Category: Finance

Premium cryptocurrency consultant solutions

Crypto consulting expert right now: Even celebrities like Snoop Dogg, Shawn Mendes, and Jack Dorsey are taking an interest in the NFT by releasing unique memories and artwork and selling them as securitized NFTs. One of the most popular non-fungible tokens in recent days is NBA Top Shot, a partnership between Dapper Labs (makers of the CryptoKitties game) and the National Basketball Association (NBA). The NBA licenses individual highlight video reels, among other content, to Dapper Labs, and they digitize the footage and make it available for sale to consumers. Each reel shows a video clip, such as a famous player’s basketball dunk, some featuring different angles and digital artwork to make them unique. Even if someone made a perfect copy of the video, it can be instantly recognizable as a counterfeit. The venture has already generated $230 million in sales, and the company just also received $305 million in funding from a group that includes Michael Jordan and Kevin Durant. Find extra info at superrare NFT.

What Does Non-Fungible Mean? Fungibility describes the interchangeability of goods. For example, say you had three notes with identical smiley faces drawn on them. When you tokenize one of them, that note becomes distinguishable from the others—it is non-fungible. The other two notes are indistinguishable, so they can each take the place of the other. Non-fungible tokens are an evolution of the relatively simple concept of cryptocurrencies. Modern finance systems consist of sophisticated trading and loan systems for different asset types, from real estate to lending contracts to artwork. By enabling digital representations of assets, NFTs are a step forward in the reinvention of this infrastructure. To be sure, the idea of digital representations of physical assets is not novel, nor is the use of unique identification. However, when these concepts are combined with the benefits of a tamper-resistant blockchain with smart contracts and automation, they become a potent force for change.

There is no guarantee that an investor won’t be on the losing end of a scam when investing in an ICO. To help avoid ICO scams, you can: Make sure that project developers can clearly define what their goals are. Successful ICOs typically have straightforward, understandable white papers with clear, concise goals. Look for transparency. Investors should expect 100% transparency from a company launching an ICO. Review the ICO’s legal terms and conditions. Because traditional regulators generally do not oversee this space, an investor is responsible for ensuring that an ICO is legitimate. Ensure that ICO funds are stored in an escrow wallet. This type of wallet requires multiple access keys, which provides useful protection against scams.

But these warnings are merely cautionary notes as you explore cryptocurrency. Because in reality, decentralized finance has gained rapidly in relevance over the last several years, and evidence suggests this mode of financial interaction is here to stay. The time is now to get on board or risk missing out on the opportunities inherent to cryptocurrency. But before we tell you why, let’s start with some basic information about blockchain, cryptocurrency and the DeFi landscape.

The cost of transacting in cryptocurrency is relatively low compared to other financial services. For example, it’s not uncommon for a domestic wire transfer to cost $25 or $30. Sending money internationally can be even more expensive. Cryptocurrency transactions are usually less expensive. However, you should note that demand on the blockchain can increase transaction costs. Even so, median transaction fees remain lower than wire transfer fees even on the most congested blockchains.

Cloud mining has been developed as a way to mine blockchain currency by using rented cloud computing power without having the need to install or directly run any related software or hardware. People can remotely participate in blockchain currency mining by opening an account and paying a minimal cost. Thus, cloud mining firms have made mining more accessible and profitable for a larger group of people. Minedollars is mobile cloud-mining software that enables anyone to mine Bitcoin from the comfort of their own home.Minedollars uses advanced mining technology to let users mine different tokens at competitive costs. They thus garner the highest possible return on investment from the mining operation.

In this modern age of business, there’s more focus on retaining customers for longer rather than just getting a single transaction and moving on to the next person. Customer loyalty is a significant way of gaining trust and commitment to your brand and business. Digital marketing can keep your brand in the public eye and hopefully encourage customers to return repeatedly. As a business, for individuals to engage and buy from your brand, they need to see a positive reputation and a following of customers that can validate the reliability of your business. This type of marketing can help with better credibility and more trust within your brand.

While the technology and concept behind cryptocurrency might seem complex, perhaps even a little esoteric, the truth is that it’s actually very easy to explore this mode of investment. Before you do, you should take a few basic rules into consideration. First, cryptocurrency should only represent a small fraction of your investment portfolio, especially as you’re just beginning to learn the ropes. Second, there are many tokens to choose from. Do your research and learn about those that interest you, but bear in mind there are many which have historically invited speculation and spiked in price before flatlining and disappearing altogether. This is a good reason to focus on Bitcoin first—even if you’re only starting with a tiny fraction of a single Bitcoin. This is the primary bellwether currency and, in spite of its volatility, remains the surest bet among cryptocurrencies to survive in the long run. With these considerations in mind, sign up for an account with a trusted exchange forum like Coinbase, Gemini or Binance, deposit a few dollars, and start to familiarize yourself with the basic crypto landscape. You will also need to create a cryptocurrency wallet, which will either be stored on your desktop, mobile device or a storage hardware device like a USB card. Alternatively, you may be able to create a wallet this is stored on the cloud. Read extra info at

