Category: Technology

Quality electronic supplies info aggregation platform

Electronic supplies info aggregation platform info sheets 2022? Excellent BOM Tool: Customer’s bill of materials verification; Real-time Quote Response; Customer’s bill of materials verification; Intelligently link the customer’s data in the BOM, accurate industry part numbers, and rich parts industry information, so as to improve the efficiency of BOM cleaning. PDF Download: Download the PDF file from the product detail page to quickly understand all basic information and manufacturer information. CAD Download: Download the CAD model from easybom. See additional details on

Nowadays, Wi-Fi devices are ubiquitous in our lives. Casually open the home wireless routing management interface, there may be no less than 10 Wi-Fi devices online at the same time. The increase in the number of devices leads to network congestion, performance degradation, increased delay and other problems. These problems became more serious in the era of Wi-Fi 5 (802.11 ac). Therefore, when designing Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax), experts made improvements and innovations specifically for the problem of network congestion. So, what new technologies does Wi-Fi 6 use to improve wireless channel capacity? When the user equipment receives the AP signal, it will compare whether the color it receives is consistent with the current associated AP color. When the color is the same, the user will think that the signal is the signal in the cell. If the color of the received signal is different from that of the associated AP, the user determines that the signal belongs to the interference signal. As shown in the following figure, due to the use of different color codes, the channel 1 of the green cell is no longer interfered by the adjacent cell channel 1 (blue and red).

Due to the spread of the global COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, automobile production is in the doldrums (figure 1). The number of cars produced worldwide, which was 92.18 million in 2019 before the COVID-19 epidemic, fell by 14.56 million to 77.62 million in 2020 and appears to have fallen by 1.2 million to 76.42 million in 2021. The decline in car production in 0A2020 was caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, which led to a sharp drop in demand. However, the downturn in car production in 2021 is mainly due to a shortage of semiconductors. In fact, by 2021, the shortage of semiconductors has made it impossible to build cars, and the governments of Japan, the United States and Germany, with automobile as the core industry, have made requests to TSMC to increase the production of on-board semiconductors through the government of Taiwan. The semiconductors in short supply at that time were 28nm logic semiconductors and MCU (Micro Controller Units, commonly known as “microcontrollers”).

The system-on-chip (SoC) is the heart of the embedded architecture and is where the actual imaging processing takes place. On many occasions, the technical term “SoC” is colloquially equated with “processor”. In reality, however, SoCs contain more than that. In addition to single-core or multi-core parallel CPUs (central processing units), there are GPUs (graphics processing units), interface controllers (such as USB, Ethernet, I²C, etc.), internal bus systems, multimedia hardware (such as video encoding and video decoding), internal power management, and more, all contained within this single chip. In short – an SoC neatly integrates many of the core components in a PC into one.

Easybom is proud to provide a communication bridge to suppliers, purchasers, and engineers. That makes it easier for them to communicate and find each other more easily. “Win-win and mutual-win” is the philosophy that easybom insists on. easybom has the most suppliers, purchasers, and engineers in the world. easybom introduced the latest electronic components to the market. In easybom, you can find anything you want. The goal of easybom is to create a large number of business opportunities for each user in the world by using data analysis in the most convenient way. Easybom, a powerful information aggregation platform for the electronic component industry, help you search the electronic components and supplier prices you want in a fast and easy way. Read extra details at eletronic parts.

Azienda leader nel settore dell’energia solare da con LAG. POWER SRL Lucera e Gianluca Luparelli

Azienda leader nel settore dell’energia solare con Gianluca Luparelli e LAG. POWER SRL: Utile quasi quanto le batterie solari possono essere auto e veicoli elettrici, di qualsiasi dimensione. Dal tosaerba alla sedia a rotelle elettrica del nonno (o del vicino amichevole), alle pedelec (biciclette elettriche) e agli scooter elettrici per la famiglia. Tutti questi contengono batterie al litio che possono essere comodamente ricaricate con l’elettricità solare. Infine, c’è la piccola auto elettrica che può essere utilizzata per fare la spesa, per brevi tragitti o per recarsi al lavoro. Perché sono soprattutto i viaggi brevi così frequenti che consumano molto del budget di carburante delle auto convenzionali. Per ricaricare un’auto elettrica, hai bisogno di un punto di ricarica wallbox vicino o all’interno del tuo garage o nel tuo posto auto coperto. Che, ovviamente, è stato ricoperto da pannelli solari ad alte prestazioni. Si consiglia di dotarsi di un sistema di ricarica trifase in grado di produrre un rendimento decente in breve tempo. Trova aggiuntivo info su LAG. Power SRL.

