Category: Internet

Tallest Mountains in the World and extra interesting top 10’s

Top 10’s for everything, helpful when looking for info. One of the Most Famous Streets in the U.S. ? Lombard Street is unique because the street itself is the actual attraction. It is famous because of its one block section between Leavenworth and Hyde Streets that has eight very sharp hairpin turns. Lombard Street is known as the “crookedest” street in the world. It was constructed in 1922 and it was designed this way in order to allow cars and pedestrians to safely travel down Russian Hill since it has a 27% grade. Additionally, such a road would was deemed to be too hazardous for pedestrians, especially those in wheelchairs. Although this road meanders through a residential area, after taking an unforgettable car ride down Russian Hill there are still plenty of other tourist attractions to enjoy in the immediate vicinity.

One of the Highest Grossing Movies of All Time ? Jaws, Jaws-MovieJaws was a 1975 summer blockbuster based on Peter Benchley’s novel Jaws. The movie made $1,945,100,000. It was directed by Steven Spielberg and the story centers on a massive man-eating great white shark that kills swimmers who go in the waters of Amity Island. Eventually a police chief (Roy Scheider), marine biologist (Richard Dreyfuss) and shark hunter (Robert Shaw) join forces to try and kill the menacing shark that is terrorizing the local waters. The film is notorious for its ominous music that warns of the shark’s presence. Jaws won 3 Academy Awards for Best Original Dramatic Score, Best Film Editing and Best Sound. John William’s music in the movie also won an additional Grammy Award and Golden Globe Award.

One of the Longest Living Animals ? The hydra is a tiny freshwater polyp that is related to coral, sea anemones and the jellyfish. Similar to the Turritpsis nutricula jellyfish, the hydra has regenerative powers. Every time you cut one of these tiny creatures apart, each piece quickly develops into a new hydra. Hydras do not appear to age at all. Their bodies are tubular in shape and have a mouth on one end that has poisonous tentacles. The hydra uses its tentacles to paralyze insects and crustaceans after which it consumes them. They only grow to be a little less than an inch long; however, they can consume prey that is up to twice their size. These strange creatures move around by utilizing a cup-like foot or pulling themselves along with their tentacles and then “somersaulting.” Many top 10’s on UtopTens.

One of the Tallest Mountains in the World ? Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain in the world and stands at about 26,906 feet (8,201meters) high. Like most of the other Himalayan Mountains, it lies between Nepal and China (Tibet). Its name in Tibetan means “Turquoise Goddess”. It was used as a warm up for climbing Mount Everest when people were first exploring the Himalayan Mountains and today it is considered the easiest of al of the “eight-thousander” mountains to climb.

Building up your Instagram followership base – Instagram seguidores

Share Selfies to Get More Instagram Followers (Yes, Really)

Theres no denying that Instagram is still a very social place. And people want to follow accounts that they can relate to, regardless of whether thats a brand, influencers, or person they went to high school with.

So its important to make your Instagram account as personable and relatable as possible, and really show off what your business and brand is all about if you want to get more Instagram followers.

Plus, did you know that photos with faces get 38% more likes on Instagram? Do you need especially spanish followers ? Check seguidores Instagram

When it comes to Instagram growth, its simply not as easy to get more Instagram followers in 2019 as it was a year or two ago.

With over 1 billion monthly users, an ultra-smart algorithm, and tons of clever, creative brands on Instagram, its a competitive place if you want to grow your account and boost your following.

So if you really want to stand out, show off your brand, and get more followers on Instagram, you have to work smarter and harder.

Make the most of your bio URL.

It’s prime real estate on your Instagram profile… do you really want your bio to only link to your website homepage, now and forever? Yawn. Change it up at least bi-weekly and use that clickable link in your bio to drive traffic to your newest or most popular content.

Get local.

See what’s going on in a specific area (say, your neighborhood, a city you’re targeting in ads, or even an event in a certain location) by going to the search page and choosing the Places tab. Then, type in the name of the place to see all geotagged posts for that location.

For spanish people:

Participe en conversaciones masivamente populares.

Para cada publicacin, use una combinacin de hashtags relevantes por temas, como #woodworking para una empresa de carpintera, por ejemplo, as como hashtags super populares, donde sea posible. Aproveche al mximo su URL de biografa.

Es una propiedad primordial en su perfil de Instagram … realmente desea que su biografa solo se vincule a la pgina de inicio de su sitio web, ahora y siempre? Bostezo. Cmbielo por lo menos cada dos semanas y use el enlace en el que se puede hacer clic en su biografa para dirigir el trfico a su contenido ms reciente o ms popular. Obtenga descripciones con sus ttulos.

Una imagen vale ms que mil palabras, pero no puede omitirlas por completo. National Geographic es fantstico en el uso de la narracin junto con sus fotos de Instagram para generar interaccin y compartir. Mientras que las marcas de medios tradicionales han cado como moscas, NatGeo ha prosperado en lo digital y se ha convertido en una de las mejores marcas en Instagram, con ms de 50 millones de seguidores. Extra : Instagram seguidores

Eliminar de su perfil las fotos etiquetadas no deseadas de usted.