비트불스 최고 품질 선물 시장 온라인 플랫폼

비트불스 최고 품질 선물 거래 온라인 플랫폼: 3월 말 미국 대형주 S&P 500® 지수는 성장 요인을 지배하는 기술주와 의료주에 비중을 두고 있으며, 나머지 글로벌 시장은 가치 요인을 구성하는 금융주와 경기순환주가 더 많습니다. 하반기 글로벌 재개장에서는 미국 이외의 주식 시장이 더 나은 성과를 보일 것입니다. 여기에는 백신에 내성이 있을 수 있는 새로운 COVID-19 변종과 일부 국가의 느린 백신 출시에 대한 우려가 여전히 남아 있습니다. 일부 유럽 국가는 최근 감염률이 높아지는 추세에 따라 봉쇄 조치를 강화했습니다. 봉쇄 조치가 더 오래 유지될 가능성이 있습니다. 그러나 지금까지의 증거는 가장 성공적인 예방 접종 프로그램을 보유한 국가인 이스라엘, 영국 및 미국에서 신규 감염 및 입원률이 지속적으로 감소하고 있다는 것입니다.

어떤 유형의 부채이든 상관없이 가장 높은 이자율의 부채를 먼저 상환함으로써 가장 많은 돈을 절약할 수 있습니다. 신용 카드 부채는 이자율이 일반적으로 너무 높고 종종 20% 이상으로 높기 때문에 악성 부채입니다. 대부분의 사람들이 매달 빚을 갚지 않아 빚이 늘어나기 때문에 신용 카드는 금융 기관에 많은 돈을 벌어줍니다. 학자금 대출 부채는 1) 이자율에 따라 좋은 부채와 나쁜 부채 사이의 어딘가에 있습니다. 아직 학자금 대출을 받지 않았다면 그만한 가치가 있는지 정말 열심히 생각해 볼 가치가 있습니다. 이미 학자금 대출을 받았고 이자율이 5% 이상이면 학자금 대출 재융자 및 학자금 대출 부채를 줄이기 위한 다른 방법을 고려해야 합니다. 발견하다 더 세부 여기

비트불스 고품질 선물 시장 회사: 일반 투자자의 경우 데이 트레이딩은 관련된 위험이 많기 때문에 벅찬 제안이 될 수 있습니다. 미국 증권 거래 위원회(SEC)는 데이 트레이딩의 몇 가지 위험을 강조합니다. 이는 아래에 요약되어 있습니다. 이익. 데이 트레이딩은 극도로 스트레스가 많은 풀타임 직업입니다. 스쳐 지나가는 시장 동향을 파악하기 위해 수십 개의 시세 시세와 가격 변동을 관찰하려면 엄청난 집중력이 필요합니다. 데이 트레이더는 차입금에 크게 의존합니다. 데이 트레이딩 전략은 빌린 돈의 레버리지를 사용하여 수익을 창출합니다. 많은 데이 트레이더는 자신의 돈을 모두 잃을 뿐만 아니라 결국 빚을 지게 됩니다. 손쉬운 이익 주장을 믿지 마십시오. 데이 트레이더를 대상으로 하는 뉴스레터 및 웹사이트에서 제공되는 유용한 팁과 전문가 조언을 주의하고 데이 트레이딩에 대한 교육 세미나 및 수업이 객관적이지 않을 수 있음을 기억하십시오. 주식 거래는 주식 매수와 매도가 같은 날, 때로는 몇 초 간격으로 발생한다는 점을 제외하고는 주식 거래입니다. 예를 들어, 데이 트레이더가 Intuitive Sciences Inc.(ISI)라는 회사에 대한 기술적 분석을 완료했다고 가정해 보겠습니다. 나스닥 100에 상장된 이 종목은 나스닥이 0.4% 이상 상승한 대부분의 날에 최소 0.6% 이상 가격이 오르는 패턴을 보인다는 분석이다. 상인은 이것이 그 날 중 하나가 될 것이라고 믿을만한 이유가 있습니다. 트레이더는 시장이 열릴 때 ISI 주식 1,000주를 매수한 다음 ISI가 특정 가격대(아마도 0.6% 상승)에 도달할 때까지 기다립니다. 그런 다음 거래자는 ISI의 전체 지분을 즉시 매도합니다. 데이 트레이드입니다. 분명히 투자로서의 ISI의 장점은 데이 트레이더의 행동과는 아무런 관련이 없습니다. 추세가 악용되고 있습니다.

또한 따라야 할 현명한 일일 거래의 몇 가지 기본 규칙이 있습니다. 거래 선택을 현명하게 선택하십시오. 입구와 출구 지점을 미리 계획하고 계획을 고수하십시오. 선택한 거래 활동의 패턴을 미리 파악하십시오. 많은 날 거래자들은 자신의 기준을 충족하는 거래를 하지 못하기 때문에 돈을 잃게 됩니다. 속담처럼 “거래를 계획하고 계획을 거래하십시오.” 규율 없이는 성공이 불가능합니다. 수익을 내기 위해 데이 트레이더는 시장 변동성에 크게 의존합니다. 데이 트레이더는 낮 동안 많이 움직이는 주식이 매력적이라고 생각할 수 있습니다. 이는 수익 보고서, 투자 정서 또는 일반 경제 또는 회사 뉴스를 포함하여 여러 가지 이유로 발생할 수 있습니다.

