Category: Software

Bestbewertet app für gastronomie

Digitale speisekarte 2024: Orderiom ist die erste Wahl im Gastgewerbe, ganz egal, ob jetzt Restaurants & Hotels, Bars & Clubs, Events & Konzerte oder Coffee-Shops & Foodtrucks, unser Bestell und Bezahlsystem 2.0 ist immer an Ihrer Seite. Wir sind gar nicht mit Lieferdienstportalen wie Lieferando oder Uber Eats vergleichbar, Bestellen und Liefern ist eine Sache, aber ein vollwertiger Shop und Bezahlsystem ist noch mal was ganz anderes. Mit Orderiom vereinen wir die besten Apps und Tools aus der Gastronomie unter einer Oberfläche. Von Tisch über Onlinebestellungen, Webshop und Landingpage, Abverkauf von Restware zu Sonderpreisen, Kundenbindung und Nachhaltigkeit, bis zum Anbieten aller bekannten Bezahlmöglichkeiten für Ihre Gäste & all das ohne einen Cent Provision auf Bestellungen zu nehmen. Sehen extra einzelheiten mit digitale speisekarte.

Wie kann ein Kassensystem deinen Lieferdienst unterstützen und welche Vorteile bietet es? Ein Kassensystem erleichtert die tägliche Arbeit in deinem Lieferservice-Betrieb. Es bietet eine übersichtliche und aufgeräumte Darstellung, die intuitive Bedienung, eine unkomplizierte Verwaltung von Bestellungen und eine effektive Gutscheinverwaltung. Darüber hinaus erleichtert es die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Anforderungen und sorgt für eine reibungslose Abrechnung. Regelmäßige Updates und ein zuverlässiger Support sind entscheidend, um die Funktionalität und Sicherheit deines Kassensystems zu gewährleisten. Erfahre, warum Updates und Supportleistungen wichtig sind und wie sie dir helfen können, deinen Lieferservice reibungslos zu betreiben.

Während deiner 30-tägigen Testphase basteln wir dir eine Sample-App. Diese umfasst einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf deine Speisekarte. Du behältst dabei die Zügel in der Hand und kannst die Inhalte nach Belieben mit unserem einfachen Baukastensystem vervollständigen. Gibt es etwas Schöneres, als einen Ort zu haben, an dem man sich mit seinen Freunden treffen kann, gute Musik, Lachen, Weinen, Verlieben und leckere Drinks!

Mehr Kundschaft, mehr Reichweite, mehr Sichtbarkeit – Mit deiner ganz persönlichen Online-Präsenz erreichst du nicht nur deine Stammkunden auf innovative Weise, sondern gewinnst auch neue Gäste dazu. Du bist rund um die Uhr sichtbar und präsentierst dein einzigartiges Angebot jedem Interessierten – egal ob sie gerade an deinem Betrieb vorbei spazieren oder von zu Hause aus nach ihrem neuen Lieblingslokal suchen. Deine Kunden können bequem von ihrem Smartphone oder Computer aus bestellen und ihre Wünsche direkt online bezahlen. Lesen extra einzelheiten auf

Für ein effizienteres Gastro-Management! Unsere intelligente Gastronomie-App erleichtert die Auftragsverwaltung & hilft dir dabei, Engpässe zu vermeiden. Wenn jedes Teammitglied genau weiß, was zu tun ist, lassen sich Fehler minimieren und schnell erledigen. So profitieren deine Kunden: Bequemer bestellen; Einfach direkt am Tisch einen QR Code scannen, per Smartphone bestellen und zahlen. Keine Wartezeiten mehr; Kein ständiges Winken nach dem Servicepersonal nötig. Einfach App öffnen und bestellen. Liefer- und Abholbestellungen online; Anrufen ist für viele Kunden sehr lästig. Nun kann jeder schnell und einfach online bestellen.