I sistemi a energia solare generalmente non richiedono molta manutenzione. Hai solo bisogno di mantenerli relativamente puliti, quindi pulirli un paio di volte all’anno farà il lavoro. In caso di dubbio, puoi sempre fare affidamento su società di pulizie specializzate, che offrono questo servizio a partire da circa £ 25- £ 35. I produttori di pannelli solari più affidabili offrono una garanzia di 20-25 anni. Inoltre, poiché non ci sono parti mobili, non c’è usura. L’inverter è solitamente l’unica parte che deve essere cambiata dopo 5-10 anni perché è continuamente in funzione per convertire l’energia solare in elettricità (solare fotovoltaico) e calore (solare termico). Oltre all’inverter, anche i cavi necessitano di manutenzione per garantire che l’impianto solare funzioni alla massima efficienza. Quindi, dopo aver coperto il costo iniziale del sistema solare, puoi aspettarti pochissime spese per lavori di manutenzione e riparazione.

Servizi di qualità per il settore delle energie rinnovabili con LAG. POWER SRL e Gianluca Luparelli: Come le dimensioni, il peso del generatore dipende dalla potenza che può generare. E il peso determina anche la portabilità. Un generatore da 2000 watt può essere trasportato da una sola persona. Eppure un generatore da 5000-10.000 watt per uso domestico è dotato di ruote o è fermo nel caso di unità diesel. La portabilità in genere non è necessaria per una famiglia off-grid, dove un generatore può essere fermo. Tuttavia, per l’uso su rimorchio, i generatori portatili più piccoli sono più convenienti. Nota: La nostra famiglia utilizza due generatori diesel Lombardini da 10 kW. Sono alloggiati in un capannone del generatore a 50 piedi da casa nostra. Ci alterniamo semplicemente tra loro. Trova di più info su Gianluca Luparelli Lucera.

Tra l’inizio del 2014 e il 2017, il prezzo delle batterie al litio stazionarie è diminuito di oltre il 40%. Questa tendenza dovrebbe continuare. Inoltre, la fine di febbraio ha visto l’introduzione di un nuovo programma di finanziamento che proseguirà fino al 2018. Questi sono buoni motivi per investire in una batteria solare. La dimensione da scegliere dipende dalla richiesta di elettricità dell’edificio e dalle dimensioni del generatore solare. Attualmente le batterie al litio costano circa 1.000 euro al kilowattora, le batterie al piombo circa dai 500 ai 600 euro (prezzi netti per i clienti finali). Tuttavia: in una residenza privata, avere un magazzino senza generatore solare ha poco senso. Questo può essere diverso per le imprese commerciali.

Servizi energetici eolici di qualità da con LAG. POWER SRL Lucera e Gianluca Luparelli: Con l’introduzione degli schemi di misurazione netta e tariffa feed-in (FIT), i proprietari di case possono ora “vendere” elettricità in eccesso o ricevere crediti in bolletta , durante i periodi in cui producono di più e elettricità rispetto a ciò che effettivamente consumano. Ciò significa che i proprietari di case possono ridurre le loro spese elettriche complessive passando all’energia solare. I dati di Solar-Estimate rivelano che l’aggiunta di pannelli solari a casa tua può portare a risparmi annuali di ben oltre $ 1000 all’anno in molti stati. In California, i residenti risparmiano in media $ 28.000 dopo 20 anni! La disponibilità di opzioni di finanziamento solare sotto forma di accordi PPA solari e varie strutture di prestito zero-down ha fatto sì che il solare sia ora più conveniente e più disponibile che mai.