특정 제한 사항이 있음을 인정하십시오. 장기적으로 당신을 돕습니다. 자신의 자금을 포트폴리오에 투자할 것이기 때문에 위험을 감수할 수 있는 금액을 제한할 수 있습니다. 프로그램 사용에 익숙해지고 포트폴리오가 늘어나면 한도 금액이 달라지고 변경될 수 있습니다. 이 숫자는 지속적으로 변경될 수 있지만 한계가 어디인지를 나타내는 표시기에서와 같이 일종의 숫자를 유지하는 것이 중요합니다. 모든 거래의 중요한 구성 요소인 손절매를 설정하여 한도를 설정할 수 있습니다. 거래할 때 중지 주문을 시작할 수 있습니다. 주문이 설정된 가격에 도달하면 중지 주문이 발생합니다. 시장이 어떻게 조정되고 있든 상관없이 시장에서 귀하의 위치는 폐쇄될 것입니다. 중지 주문이 발생하면 숫자가 약간 왜곡될 수 있지만 대부분의 경우 주문이 제대로 이행됩니다. 전반적으로 이 옵션은 시장이 귀하에게 불리하게 흐르기 시작할 경우 귀하의 계정과 돈을 보호합니다. 지정가 주문 옵션도 있습니다. 지정가 주문은 특정 가격으로 설정됩니다. 예를 들어 2.453에서 통화를 구매하면 해당 통화만 정확한 가격으로 구매합니다. 이 기능을 사용하면 원하는 것보다 더 많이 지불하지 않을 수 있습니다.

최고 평점 선물 시장 서비스 비트불스 최고: 가격이 클라우드(또는 그 근처)에서 움직이는 한 – 시장은 수평 위치(플랫)에 있고 그 경계는 동적 저항/지지 수준이 됩니다. . 가격이 Kumo의 상단 테두리 위로 이동하면 추세가 상승하고 하단 테두리를 벗어나면 약세입니다. Tenkan-sen 라인은 동일한 추세 지표로 간주됩니다. 기준선은 추세 변화의 확률을 보여줍니다. 가격 차트에서 이 선의 교차점은 거의 반전을 의미합니다. 첫 번째 신호. Chinkou Span 라인은 가격 차트를 깨뜨립니다. 아래에서 위로 CALL 옵션을 열고 위에서 아래로 PUT 옵션을 엽니다. 두 번째 신호. Tenkan 라인은 Kijun-Sen을 아래에서 위로(골든 크로스) – CALL 옵션 열기, 위에서 아래로(Dead Cross) – 열린 Put 옵션으로 이끕니다. 세 번째 신호. 우리는 같은 방식으로 추론합니다. 상향식에서 Senkou-A 라인과 Senkou-B 라인을 교차하는 것은 CALL 옵션이고 하향식에서는 PUT 옵션입니다. B 라인, Chinkou-Span. 이것은 강력한 추세 방향으로 옵션의 “그리드”를 여는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. Ichimoku 표시기는 M30-H4 기간에 가장 잘 작동하며 짧은 기간에는 Kumo 라인이 가장 정확합니다. D1 이상의 시간대에서는 추세선의 신호가 더 좋습니다. 요약해보자. 추세 거래의 이익은 분석의 정확성과 정확한 만료 시간(적어도 3-5 기간의 기간)에 따라 달라집니다. 따라서 실제 거래에 사용하기 전에 바이너리 옵션 신호가 데모 계정에서 어떻게 작동하는지 살펴봐야 합니다.

외환 차익 거래의 수익성은 견적 공급자 및 브로커의 거래 터미널과의 연결 속도에 직접적으로 의존합니다. 핑이 작을수록 어드바이저의 모든 성능 지표가 더 좋습니다. 모든 견적 공급자를 장기간 테스트 한 결과 견적 공급자, 중재 시스템이 설치된 VPS 서버 및 브로커 서버 위치의 최적 비율을 확인했습니다. 미국에 서버가 있는 브로커에서 거래하기 위한 최고의 견적 공급업체에는 RITHMIC, CQG, CTS T4, Interactive Brokers가 있습니다. 이러한 공급자는 교환기에서 직접 데이터를 수신하여 즉각적인 데이터 검색 속도를 제공합니다. 서버가 유럽에 있는 브로커에서 거래하기 위한 최고의 호가 공급업체에는 LMAX, Gain Futures OEC, Saxo Bank, IQ Feed가 포함됩니다. 이러한 공급자는 글로벌 은행 및 중개인으로부터 집계된 견적을 받아 즉각적인 데이터 수집 속도를 제공합니다.