Digitale speisekarte 2024

Digitalisierung gastronomie mit Für ein effizienteres Gastro-Management! Unsere intelligente Gastronomie-App erleichtert die Auftragsverwaltung & hilft dir dabei, Engpässe zu vermeiden. Wenn jedes Teammitglied genau weiß, was zu tun ist, lassen sich Fehler minimieren und schnell erledigen. So profitieren deine Kunden: Bequemer bestellen; Einfach direkt am Tisch einen QR Code scannen, per Smartphone bestellen und zahlen. Keine Wartezeiten mehr; Kein ständiges Winken nach dem Servicepersonal nötig. Einfach App öffnen und bestellen. Liefer- und Abholbestellungen online; Anrufen ist für viele Kunden sehr lästig. Nun kann jeder schnell und einfach online bestellen. Sehen meht einzelheiten auf

All-in-One Kasse: Die Lösung für deine Lieferservice Bestellungen? Die All-in-One Kasse bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Lieferservice-Gastronomen zugeschnitten sind. Mit ihrer Hilfe kannst du nicht nur Bestellungen verwalten, sondern auch die Buchhaltung führen, Bestellungen über verschiedene Kanäle verarbeiten und die gesetzlichen Anforderungen im Blick behalten. Wie kann das Orderiom Kassensystem mit seiner einfachen Bedienung punkten? Das Orderiom Kassensystem überzeugt durch seine intuitive und benutzerfreundliche Bedienung. Mit nur wenigen Klicks können Bestellungen aufgenommen, Verkäufe getätigt und Gutscheine verwaltet werden. Diese einfache Handhabung spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern macht auch die Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter zum Kinderspiel.

Unsere Zusatzleistungen: Suchmaschinen-Optimierung (SEO)! Wir sorgen dafür, dass du online gefunden wirst. Wir optimieren deinen Content, Keywords und vieles mehr. Suchmaschinen Texterstellung-Optimierung (SEO) – Lass uns deine Texte schreiben oder verbessern. Im Anschluss binden wir die Texte zusammen mit einer Design-Anpassung in deine Website ein. Logo-Erstellung: Wir gestalten dir ein ansprechendes Logo, dass deinen Besuchern im Gedächtnis bleibt. Du erhälst die digitalen Nutzungsrechte. Lesen meht information mit bestellsystem bar.

Virtueller Zimmerservice, mit Orderiom beginnt die Zukunft schon heute! Hotels, Pensionen und alle Unterkünfte, die Übernachtungen anbieten, bekommen mit Orderiom den digitalen Zimmerservice. Entweder aus der eigenen Küche oder aus den Restaurants aus der Umgebung. Die Gäste bestellen ganz einfach mit dem Handy aus der digitalen Speisekarte und lassen die Bestellung bequem auf das Zimmer liefern – Orderiom, eine App, 1000 Möglichkeiten! Kassensystem für Lieferservice: Die optimale Kassensoftware für deinen Gastronomie Lieferdienst! Ein gut konzipiertes Kassensystem ist der Schlüssel zu einem reibungslosen Betrieb und einer effektiven Verwaltung deines Lieferservices. Durch die Implementierung eines maßgeschneiderten Kassensystems kannst du nicht nur Zeit und Geld sparen, sondern auch gesetzliche Anforderungen erfüllen und die alltäglichen Abläufe in deinem Betrieb optimieren.

Mit wenigen Fingertipps haben sie ihr Essen bestellt – komplett stressfrei ohne ständiges “Winken” nach dem Servicepersonal! Und während andere Gäste immer noch ihre Speisekarten studieren oder lange Fragen stellen müssen… werden die Getränke bereits an den Tisch gebracht und die Küche bereitet das Essen zu. Das bedeutet für dich eine schnellere Tischflukation und mehr Umsatz und keine teuren Fehler bei der Bestellung.

Quality school assignments grade calculator

Class grade calculator 2024: How to calculate class grade? To calculate a class grade, you must know your teacher or professor’s grading system. If your teacher or professor uses a total points system, you first need to add up all of your grades. Then, add up how many points were possible for each of those grades. Divide how many points you earned by the number of points possible, and you will determine your class grade. If your teacher or professor uses a grading system based on categories of different values, it is more complicated. For example, some teachers made tests and quizzes worth more points that classwork and homework. If your teacher uses categories, here is how you determine your class grade: Separately, for each category, add up all of your scores. Then, add up how many points were possible in that category. Divide your scores total by the points possible. That is how you determine the category grade. Do this for each category. You must know how much each category is weighted. Usually, this information will be listed on a class syllabus or a teacher’s web site. Multiply your category grade by how much it is weighted. For example, if tests are worth 50% of your class grade, multiply your test category grade by .50. If homework is worth 50% of your grade, multiply your homework category grade by .50. Then, add up the two scores. That is your class grade.