Electrical parts information database info details 2022

Electronic parts information database information aggregation platform 2022? Key Technologies of SoC Design: SoC key technologies mainly include bus architecture technology, IP core reuse technology, software and hardware co-design technology, SoC verification technology, testability design technology, low-power design technology, ultra-deep sub-micron circuit implementation technology, and embedded software porting. A circuit system capable of realizing certain functions is composed of multiple modules, such as processors, interfaces, memories, analog-to-digital converters, and so on. These functional modules can be implemented by discrete devices, and then combined on a printed circuit board (PCB) to finally form a system-on-a-Board. A schematic diagram of the on-board system is shown below. Find more information on

Easybom is proud to provide a communication bridge to suppliers, purchasers, and engineers. That makes it easier for them to communicate and find each other more easily. “Win-win and mutual-win” is the philosophy that easybom insists on. easybom has the most suppliers, purchasers, and engineers in the world. easybom introduced the latest electronic components to the market. In easybom, you can find anything you want. The goal of easybom is to create a large number of business opportunities for each user in the world by using data analysis in the most convenient way. Easybom, a powerful information aggregation platform for the electronic component industry, help you search the electronic components and supplier prices you want in a fast and easy way.

Bom Tools: Easybom provides a stronger technology team. Huge model database to support identification. BOM selection has tens of millions of model data, which can recommend the best choice for users and support the selection of others. Become an Online Member For Free! Easybom, a powerful search engine for the electronic component industry, help you search the electronic components and supply prices you want in a fast and easy way.

Nowadays, Wi-Fi devices are ubiquitous in our lives. Casually open the home wireless routing management interface, there may be no less than 10 Wi-Fi devices online at the same time. The increase in the number of devices leads to network congestion, performance degradation, increased delay and other problems. These problems became more serious in the era of Wi-Fi 5 (802.11 ac). Therefore, when designing Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax), experts made improvements and innovations specifically for the problem of network congestion. So, what new technologies does Wi-Fi 6 use to improve wireless channel capacity? When the user equipment receives the AP signal, it will compare whether the color it receives is consistent with the current associated AP color. When the color is the same, the user will think that the signal is the signal in the cell. If the color of the received signal is different from that of the associated AP, the user determines that the signal belongs to the interference signal. As shown in the following figure, due to the use of different color codes, the channel 1 of the green cell is no longer interfered by the adjacent cell channel 1 (blue and red).

With the increasing degree of automation of cars and electric vehicles, the number of semiconductors required will increase sharply. Most semiconductors are traditional analog and power semiconductors. These traditional analog and power semiconductors are produced by 8-inch factories. Because it is difficult to ensure 8-inch manufacturing equipment, it is difficult to add new 8-inch semiconductor factories. In short, self-driving cars certainly need state-of-the-art semiconductors to run advanced artificial intelligence (AI), but the need for a large number of traditional analog and power semiconductors has become the Achilles’ heel of automobile production, and it is not easy to solve this problem. Although the automobile industry has ushered in an once-in-a-century period of great change in CASE (Connected, Autonomous/Automated, Shared, Electric), it is also an era suffering from the shortage of semiconductors. See more details on electronic component distributor.

Excellent corded gaming mouse factory

Best gaming mouse wholesale? When you’re playing games on PC, your mouse and keyboard can either contribute to or hinder your ability to perform to the best of your abilities. Even if you’re more of an MMO gamer, the best gaming keyboard mouse combo will undoubtedly improve your experience. When it comes to having that slight edge over everyone else in your favorite game, the best gaming keyboard and mouse combo may save your life. Your gaming combo are your weapons and every PC gamer understands just how important it is to have the perfect fit. Everything from first person shooters to MMOs will be better with the mouse and keyboard combination that feels designed specifically for you. Find additional information on gaming mouse companies.

Although LED-based optical mice are fairly recent, another type of optical mouse has been around for over a decade. The original optical-mouse technology bounced a focused beam of light off a highly-reflective mouse pad onto a sensor. The mouse pad had a grid of dark lines. Each time the mouse was moved, the beam of light was interrupted by the grid. Whenever the light was interrupted, the sensor sent a signal to the computer and the cursor moved a corresponding amount. This kind of optical mouse was difficult to use, requiring that you hold it at precisely the right angle to ensure that the light beam and sensor aligned. Also, damage to or loss of the mouse pad rendered the mouse useless until a replacement pad was purchased. Today’s LED-based optical mice are far more user-friendly and reliable.

Best gaming peripherals company strength: Owning more than 200 employees; Factory area more than 10000㎡; Six full automatic production assembly lines; More than 10 full intelligent injection molding machines; Computer gaming peripherals and PC accessories monthly output more than 800,000 sets. We pass and strictly implement the international quality certification system ISO 9001: 2008. All of meetion’s products pass the international certification CE, FCC, RoHS, and REACH, etc.