Top rated financial services advices

Financial advices by Travelquicks: As I’ve discussed before in a post on how to start investing, there is a direct relationship between the percentage of your income that you’re saving (your savings rate) and the number of years it takes you to retire early. When you combine a high yield savings account and a high-interest checking account, you make sure that all of your money is always working for you instead of just sitting there. If you are looking for great high-interest checking and savings accounts, check out Discover Bank at 1.60% APY. They offer free options that can help you make the most of your money. Find more info at

According to a 2019 CNBC and Acorns Invest survey, over a third of Americans don’t have a good understanding of what a financial advisor actually does. That figure balloons to 46% for Millennials. So what kind of services do financial advisors and planners provide? Broadly, they can help you manage your financial life using a variety of strategies and products to both manage your wealth and improve your financial habits.

Unlike paper currency, coins or other assets, gold has maintained its value throughout the ages. People see gold as a way to pass on and preserve their wealth from one generation to the next. Since ancient times, people have valued the unique properties of the precious metal. Gold doesn’t corrode and can be melted over a common flame, making it easy to work with and stamp as a coin. Moreover, gold has a unique and beautiful color, unlike other elements. The atoms in gold are heavier and the electrons move faster, creating absorption of some light; a process which took Einstein’s theory of relativity to figure out.

An increasingly popular way for students to make money is to fill out online surveys in their spare time. Research companies are always recruiting new members worldwide to answer surveys and test new products. For a few minutes of form filling, you can make a couple of quid which is paid as cash or rewards. You can bag up to £3 ($5) for some surveys! A few good ones to try are: Toluna, i-Say, InboxPounds, LifePoints, Opinion Outpost, Panel Opinion, Onepoll, The Opinion Panel, YouGov, Pinecone, SurveyBods, Hiving, Panel Base, Prolific, Valued Opinions, Survey Junkie, New Vista. Also sign up for Swagbucks which rewards you for surveys as well as simply surfing the web, watching videos and playing games.

In general, gold is seen as a diversifying investment. It is clear that gold has historically served as an investment that can add a diversifying component to your portfolio, regardless of whether you are worried about inflation, a declining U.S. dollar, or even protecting your wealth. If your focus is simply diversification, gold is not correlated to stocks, bonds, and real estate. Gold stocks are typically more appealing to growth investors than to income investors. Gold stocks generally rise and fall with the price of gold, but there are well-managed mining companies that are profitable even when the price of gold is down. Increases in the price of gold are often magnified in gold stock prices. A relatively small increase in the price of gold can lead to significant gains in the best gold stocks and owners of gold stocks typically obtain a much higher return on investment (ROI) than owners of physical gold.

The United States is primed for supercharged growth. The recently enacted $1.8 trillion fiscal stimulus package provides another big shot in the arm for the U.S. consumer. And this stimulus comes at a time when the economy should already be re-accelerating as vaccines become broadly available around the middle of the year. With the economy reopening more-completely, we look for pent-up demand to drive a strong bounce in the service sectors. Demand for air travel, for example, is likely to overshoot as families go on vacations again. There is already evidence of this re-opening theme in the data, with sharply higher travel bookings scheduled more than 90 days into the future. Real GDP growth of 7% looks possible for 2021, which would be the best calendar-year outcome since 1984. The good news is that there is spare capacity to absorb much of this above-trend growth. We look for the Fed to keep its benchmark rate at zero until late 2023 or early 2024, which should slow the rise in 10-year yields from here. The industry consensus for GDP and corporate earnings growth is now uniformly optimistic. Rather than focusing on benchmark U.S. equity market exposure—which skews heavily toward the 2020 COVID-19 winners such as mega-cap technology stocks—we continue to see bigger opportunities in the cheaper and more cyclical areas of the equity market. These securities have generally been performing strongly over the last two quarters, but we believe still trade at attractive relative valuations.

Making investing as simple as possible, regardless of your portfolio size, is a sound, research-supported approach. This means holding a few low-cost, broad-market index funds and sticking with them over the long run. For example, you could opt for a total stock market fund, a total international stock fund, and a total bond market fund — otherwise known as the “three-fund portfolio.” The central benefit to holding fewer investments is that once you’ve purchased the funds in the right proportion and set dividends to reinvest, there is no further action necessary other than to rebalance the account once or twice a year. Discover additional info at

Bryan Legend DeFi blockchain trends today

Reliable DeFi blockchain trends by Bryan Legend: Bryan Legend has been instrumental in changing the way we think about blockchain technology and has made it accessible and understandable to the masses. His innovative approach to blockchain has allowed people to gain a better understanding of the technology and its potential applications in today’s world. He has also been an advocate for decentralization, which allows users to control their own data. This ensures that users remain in control of their assets and they are not being exploited by third parties. Bryan believed that the key to the mass adoption of blockchain is giving users the power to control their own data, and this has been a major part of his mission. See more info on Bryan Legend.

