and debit card transactions, medical offices usually need to process online payments, personal checks, and mobile wallet transactions.

Become a Merchant Services Agent, ISO, Sales Partner or Reseller for credit card processing and merchant services. Selling merchant accounts with our credit card processing agent ISO program has proven to be one of the most lucrative sales careers for people looking to succeed at sales. Get the highest commissions, the best sales tools and sales support. See even more details at here.

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