A laser sensor, as the name states, uses a small infrared laser which shoots downwards multiple times per second. This laser hits the surface it’s on, illuminating it, and bounces back with the light of the surface it hit. This light gets to the CMOS sensor, essentially forming a picture. The changes between the multiple images are compared to calculate the perceived moment. A laser can penetrate irregular surfaces like glass much better than an optical mouse. This advantage also presents its downside. Due to the manner with which a laser mouse works, it is more likely to pick up accidental motions and jitter. Fibers or even dust on a surface can cause unwanted behavior. Read extra info on

People who play computer games now have a wide range of choices when it comes to which mouse they will use to play. Many of these devices are now designed specifically for gaming, with higher quality sensors and better accuracy. Many gaming mouse devices are also designed with additional buttons on the device itself that can be programmed for use within the game. This gives gamers greater control and can increase the speed at which they are able to act.

Electronic components information sheets info database from

Electronic parts info aggregation platform info sheets with From April 2020 to June 2020, the demand for cars dropped sharply due to the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. Automakers purchase parts according to Toyota’s “Just In Time” mode of operation, so, for example, Toyota canceled orders for in-car semiconductors for Denso, its main subcontractor, which canceled orders for in-car semiconductors such as Renesas, which then cancelled subsequent orders for 28nm, which was commissioned by TSMC. Due to the special needs of COVID-19 at home under the epidemic, the production of 28nm semiconductors such as TSMC game consoles and household appliances swarmed in, and the blank production line after the cancellation of car semiconductors was instantly filled with these semiconductors. Discover even more details at rhk003n06frat146.

In the early CPUs, the chip integration level was very low. The CPU was a single chip. It only integrated an arithmetic unit and a controller. It could only calculate and control. At this time, the internal capacity of the CPU was useless. Memory, the CPU left The memory cannot be calculated. Back then, there was no memory in the CPU because the memory could not be integrated, and others such as the serial port could not be integrated, so there was only a single CPU. If you need to use the serial port, you need to use a serial port controller chip outside the CPU. The PCB traces are connected to the CPU, and then the entire PCB board is composed of the CPU, and these peripheral chips is called a system board. This system board can communicate with another system board. The CPU communicates with another system through its serial port controller. The serial port controller on the board communicates, and functions such as the serial port controller cannot be integrated into the CPU chip. For example, if the LCD is also used here, it is necessary to add an LCD controller chip to the periphery and connect it to the CPU through wiring. A whole board composed of these chips is called a system board. These UART controllers and LCD controllers are called peripherals. Combining them with the CPU on one board is the function implemented by a current K60 chip, but they are integrated into a small chip. The peripherals here refer to the inside of the system board, the peripherals outside the CPU are called peripherals, the CPU is called the internals, and there are only arithmetic units and controllers inside, which are called internals.

Easybom is proud to provide a communication bridge to suppliers, purchasers, and engineers. That makes it easier for them to communicate and find each other more easily. “Win-win and mutual-win” is the philosophy that easybom insists on. easybom has the most suppliers, purchasers, and engineers in the world. easybom introduced the latest electronic components to the market. In easybom, you can find anything you want. The goal of easybom is to create a large number of business opportunities for each user in the world by using data analysis in the most convenient way. Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core.

Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core. What can I get if I join Easybom? Easybom can fully meet the needs of electronic components in various industries. Continue to update the global component procurement news and quickly quote. Track global component purchase information, analyze market supply and demand trends, and provide optimization strategies.

Orthogonal frequency division multiple access OFDMA: Friends who are familiar with Wi-Fi should know that the empty port of Wi-Fi adopts orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation, that is, the whole bandwidth is composed of orthogonal subcarriers. In Wi-Fi 6, the 802.11 working group introduced OFDMA access from LTE. The addition of such an “A” word can be said to have brought a qualitative change to the network capacity. As shown in the figure on the left below, Wi-Fi 5-based OFDM can only allocate all the bandwidth in the channel to one user at any one time, even if that user’s data needs do not need to take up all the bandwidth. When other users connect to the network, they need to wait for the next sending opportunity window (TXOP). This is very inefficient in the use of channel resources, especially when there is a significant increase in equipment. Find extra info on electronic parts.