According to industry experts, many crypto market enthusiasts cannot actively participate in the DeFi space due to the complex landscape of individual platforms. However, the CEO of Vulcan Blockchain prioritizes mass adoption through its user-friendly interface, which makes it more accessible to investors. Bryan Legend is a name synonymous with innovation and success in the world of crypto and entrepreneurship. With a passion for finance and a relentless drive to help others achieve financial stability, Bryan has certainly built a reputation as one of the leading voices in the industry in a very short span of time. With an extensive knowledge of decentralised finance and a deep understanding of the business landscape, Bryan has taken his entrepreneurial spirit and transformed it into a thriving empire, touching the lives of countless individuals and leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Bryan’s entrepreneurial journey has remained focused on his goals, and he always retained sight of what truly matters. He has taken risks, embraced change, always put his clients and customers first, and built a reputation as a trusted and reliable professional dedicated to delivering real value to those he serves. In his role as a leader in the crypto space, Bryan has been a true visionary, using his unique blend of technical expertise and business acumen to build companies that are making a real impact in the lives of countless people. From his early work developing the Safuu Protocol to his latest venture, OOXY Labs, Bryan has consistently demonstrated his ability to think outside the box and bring innovative new solutions to the market.

Who Can Launch an ICO? Anyone can launch an ICO. With very little regulation of ICOs in the U.S. currently, anyone who can access the proper tech is free to launch a new cryptocurrency. But this lack of regulation also means that someone might do whatever it takes to make you believe they have a legitimate ICO and abscond with the money. Of all the possible funding avenues, an ICO is probably one of the easiest to set up as a scam. If you’re set on buying into a new ICO you’ve heard about, make sure to do your homework. The first step is ensuring the people putting up the ICO are real and accountable. Next, investigate the project leads’ history with crypto and blockchain. If it seems the project doesn’t involve anyone with relevant, easily verified experience, that’s a red flag.

But the legality of cryptocurrency or digital assets is not guaranteed to persist. In 2017, the People’s Bank of China officially banned ICOs, slamming them as counterproductive to economic and financial stability. In 2021, the Chinese government went on to ban cryptocurrency mining and declared all cryptocurrency transactions illegal. Ethereum’s ICO in 2014 is an early, prominent example of an initial coin offering. The Ethereum ICO raised $18 million over a period of 42 days.11 In 2015, a two-phase ICO began for a company called Antshares, which later rebranded as Neo. The first phase of this ICO ended in October 2015, and the second continued until September 2016. During this time, Neo generated about $4.5 million.

It’s become common practice, however, to see ICO investors offload their discounted coins onto the market to secure a quick-and-easy return on their investment or token prices to pump and dump heavily. Few tokens seldom recovered in price from these types of sell-offs and is a big part of why ICOs are less commonly used today. A study from 2018 showed more than 50% of ICO projects failed to survive longer than four months after launching. Here’s a list of over 2,400 failed ICOs, or “dead coins.”

As blockchain has expanded into the mainstream consciousness, so has the opportunity to work in the blockchain industry. You could work for any of the hundreds of blockchain currencies themselves, or for other companies or industries looking to take advantage of the blockchain boom. In addition to developers, blockchain companies need to hire for all the other roles of a growing business, including marketing, human resources, and cyber security.

Alongside structuring the ICO, the crypto project usually creates a pitchbook—called a white paper in the crypto industry—which it makes available to potential investors via a new website dedicated to the token. The promoters of the project use their white paper to explain important information related to the ICO: What the project is about; The need that the project would fulfill upon completion; How much money the project needs; How many of the virtual tokens the founders will keep; What type of payment (which currencies) will be accepted; How long the ICO campaign will run.

Ethereum’s ICO was one of the first real success stories using this relatively new type of fundraising mechanism, raising $15.5 million in 2014. Fifty million ether tokens (ETH) were sold at $0.311 each, and on May 12, 2021, it hit an all-time high of $4,382.73, offering investors a 1,408,903% return on investment. Now not only is it one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies, but it has enabled an entire ecosystem of decentralized applications (dapps) to blossom from its technology.

He is widely known for his unique and innovative approach, which has the potential to further advance the DeFi space to a great extent. Bryan Legend introduced his Blockchain-based platform, OOXY Labs, to the market, enabling users to earn interest on their digital assets. It also provided liquidity into the market. Industry experts, as well as crypto market enthusiasts, have lauded his innovative approach to the DeFi segment, as it aids in driving the growth of the market. Apart from OOXY Labs, Mr. Legend is also the CEO of Vulcan Blockchain and leads its unique operations.

What Sets Vulcan Blockchain Apart? Vulcan Blockchain is the world’s first auto-staking and auto-rebasing layer 1 lockchain. It offers a whopping 44% APR to investors holding the native $VUL crypto coin. From creating customized tokens to providing DeFi apps and Vulcan exchange for crypto transactions, the company’s robust and dependable ecosystem offers everything a crypto lover would want.

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance talking about fractional Chief Financial Officer advantages in this period of recession

Quality advantages when employing interim Chief Financial Officer with Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance: A fractional CFO helps determine how to get you from where you are to where you want to go. Growing a business requires strategic use of capital. For many fractional CFOs, one of their most important contributions will be providing a financial forecast that will act as a blueprint to achieve the growth in the most efficient, accelerated, and sustainable way possible. With a short-term (next 90 days), mid-term (rest of this year), and long-term (next 3-5 years) view of the business, a company can better anticipate its trajectory and cash position or requirements. It can make it easier to manage through the lean times, help determine when and how to secure loans or investments, anticipate future owner compensation, and help plan and prioritize future business decisions such as staffing, production, geographical expansion, etc. Read extra info at

With technological advances disrupting job descriptions, the organization will have its share of fear and resistance. Given the close collaboration between finance and information technology, the CFO is in a unique position to anticipate the future needs of organization and help mentor people with their reskilling into other growth areas. What else do you think CFOs can be doing now to adapt to the future? I’d be very grateful if you provide your comments and share your thoughts. Thank you!