How to calculate report card grades? To calculate report card grades in high school, you must know how much your final exam is worth. Normally, final exams are worth 20% of your report card grade. That means the first quarter is worth 40% and the second quarter is worth 40%. Take your first quarter grade and multiple it by .40. Take your second quarter grade and multiply it by .40. Then, take your final exam grade and multiply it by .20. Add those three scores together, and that will be your report card grade. Discover more information on grade calculator.

In 1887, Mount Holyoke College became the first college to use letter grades similar to those commonly used today. The college used a grading scale with the letters A, B, C, D, and E, where E represented a failing grade. This grading system however, was far stricter than those commonly used today, with a failing grade being defined as anything below 75%. The college later re-defined their grading system, adding the letter F for a failing grade (still below 75%). This system of using a letter grading scale became increasingly popular within colleges and high schools, eventually leading to the letter grading systems typically used today. However, there is still significant variation regarding what may constitute an A, or whether a system uses plusses or minuses (i.e. A+ or B-), among other differences.

The most important thing is that you are getting enough sleep for your brain and body to recharge fully, or at least as much as it possibly can. You know better than anyone whether you are a morning person or a night owl, so try to set a schedule that best suits your natural rhythm. When deadlines are imminent and you don’t have this luxury, it is typically better to stay up and work late the night before rather than wake up early to get it done right before a test—if there is more work than you anticipated, you have a greater buffer to get everything done (and done well). First of all, snacks—but the right snacks. Feeding your body can also feed your brain: choose something somewhat healthy (chocolate-covered almonds, for instance) that you also enjoy. Particularly when reading a textbook, it’s easy to drift off—even if your eyes are moving over the words, your brain isn’t necessarily processing it. Stop after each paragraph and ask yourself to summarize it. Don’t let yourself get too far without making sure you’re actually retaining what you’ve read. Finally, find other ways to engage in active (instead of passive) studying. For instance, rather than reading or rereading a chapter, create physical flashcards that cover the material and quiz yourself.

Hire a private tutor – As a last resort, if the ideas in this article haven’t worked for you, you might consider hiring a private tutor to help you improve your grades for a particularly tricky subject. Some extra tuition may be just what you need to help bring your grade up, as you’ll benefit from one-to-one tuition in an environment in which you might feel more able to ask questions without the fear of speaking up in front of your peers. If you think this would help you, speak to your parents and suggest that they place an advert in the local paper if they’re willing to cover the cost of private tuition for you.

School grade calculator updated for 2024: How do I improve my grades? If your current grade in a course isn’t exactly what you want it to be, there are still several things you can do to improve your grade. Also, if you have figured out what you need to earn to get your desired grade in a course, you might be wondering how to earn those extra points. Once you’re motivated to improve your course results, there are many things you can do to be on the road to success. Here are a few helpful tips to improve your semester grade for a course.

Best tips for casting agents right now by GlobalTalentNetwork

GlobalTalentNetwork recruitment management software for production companies: Therefore, the actual value of top talent is far more significant than most organizations realize. Far too many companies promote that “their people are their most valuable asset” yet do nothing differently to attract top talent. There is a business case for the attraction and retention of top talent, which is why every organization should make it more of a priority. Some companies will say that getting top talent is difficult and competitive, as it should be considering its value, which is why companies look to Self Management Group as their strategic recruitment partner. Keep these findings in mind the next time you “settle” for an average candidate rather than going the extra mile to find a Golden Eagle. Find more details All-in-One Applicant Tracking Software.

GlobalTalentNetwork tricks for talent agencies : A glossy brochure shows clients that your agency is professional. Feature your top models on the brochure to showcase the the diversity your agency can provide. For example, you might have a high fashion photo, a picture of your models at a runway show and a group of models in a fun pose or two. Each of your models should have a composite photo card that you can quickly send to an interested client. The model should also have a portfolio available in case the client would like to see more in-depth work out of a particular model before hiring.