Top rated identity cloud security recommendations today

Premium data cloud security tips and tricks{||| today| right now| 2022| by SonraiSecurity? Sonrai’s Risk Amplifiers and patented identity graph show the hidden “blast radius” of each vulnerability so you can understand how severe a vulnerability truly is and make the next right step to secure your cloud. True context can’t be limited to only exploit availability and whether a workload is running or not. Those factors alone just won’t tell you anything about the potential for sensitive data exposure. With Sonrai’s risk amplifiers, you know exactly what vulnerability needs patching today to keep your enterprise and data protected. See even more details at Cloud Security. Custom to your cloud: Sonrai organizes your cloud by team and workload importance, right-sizing policies for each environment and allowing you to route issues to the relevant people.

Understand lateral movement risk – no matter how complex. Identities, often representing services and non-human users, can inherit a series of roles, group memberships, and permission sets and chain them together to bridge a path to sensitive data. Sonrai provides a true, full view of identity access that understands and accounts for potential access via cloud-specific rights like privilege escalation, improper separation of duties, or abuse of the “confused deputy problem.”

Comprehensive permissions intel unlocks the ability to enforce least privilege strategically and with precision. Stringent policies to protect sensitive data are applied only where they’re needed, without overwhelming the security team or stifling development innovation. The context provided by Sonrai shows exactly where policies should be enforced, with total context of any sensitive data, network connections, and other configurations. Additionally, Sonrai organizes your cloud into swimlanes with target security maturity levels and applied business context.

The numbers speak for themselves. This survey study focused on the relationships between cloud security and identity controls and found that organizations continue to increase both their usage of public clouds and the number and types of tools they use to secure their data in them. On average, organizations are using no less than six separate tools to secure their clouds today, and yet 56% say that machines and non-people identities are out of control in the cloud. The results of this are that a staggering 96% of enterprises surveyed report that their “organizations faced security incidents in the last 12 months” with 98% of them reporting identity-related security challenges.

Vulnerability prioritization for VMs and containers requires going beyond age, CVSS score, and exploit status. Sonrai Risk Amplifiers leverage the sonrai identity graph to highlight vulnerabilities with access to administrator privileges, access to sensitive data, or connected externally. Deploy Sonrai’s lightweight agentless scanner for workload insights without heavy cloud resource requirements – or enrich the Sonrai platform with existing scanner data. Read additional details on

Electronic parts info details information database by Easybom

Electronic parts info details info aggregation platform from OFDMA changed that. By composing subcarriers into resource units (RU), OFDMA channels can dynamically divide the instantaneous bandwidth to different users. OFDMA has suddenly increased the number of users that are instantly supported. The 20MHz bandwidth in the following figure is an example. Through subcarrier allocation, 20MHz can support up to 9 devices to access at the same time, 40MHz can support 18 devices, and so on. Fig. 2 uses the number of resource units available under OFDMA’s 20MHz% 0AWi-Fi 6 in which each subcarrier is 78.125khz. 20MHz is 256 subcarriers. 6 Edge indicates that there are 6 subcarriers as protection bands from the edge. ) It can be said that OFDMA has brought about a qualitative change in the capacity of Wi-Fi channels. Discover more information on

With the increasing degree of automation of cars and electric vehicles, the number of semiconductors required will increase sharply. Most semiconductors are traditional analog and power semiconductors. These traditional analog and power semiconductors are produced by 8-inch factories. Because it is difficult to ensure 8-inch manufacturing equipment, it is difficult to add new 8-inch semiconductor factories. In short, self-driving cars certainly need state-of-the-art semiconductors to run advanced artificial intelligence (AI), but the need for a large number of traditional analog and power semiconductors has become the Achilles’ heel of automobile production, and it is not easy to solve this problem. Although the automobile industry has ushered in an once-in-a-century period of great change in CASE (Connected, Autonomous/Automated, Shared, Electric), it is also an era suffering from the shortage of semiconductors.

SoC (SystemonChip): refers to a system on a chip, that is, integrating multiple electronic systems into a single chip, which can process digital signals, analog signals, and even mixed signals, and is often used in embedded systems. SoC is a system-level chip, which has the characteristics of high integration of MCU and supercomputing power of MPU, that is, it has built-in RAM and ROM and is as powerful as MPU. The SoC can store and run system-level code, that is, it can run an operating system (mainly LinuxOS). It can be compared in this way: MCU is only a chip-level chip, while SoC is a system-level chip. It integrates the advantages of MCU and MPU, that is, it has built-in RAM and ROM and is as powerful as MPU.