While surveying the landscape of the 21st Century economic climate, Sam McQuade, CFO, CEO and Financial maverick realized that the benefits of the gig economy and off-site personnel had hit the preverbally glass ceiling at the executive floor. Large established companies, corporations and organizations were captive of contracted executives. These executives could be effective and efficient however they could also be playing the game of international finance with obsolete rules, models, and ideas.

To make you understand it in simple words, let me explain it with an example. Suppose there is a website that allows people to buy and sell products. This website has a smart contract that governs how the transactions will take place. When someone wants to buy a product, they will send a request to the smart contract. The smart contract will then check if the person has enough money to buy the product. If they do, then the transaction will take place, and the product will be sent to the buyer. If the person doesn’t have enough money, then the transaction will not take place.

As independent internal auditors, we compile in-depth audit reports that convey insights on both known and unknown risks and vulnerabilities in order to protect your business. We hold a niche in capital project auditing and in assisting start-ups with outsourced Internal Audit services.

A lot of our clients at Panterra Finance ask us about DAOs, what they are, and how they work. So we thought it would be helpful to write a blog post explaining them. Before getting into DAO, a brief few things about blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions on many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. Sounds complicated? Let’s take an example to understand this better. Suppose there are two people, A and B, who want to transact with each other. A wants to buy a product from B worth $100. In the old way of transacting, A would hand over the $100 to B, and B would hand over the product to A. This process is called ‘centralized’ because there is one central entity, in our case, a bank or PayPal, through which both parties have to go through to complete the transaction.

The answer is to bring in a qualified CFO to work closely with the CEO or business owner. The CFO must embrace the vision, but also translate this into the operational and financial framework to achieve success. Dealing effectively with stakeholders is another key function. This includes managing expectations, presenting financial information, and understanding the varied and legitimate interests of owners, creditors, and lenders.

Looking to hire your very first CFO or need interim coverage? We offer solution CFOs for urgent very short term objectives and longer term engagements. Flexible with clear pricing so you solve the needs of your business and don’t have to get into a potentially bad and costly full time hire. Along with the core services of C-Suite Level Executives in Finance and a contingent of Fractional CFO talent and experienced Intermittent CFO innovators, Panterra Finance services include: international Business – Experts in Global Tax Liabilities and Cash Flow Strategies, investments and planning. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory – Providing valuations as well as independent perspectives on offers and options. Internal Audits – Independent internal auditors with in-depth reports highlighting risks and vulnerabilities. Risk Management – A worldwide footprint enables Panterra Finance to identify risks and opportunities in the new world economy. Compliance Review – Actionable understanding when entering markets with new rules, regulations, laws and international asset allocation decisions. Read additional information at

Debt consolidation tips and tricks from right now

Debt consolidation provider by 2023: We offer loan and credit consulting options for a select group of people meeting certain minimum credit/financial criteria in the areas of unsecured no collateral personal and credit assistance options. There are no up-front fees. We are an A+ rated company and provide our clients with the best options available at the time a personal loan is needed to be able to meet their lending and credit needs. We have a family type culture with our clients and always put our clients first in every aspect of our culture. Discover more information on

To stay committed, write down why you want to be debt-free and how often you will make payments, and set periodic reminders to check your progress, LoanratePal says. Locking away cards doesn’t mean closing accounts, which could hurt your credit. The one exception to the no-use rule is a nominal charge on your card every few months — paid on time and in full — to keep the account active and your credit intact. Balance transfer cards let you shift over debts from other cards and charge no interest for a limited time — the best ones offer from 15 to 21 months — after which a double-digit interest rate kicks in. Most cards charge balance transfer fees and require good credit scores and high incomes to qualify.

A personal loan is a type of unsecured loan that can help you in any financial crisis. You can spend funds gained from a personal loan in any way you like, from renovating your home to repairing your car. Most individuals prefer personal loans over others since they allow you to use funds in any way you want. Personal loans are unsecured in nature, meaning, you don’t have to place collateral or security in the form of an asset such as a house, car and etc. Due to this reason, interest rates of personal loans tend to be much higher than those of traditional secured loans.

Gather documents and develop a business plan. Traditional lenders will require your business to submit a wide range of financial and legal documents during the application process. You will have to show income tax returns, balance sheets and income statements, bank statements, and all legal documentation for your business. A solid plan will give lenders more confidence in your company. Provide collateral. Finally, you may have to provide some collateral for your small business loan. This collateral can be equipment, real estate, or inventory the lender can seize if you don’t make your payments. Collateral is simply a way for lenders to recover the money if your business fails. We hope that these tips help you understand how to qualify for a small business loan. Starting a business is a rewarding experience, but not everyone has the capital to get started. If you got a great idea, an excellent credit score, and a solid business plan, you can apply for a small business loan to help get your business off the ground. Contact us if you have further questions or would like to get started on the process!