Submit to your target agents every 6 months…with an update about something NEW you have added to your skill set; bookings/plays/training/new headshots. But only submit IF you have something new to share. Make sure you have On Camera training on your resume. When meeting an agent you may need to audition with a prepared television side, or cold read commercial, industrial or film sides. Secondly, the agent wants to know you understandthe technical demands of working on camera, as well as how to navigate the variety of scripts and genres…so that they can feel confident submitting you for work. Find more details

You can also check out GlobalTalentNetwork’s online directory of agents and managers, or pull a list of franchised agents from SAG-AFTRA. Although there are certainly reputable agents who are not SAG-AFTRA franchised, it’s easier to check out those who are—plus, they’re accountable to a supervising entity. Research your candidates. Determine how many agents work for the agency, where the agency is located, how long the agency has been in business, what their submission guidelines are, who else they represent, etc. GlobalTalentNetwork’s Call Sheet includes a lot of this information, and you can check out an agency’s website for additional context. And don’t forget to run your list through the Better Business Bureau to see if anyone has filed claims against the agencies—this will help protect you from scam operations or disreputable agents.

One key to getting auditions is to remember that actors should see themselves as a small business, so “think about what look you are selling,” advises acting coach and Backstage Expert Matt Newton. One of his tips for figuring this out? “Write down three shows you could see yourself on. Series regular, guest star, co-star, whatever…. Watch [these shows], learn from them, observe what kind of actors they are casting. Take notes. Look up the casting director and the actors. If you are right for that show, and are trained, and they cast your type over and over, then by all means sign up for a casting director workshop to meet them in person. If you are over 50 and play ‘extraterrestrial’ roles all the time, probably don’t sign up for a soap opera casting workshop. Again, it’s all about being smart and knowing yourself.”

Talent managers handle public relations and media exposure, such as appearances on TV shows, interviews with journalists, and social media presence. A talent manager can advise career and contracts but cannot negotiate job contracts on your behalf. Talent managers can advise on income, investments, and manage the monetary flow of a client’s business. Talent managers usually have only one client and payment is either via salary or commission.

Know the character. Read the entire script beforehand to pick-up as many clues as possible. We know about a character by the following: What they say about themselves; What other characters say about them; What the playwright or screenwriter says about them. Show variety: Feel the levels and dynamics in the scene. Don’t play one emotion. If the character is angry or tough, when might they show some vulnerability? Wannabe? Not you! Interesting, memorable auditions will start to happen for you when you dig into scripts with these thoughts in mind before and during your auditions.

The best way to calm your nerves before an audition is to build confidence around your preparation process. Knowing your lines backwards and forwards will do wonders for quelling whatever doubts you have in your head. Another great way to calm audition nerves is to focus on your breathing. “Take centered, focused breaths that actually calm you,” says acting coach Craig Wallace, “A good breath to try if you are feeling a little edgy is a ‘heart breath.’ Sitting still, breathe deeply and slowly into your solar plexus or heart center, and then, just as slowly, let it out. Do this a few times, really letting the breath fill the entire area of the heart. When you surround the heart with your warm, expansive breath, it feels protected, and you begin to feel safer in your body. When it’s time for the audition, you’ll feel more secure, centered, and strong in your body, mind, and heart.”

What’s the difference between an aspiring actor and a working actor? Often times it’s just a good agent. Georgia’s film industry is booming. There are dozens of movies and TV shows filming at one time… Are you looking for an acting, dance, or a Los Angeles talent agent? Here is a full list of LA talent agencies you need to know? The most reliable way to become a famous actor in… Are you looking for an acting, dance or a New York talent agent? Here is a full list of New York talent agencies. What’s the difference between an aspiring actor and a working actor?

Quality Teen Patti guides for huge online profits

Teen Patti Master advices for online games earning online 2023: Here are some additional tips for playing Teen Patti Master: Use a variety of betting strategies: Don’t just bet the same amount every time. Vary your bets based on the strength of your hand and the situation. Be aware of the pot odds: The pot odds are the amount of money in the pot compared to the amount of money you have to call. If the pot odds are favorable, you should call. If the pot odds are not favorable, you should fold. Don’t be afraid to take risks: If you have a strong hand, you should be willing to take risks. However, don’t be reckless. Only take risks that you are comfortable with. Discover extra details on teen patti master download.