Si solo quieres incluir el mejor contenido generado por el usuario sobre ti o tu marca en tu perfil de Instagram, puedes hacerlo. Ahora, no puede eliminar por completo las fotos etiquetadas del sitio, seleccionando “Editar etiquetas”, seleccionando las que desea eliminar y seleccionando “Ocultar del perfil” (es posible que deba confirmar). Hace el truco.

Dental web design Watford

Your dental practice website is an online window into your dental practices brand. If its old and clunky, people will think your practice is old school. If its simple, clean, and mobile friendly, people will think your practice is modern. More about Web design for dentists UK.

Must have features ? User-friendly, intuitive navigation. Your dental practice website needs to be easy-to-use, simple to navigate, and it should feature shortcuts to the important information your patients and prospective patients can find quickly.

Use call tracking and scoring. Every marketing initiative must have a call tracking number with call scoring and that includes your website. Most new patients will look you up online regardless of how they heard about your practice. You need to know how many people call as a result of visiting your website, if those calls are being answered promptly, and and how effective your team is at engaging callers and converting them into appointments.

Make sure your website has your contact information prominently displayed.

There are few things more annoying to patients than having to search for your contact information. Make sure your contact information and active social media accounts are prominently displayed on every page, so people can get in touch with you the moment they decide they want you to be their dentist.

Share images and patient testimonials

Another process to be mindful of is notifying your project manager on whether you have any specific images you want to use or patient testimonials to highlight on your homepage.

While stock images are great placeholders to use on the homepage, they should be used in a manner that is as relevant to your practice as possible. For instance, if the main banner image is a family portrait, think about the demographics of your patient base. Does the image you have chosen reflect this? On the other hand, if a natural landscape is to be the central focus, it should reflect the areas surrounding the practice and/or the areas familiar to your target audience.

In order for your website to have the best chances of being found easily on the search engines through any of our dental SEO services, every web page will require full optimisation. We will also include additional XML and HTML site maps. Your website will then be submitted to Google, Yahoo and Bing and we will ensure your business is found on map listings such as Google My Business and Bing Places.

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Acme Road
WD24 5AL
United Kingdom

Catalog of Websites for Cleaning and Home Improvement Businesses

If you own a cleaning business or a home improvement business you might want to include your business website to CleaningAds.Online , a new online directory and market for home improvement businesses.

Before you submit your website to directories, you should first know the actual benefits of directory submission. There are number of benefits of directory submission. One of the main benefits of directory submission is highly quality back links. All the search engines consider the number of back links you have.

Business owners and SEO experts alike recognize the importance of directory submissions for increased traffic and sales. It is one of the most affordable SEO options available and offers great opportunities for business promotion. In fact, it is one of the most important factors to consider when developing your business’s internet marketing strategy. When you use directory submissions to increase traffic to your site, you will notice that your search engine ranking increases; and as your ranking increases, so will the amount of traffic on your site. As you can see, directory submission is a win-win prospect that you simply can’t afford to ignore. Here are the top 5 benefits of directory submission for you online business website.

1. One-way links. Search engines place a premium on one-way links rather than reciprocal links, and directories are a great way to obtain those valuable one-way links. Search engines also place great value on links from sites that are well-established and are relevant to your market niche. Since directories allow you to place your listing in the categories that most closely fit with your product or service, you can rest assured that search engines will consider these links relevant. And you have the option of choosing older, more well-established directories that will show search engines that your links come from authoritative websites.

2. Search engine listings. Once you submit your site to a directory and your site is listed, it will only be a matter of days before the major search engines begin listing your URL as well. Robots are constantly searching for new websites and will find your website fast if it is listed in a directory.

3. Keyword relevance. Having your site listed in a web directory can help build keyword relevance, which in turn results in more traffic to your website.

4. Brand awareness. Directory submission is essential for increasing brand awareness.

5. Affordability. Directory submission is one of the most affordable SEO strategies you can find. Many directories will list your site for free, and even those sites that charge to list your site don’t charge a prohibitive amount. Directory submission is easily one of the most economically reasonable ways to address link popularity, brand awareness, and keyword targeting for your website.

One of the drawbacks to directory submission is that is a tedious process. SEO experts and internet marketing professionals have discovered that manual submission to directories is the most efficacious way to complete the directory submission task since each directory has its own rules and regulations for submission. Using submission software runs a great risk of rejection since such software is unable to customize your listing for each directory and can’t choose appropriate categories and subcategories as accurately as a human can. But manual submission can take a lot of time and effort.

If you’re truly committed to using directory submission as an integral part of your overall internet marketing strategy, you may consider utilizing the service of an internet marketing expert. Not only can an internet marketing expert help you determine how best to use directory submissions within your strategy, but he can also tell you which directories to pursue and which to avoid. He will know which niche directories most closely match your product or service, and he can even take care of the directory submission task on your behalf.

Whether you choose to take on the task of directory submissions yourself or hire a professional to do it for you, be sure to take advantage of the benefits of directory submissions. You’ll be glad you did when you see the increased traffic to your site and when you watch your visitors turn into loyal customers! reports huge increase in traffic is an established general web directory launched in 2013.

It receives 20,000 websites submissions per month and due the quality of approved listings and increased popularity it reached around 10,000 unique visitors per month on average for 2017.

Because of the long list of pending review submissions the approval time is very long, around 6 month.

You can submit your website here :

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