Loan and credit consulting guides from LoanratePal 2023: Assessment of the Total Cost: Interest is not the only cost associated with personal loans. Some other types of costs include prepayment charges, penalties, and processing fees that you must take into account as well. Assessing such costs will allow you to plan and manage your personal loan better. Interest Rates: Personal loan interest rates are usually high, starting from 11.49% to going as much as 25%. But there is more to it. You will need to ask about and understand the nature of the rate of interest. Most banks offer fixed interest rates but some also offer a reducing balance interest rate. This can significantly affect your monthly EMI to repay the loan.

How to manage your new mortgage: Once you move into your new home you will need to start making monthly repayments on your mortgage. If you miss any payments, the amount you owe could increase and your credit record could be damaged. If you fall too far behind your lender could repossess your house. If you set up a direct debit to pay your mortgage, you will never miss a payment as long as there is enough money in your bank account. Here is how to manage your mortgage so you can keep up with your repayments and make sure you are always on the best deal.

High quality debt consolidation services by The classic security for a loan is property, but in fact a wide range of things can be used as loan collateral. These include equipment, vehicles, inventory, accountants receivable and even old fashioned cash although this is a rarity. Both residential and commercial property can be used, as well as agricultural land. Even the open market value of the business itself can be used as security in some instances. Loan providers will perform their own independent valuations of the collateral you’re offering. You can still sell the asset you’ve offered as collateral during the running of the loan, but only if you’ve got another form of security to offer in its place. Discover more info on loan and credit consulting.

Some employers will allow the staff to get a payday advance from their paycheck. These employers advance you for work you have already done. There is a side effect, though. That is, you will need to ask yourself if you can handle taking an advance from your paycheck. You will have other obligations to handle when you get your paycheck. On the bright side, though, you will not have an interest rate that is more than 100% APR on the advance. Alternatively, if asking your employer for a payday advance is not a feasible option, you can ask your employer if there any extra hours for you to pick up. Many employers are responsive to their employee’s financial needs. They value your employment. There are, however, not always extra hours to give an employee. In cases such as this, you have the option of picking up a side gig. The funds from the side gig can go toward paying your payday loan in full and not sweating it.

NorthAmerican Bancard agent program recommendations and merchant services business opportunities in the US

ISO agent program program advices and merchant services business opportunities in 2023: Peak Bonus: 12 x-14x Monthly Profitability: This is where the big money is! We will pay you your activation / approval bonus upfront. However, we will then look at the profitability of your account after one full calendar month of processing and pay you 14 times NAB’s monthly profitability on all PayAnywhere accounts and 12 x on all other EPX deals. Note: Keep in mind, when boarding accounts on our Edge / Dual Pricing program (Sometimes referred to as Cash Discounting) it is common to see residuals of $400-$500+ a month on a $50,000/month deal. Find even more info at Digital payments agent.

As a result, the place of digital transactions in businesses is now highly rated as the advent of online payment methods have been noted to breed better customer-merchants relationships and ultimately, better customer experiences. This is why – as a business owner aimed at staying ahead in the competitive business world – it is important to interact with the power wielded by innovative technologies.

With the true up bonus you will get up to $5000 for each merchant account based on the monthly profit. Here is a basic example: if the profit for NAB on an account is an average of $100 you would earn a total amount of $1400 (Average over 3 months of processing). Since North American Bancard already paid an upfront activation bonus of $500 you would be paid an additional $900. Keep in mind this is paid out after 90 days. Also if you’re selling merchant accounts that are not profitable NAB will retract the upfront bonus.

It is no news that technology is fast advancing the world and the anticipated digital revolution is taking its place. In effect, the world has seen an influx of new technologies seeking ways to aid the significant transformation of businesses with less effort. Today, technology is shaping up the payments landscape by providing ways to unite localities globally through better security, faster and efficient communication, data transparency as well as better data analysis.

Merchant services go beyond payment processing. Payment processing is the backbone of merchant services, encompassing the entire process of transferring payment from buyer to seller. This includes the payment device (the POS system), the payment software, the security software that protects the transaction data the payment record, and the transaction itself. Merchant services go beyond just debit and credit card transactions.

Make sure you ask about all other fees upfront as well: Fixed transaction fees – are they charged for declined transactions as well, are there any contract cancellation fees, minimum monthly invoice, how much is the setup fee and if it has to be paid upfront, is there any additional annual and monthly fee, how much will you be charged for every statement and bank wire, and very importantly what are the chargeback, retreival and refund fees. You may know that you will get your funds but you also need to know when exactly. Every credit card processing provider and acquiring bank will have different remittance turnaround times. It mainly depends on your risk category and the type of merchant account setup – for example, a direct MID setup where acquirer is paying you directly means less time because there’s no need for funds to reach the Processor company first and then be forwarded to your bank account.