As you start as a beginner, you will find yourself in many situations where you may lose a game or not get good cards. In those situations, the best thing you can do is not give up. Remember, if you stick with it and keep getting better, the time will eventually come when you start winning more than 50% of the games online and make a profit. If you are seeing that playing online with money is bringing you loss, play it free. If you can invest some time into it, you will definitely get better and reach a professional level. Patience is necessary because it is a game that depends on skills more than luck.

Bluff and Mind Games: Teen Patti involves a fair amount of bluffing and psychological tactics. Use these strategies wisely to deceive opponents and create uncertainty. However, bluffing should be employed strategically and not excessively, as experienced players may catch on to your tactics. Maintain Focus and Emotional Control: Staying focused and maintaining emotional control are vital elements of successful gameplay. Avoid making impulsive decisions driven by frustration, excitement, or desperation. Stay calm, observe, and make calculated moves based on your understanding of the game.

Being predictable in Teen Patti online at 7Jackpots impacts your chances. Your fellow players are quick to figure out certain patterns in the way you play your game.Suppose you have the habit of giving up too early with bad cards and raise stakes when a strong hand comes your way.Competitors will figure it out as proceedings unfold, denying you the advantage. The thumb rule to Teen Patti success is to stay enigmatic and ready to spring a surprise.

Pay attention to your opponents: One of the most important strategies in Teen Patti Master is to pay attention to your opponents. Watch how they bet and how they react to the cards that are dealt. This information can help you make better decisions about your own bets. Don’t be afraid to bluff: Bluffing can be a powerful tool in Teen Patti Master. If you are confident in your hand, you can bluff your opponents into folding. However, it is important to use bluffing wisely. If you bluff too often, your opponents will start to catch on. Read even more info on

Start with Small Bets: When starting out, it’s wise, to begin with smaller bets. This allows you to get a feel for the game, observe other players’ strategies, and avoid risking significant losses. As you gain confidence and experience, gradually increase your bets. Observe Other Players: Take advantage of the opportunity to observe other players’ playing styles. Pay attention to their betting patterns, their reactions to different hands, and their overall strategies. This can provide valuable insights that can help you make more informed decisions during the game.

Power BI experts today

Business Intelligence für Microsoft Dynamics companies 2023: Workshops on Power BI (setup, use, best practices) as well as tools from Microsoft relevant to business intelligence (SQL Server, Azure, Analysis Services) and connection to data sources. Sustainable conception of your reporting infrastructure in the company for consistent KPIs. Individual selection of software components. Creative advice for your specialist departments on the possibilities with Power BI. Our programmers automate your entire reporting landscape. Even the most difficult cases can always be solved. 100% Microsoft technologies for your success. See extra info at Power BI.

Step 1: Create the Bridge TableStart by creating a new table in Power BI that contains the unique combinations of products and orders. This table will act as a “bridge” to resolve the many-to-many relationship. Step 2: Create relationshipsCreate relationships from the bridge table to the products and orders. Make sure to enable bidirectional cross filtering to ensure the filters work in both directions. Step 3: Create your reportsWith the relationships created, you can now create reports based on many-to-many relationships. Use the bridge table to aggregate data and gain insights. Step 4: Filter and drill down Bi-directional cross filtering allows you to flexibly filter and drill down data in your reports. You can find specific information in your database whether you are navigating from products to orders or vice versa.

Using sort columns in Power BI’s Fields parameter is a powerful way to specifically customize the sort order of categories. By creating custom sort values and applying these sort columns, you can ensure that your data is presented in visualizations exactly as you intend. The flexibility and adaptability of sort columns allow you to create meaningful reports that effectively convey the message you want.

Introducing the Field Switch: The Field Switch is a powerful feature in Power BI that allows you to dynamically select and present columns in your data visualization. Instead of having a fixed column selection, you can use the Field Switch to change the columns displayed based on user input, filters, or other conditions. This allows you to perform more flexible and customizable data analysis.