Get marketing support to bring in more clients. NAB provides a mirrored website that makes marketing that much easier and less expensive for you. You’ll build credibility and have the clients you want much faster. Most importantly, NAB is there for you every step of the way. They have award-winning customer service and marketing tools that help representatives in every industry gain the sales they want. You are never alone in this process. Find more info on

So now you know about the potential of zero-fee solution and how it can literally double your income while also increasing the number of merchants in your portfolio, the answer is obvious, right? The typical form of merchant processing where an agent will offer lower fees than what a merchant is already paying will only limit your earning potential. With the help of this innovative zero-fee solution, you can skyrocket your income and bring bags of money to your home. Now, of course, it looks easy on paper, well on the screen, but you will still have to learn to be a good salesman and perfect your pitch. We already have a detailed guide on becoming a successful sales rep –add hyperlink to the article I wrote on it-, which will help you learn the art of selling.

Sam McQuade CFO discussing interim Chief Financial Officer benefits these days

Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance on fractional Chief Financial Officer advantages in 2023? Includes producing accurate and timely financial statements, management reports and projections, forecasts, budgets and cost models that are all based in economic reality. Such tools enhance management insight and promote proactive management. By identifying the levers that drive performance they can be calibrated to maximize efficiency, lower costs and optimize profit and cash flow. Appropriate financial controls can provide many benefits including accurate financial statements, improved control of company assets and the reduced risk of fraud. See more information at Sam McQuade CFO of Panterra Finance.

The CFO function is evolving at lightspeed. With digital transformation and societal changes, the CFO role is rapidly turning into one of a “Chief Fiduciary Officer”, which is going beyond the traditional financials to look towards the future and lead long term value creation in a world of many unknown risks. Storytelling is a very powerful tool to engage and energize teams about value creation and potential pitfall areas. The traditional path of CFO usually starts with a solid foundation based on technical knowledge and then after about 15 years, the great leaders earn the coveted title.

Smaller companies, incubators and startups could not match the salaries that the full time CFO commanded on the world financial stage. The seeds for the concept of an Interim or Fractional CFO were planted in the mind of Sam McQuade almost 3 decades ago when he first entered the world of International Finance as an Entrepreneur Consultant in Geneva Switzerland after achieving his MBA/MA at European University. During this tumultuous time at the turn of the century on the international financial scene, Mr. McQuade was ahead of his time. He offered as needed financial consultation services for international behemoths the Swiss based Nestle Corporation and the US based medical device corporation Stryker. The focus of his services, which would years later be foundational in the concepts of Panterra was a new model in product development, manufacturing and marketing.

Friends With Benefits is a decentralized social network. It allows users to connect with each other and share content. It allows the users to collaborate and create new content. Users may connect with individuals who share their interests in other cities through city-specific hubs. The more FWB tokens a user has, the more opportunities to meet and interact with others develop. This is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that uses the power of the blockchain to adjudicate disputes. Kleros is a DAO because it is powered by smart contracts. The Kleros token (PNK) is used to incentive jurors to vote on disputes. When someone wants to submit a dispute to Kleros, they first have to deposit some PNK. If the jury rules in favor of the person who submitted the dispute, then they get their PNK back. If the jury rules against them, then they lose their PNK. Kleros can be used to adjudicate any kind of dispute. It has been used to adjudicate disputes in online markets, freelance platforms, and even in the sharing economy.

As you enter each new geography, we help you adhere to the relevant regulatory requirements and stay compliant. In a world that is rapidly changing, we help you identify what that change means for your business and what measures you need to employ to protect it from a range of risks in the new economy.

Understanding DAO: Now, suppose the same transaction happens on a decentralized network like the Bitcoin network. There is no central entity here. Both parties can interact with each other directly. The product is transferred from A to B, and $100 is transferred from B to A. This transaction is then recorded on a digital ledger which is available to everyone in the network. So there is complete transparency, and everyone knows that the transaction has taken place. This process of recording transactions on a digital ledger is what we call ‘blockchain technology.’ This is not limited to just financial transactions; it can be used to record any kind of transaction. Now that we know what blockchain is, let’s get back to DAO.

Searching to hire your very first CFO or wanting only some interim coverage? We provide CFOs for immediate very short term projects and longer term engagements. Flexible with clear pricing so you cover your business and don’t have to get into a potentially bad and costly full time hire. Sam McQuade CFO has successfully scaled his decades old ideas into an innovative full-service Financial Partner Solution for incubators, startups, emerging business concepts as well as well-established international companies, corporations and organizations with the introduction of Panterra Finance. The Panterra Finance professional executive team members are equipped to provide an industry leading concept of an on demand Fractional CFO and Interim CFO during pivotal transitions. Read even more information on

The philosophy of “What got you here won’t get you where you want to go” is ever-present in business once past the initial start-up phase. Businesses launch additional products, open new territories, open additional locations, transact in new currencies, and deal with increasing regulatory requirements. These all require more advanced thinking, tools, and techniques. Many bootstrap startups begin with a part-time bookkeeper and simple systems but later find that they cannot sustain additional business growth and complexity. Systems, resources, processes, and strategies must scale in sophistication as a company grows.

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