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence and automated technologies, the question arises whether Chat-GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) or AI consultants are a threat to traditional business intelligence jobs, especially when combined with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision and Business Central. In this article, we examine how these technologies work and what impact they could have on the role of business intelligence professionals in the Power BI and Microsoft Dynamics environment. Chat-GPT explanation: Chat-GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a language model developed based on OpenAI’s GPT architecture. It uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate human-like text and respond to natural language. The way Chat-GPT works is based on a so-called Transformer network. This is a neural network that was specifically developed for processing sequential data such as text. The Transformer model consists of multiple layers of attention mechanisms that allow the model to understand contextual relationships between the words in the text.

The future of business intelligence jobs will be closely tied to chat GPT and AI consultants. These technologies have the potential to transform the way business intelligence professionals work and further increase their efficiency and effectiveness. Here are some trends and developments that could shape the future of business intelligence jobs: Advanced data analysis: Chat GPT and AI Advisors will offer more advanced data analysis capabilities to gain even deeper insights into business data. Advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence will help identify patterns, relationships and trends in the data that would be difficult for human analysts to detect. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Integrating NLP with Chat-GPT and AI Advisors will further improve communication and interaction with these systems. Users will be able to use natural language to ask questions, make requests and retrieve information, improving usability and accessibility. See additional info at

Best Quick Copywriting AI

AI Copywriting Tool 2023: Our core values of innovation, excellence, and customer focus guide everything we do. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI, leveraging the latest technologies and best practices to deliver world-class solutions. We take pride in our work and are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations every time. Thank you for choosing Zavier as your AI partner. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your business objectives. Improve your productivity and get things done: Advanced productivity tools designed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently. With pre-built templates generate content faster then ever before, you can also request custom templates. Discover even more details at AI Text Rewriter. SEO Tools: Write SEO-optimized meta description based on a description or Generate Keywords from the Paragraph.

Inability to Adapt to Complex Subjects or Styles: One limitation of current AI writing tools is their difficulty in comprehending and adapting to complex subjects or writing styles. These tools may struggle to grasp intricate technical concepts or understand specialized industries, resulting in inaccurate or inadequate content generation. Similarly, the inability to adapt to diverse writing styles, such as formal or creative, hinders the tool’s ability to meet varying requirements. For instance, AI writing tools may struggle to generate poetry or replicate an author’s unique voice and tone. Enhancements in AI models and training data could help address this limitation, allowing for more nuanced and adaptable writing assistance in the future. However, it remains a challenge to achieve seamless adaptability, requiring extensive development and fine-tuning of existing AI systems.

Outside the classroom, professional writers and businesses use AI content generators to create preliminary ideas, generate quick summaries of online publications, write stories and engage with customers in chatbot conversations. While famous artists such as Greg Rutkowski may feel their rights infringed by AI art generators, other artists are using AI-generated art for inspiration. In the content generation marketplace, these AI tools can compete with writers and artists or can be used as human-augmenting tools to help writers and artists produce content more creatively, efficiently and collaboratively. How do advancements in AI technologies affect how we teach writing?

Responsibility and accountability for AI-generated content are pressing concerns. As AI tools become more prevalent in writing, it is crucial to ensure that the responsibility for the content produced lies with the creator rather than solely with the AI. Writers should carefully review and edit AI-generated content to avoid false information or biased narratives. AI writing tools have significantly impacted writing quality and standards. These tools provide real-time grammar and spelling suggestions, improving the overall accuracy of the content. Additionally, they offer readability analysis, helping writers craft more coherent and easily understandable texts. AI tools can assist in ensuring consistent style and tone throughout a document, which is especially valuable for large projects or collaborative writing. They can also generate creative ideas, reducing writer’s block and enabling more engaging content. However, it is crucial for writers to maintain control and discern the appropriate use of AI-generated suggestions, as blindly relying on them may compromise originality and authentic voice.

Using AI-based natural language processors (NLP) to fulfill the task does little to challenge the cognitive processes of the human writer. The reason is that the writer is ordinarily not significantly changed by the writing task, especially when it uses boilerplate-like language — language that is often repeated with a few unique details inserted. Instead, these softwares improve efficiency and make time for the person to do higher-level, more cognitively sophisticated kinds of writing. However, when people compose unique texts that require complex reasoning — the framing and support of arguments, and choices of structure, language and style — their composing process alternates between mental formulation and textual output. Writers test and evaluate their visual representation of thought on a page or screen as it emerges, discovering new ideas and subsequently revising the text. Writing can change the writer, opening up new perspectives and beliefs or revealing what there still is to learn.

Improved efficiency and productivity are significant benefits of utilizing AI writing tools. These tools have the ability to automatically suggest, correct, and optimize content, saving valuable time for writers. By streamlining the writing process, AI tools allow writers to focus on higher-level tasks, such as brainstorming and creativity. Enhanced accuracy and grammar checking is a valuable feature in AI writing tools. It helps writers eliminate errors, polish their writing, and enhance overall quality. By highlighting grammar mistakes, suggesting corrections, and offering alternative word choices, these tools improve the accuracy and readability of the text. Discover more information at

UTM builder solutions from Leafwire Digital in 2023

UTM builder management platform with Leafwire Digital in 2023: Our Chrome browser extension lets you capture single, multiple web URL links and all links in an email with a click, as it opens the tagging dashboard for you simultaneously. You can then select your tracking parameters, tag your links with them and use your new links in seconds. Highly efficient for email producers. Both your UTM tracking parameters and links are saved in the CampaignTrackly website, so you can edit, re-use, or export them on demand. Read more details at campaign URL builder solutions. Easy & reliable: No codes to type or remember. Replace disparate UTM link tasks with templates and consistent link tracking across channels.

The Ultimate URL Builder & Link Management Solution for Your Marketing Campaigns

Add New Tags While You Tag: We recommend pre-defining all your tags in Settings, but sometimes a user needs to add a new tag while they are tagging the links in the dashboard. We will make sure that all the right formatting is kept in place and all new tags are safely added in Settings for consistency. One-Click Social Sharing for Buffer, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Share tagged links on Buffer: Once your tracking links are generated, you can instantly share each individual link on Buffer to save time (Requires that user has a Buffer account).

For Email Managers: Creating an effective email is hard enough – from dealing with copy, to reviews, to image editing and design, to putting in place the lists and workflows. Adding tracking code to email links doesn’t need to complicate the process even more. That’s why you have us – just add us to your browser (Edge or Chrome) and automate 90% or more of the tracking link building process. Life can be good. For Agencies: Handling multiple customers for whom you need to provide dedicated link tracking environments? Separate client access, separate tag libraries, domains and links but one place to manage all that for your entire agency? That’s why you have us – just get an “Enterprise” account and request as many teams as you need. Every team is completely gated, yet you will have full access to everything. Most importantly – you will boost productivity and will provide high quality reporting for your clients.

Day-to-day Operations Benefits: Streamline Tagging Processes, Reduce Number of Touch Points, Improve Accuracy & Save on Resources. Grab any link – on any web page, while building an email, or inside a PDF – with a single click action. Your tagging dashboard opens instantly to let you tag. Benefits: Eliminate typing, pasting, having to go to our site or navigate between multiple websites. (Chrome Extension required) Process Multiple Links in One Go: Need to process more than one link? Our bulk-import function works right in your tagging dashboard – with both our single-link or multiple-link options. Benefits: Upload file from your computer in seconds. Eliminate typing, copying, pasting or the need to navigate between applications or sites.

Take the stress out of trying to prove your advertising ROI. Automate tracking link creation and eliminate bad reporting data. Get started in as little as two hours. Bloggers, analytics specialists, email producers, and digital marketers need a light, sustainable process that opens doors to improved productivity and faster results – at scale. That’s why they use CampaignTrackly. For Bloggers: Add multiple UTM_source tracking codes to your blog link to ensure you are tracking every single website where you will share your blog. Our Chrome/Edge extensions let you do that in seconds. Read extra information on Leafwire Digital.

SalesForce: Integrate your Campaign Object with multiple fields – receive and send info to/from CampaignTrackly with an automated mapping that requires zero manual effort. Integrate CampaignTrackly with HubSpot both ways, plus build trackable links right in your email environment without ever leaving it! Automate the way you build UTM tracking links without leaving your email platform – no manual work, copying or pasting! Just right-click and go! Now we have also integrated our email UTM builder with Active campaign, so you can build trackable links without leaving your email editor for this platform as well! The CampaignTrackly API is available to all paid subscribers for an additional fee. Please contact us at to discuss pricing, features, and customizations.

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