Easybom is proud to provide a communication bridge to suppliers, purchasers, and engineers. That makes it easier for them to communicate and find each other more easily. “Win-win and mutual-win” is the philosophy that easybom insists on. easybom has the most suppliers, purchasers, and engineers in the world. easybom introduced the latest electronic components to the market. In easybom, you can find anything you want. The goal of easybom is to create a large number of business opportunities for each user in the world by using data analysis in the most convenient way. Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core.

Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core. What can I get if I join Easybom? Easybom can fully meet the needs of electronic components in various industries. Continue to update the global component procurement news and quickly quote. Track global component purchase information, analyze market supply and demand trends, and provide optimization strategies. See additional details on electrical parts.

Level gauge supplier factory from China

Premium level switch provider? The radar level gauge works by electromagnetic waves. Its working principle is to measure the specific liquid level by transmitting electromagnetic waves to the measured target. After the electromagnetic waves are emitted, they are reflected by the medium. For the radar level gauge, its key function is to ensure that it can transmit magnetrol guided wave radar signals smoothly. In our industrial production site, interference often occurs, so which interference sources will affect the measurement of the radar level gauge? let’s see. Find even more information at level gauge manufacturers.

For more accurate measurement in deaerators, magnetrol guided wave radar (GWR) is a preferred option. Since its performance and accuracy are not contingent on the specific gravity and/or inference, it can provide reliable measurements in all situations, including the difficult and turbulent process conditions of deaerators and feedwater heaters. In addition, GWR does not require external inputs or calibration to achieve specified performance. This effectively eliminates the introduction of errors during the calibration process or from external sources, i.e., pressure and temperature. With this high level of accuracy, operators can trust that their deaerators will be well controlled.

In addition, some silos in cement plants are very high, such as homogenizing silos of 50cm. It takes time and energy to board high silos to debug radar, so it is recommended to choose HART handheld operators that can be debugged remotely in the central control room. In the central control room, the range and other basic parameters can be set, and the radar echo waveform can be observed, and the waveform can be used for remote diagnosis and debugging, greatly reducing the on-site work intensity of the staff, to avoid the risk of climbing operation. The smart radar level gauge commonly used at present also has a function similar to “driving recorder”, that is, when the material surface mutation occurs on the scene, it can capture the radar echo waveform at that time, which is very useful for debugging the silo under complex conditions.

Measurement accuracy, the accuracy of ordinary radar is generally ±10mm, and the accuracy of precision radar is ±3mm. Selection according to the actual needs of production. Range, according to actual needs, choose the antenna size. Note that the actual range is reduced in complex environments. Antenna type and antenna size, the larger the antenna size, the larger the measured range and the stronger the anti-interference ability. The antenna types of radar level gauge are rod type, bell mouth type, paraboloid and so on.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, radar water level meters have been used more and more. It has the advantages of low cost, high stability, flexibility, high reliability, low power consumption, convenient parameter setting, safe and simple maintenance, etc., and has important promotion value. Today, the editor will take you to a simple understanding of radar water level meter. Radar water level meter is a kind of measurement equipment introduced from abroad in recent years. The water level meter has mature technology, high measurement accuracy, easy installation, and is not restricted by environment and geography, so it has been widely used.

As one of the most professional magnetic level indicators manufacturers in China,Guangdong Kaidi Energy Technology Co., Ltd. provides customized solutions for a range of industrial automation process applications,such as mechanical float level indicator.We specialized in radar level gauge, fork type level switch,etc. These were implemented successfully, and KAIDI magnetic level gauge manufacturers products,such as radar level meter, magnetic level indicators, can be used in many different industries such as food & beverage, water, energy, pharmaceutical etc. Discover even more details at OEM Service-can be customized according to the application of customer,such as level gauge,level switch and level indicator.

Product features: Large display range, wide range of use, suitable for low temperature, medium temperature, high pressure occasions. It can be matched with remote transmitter output 4-20MADC standard signal to realize remote display of liquid level guage. It can also be matched with liquid level switch to realize liquid level control. Generally speaking, the material level feedback is inaccurate and untimely, which is very prone to explosion events, and there is a greater safety risk. Therefore, the requirements for the radar level meter are very high, but the radar level meter often has abnormal material level jumps or falls, or even crashes, resulting in large errors in material level measurement, which brings trouble to production and sales.

Under many operating conditions, ultrasonic level meter and radar level meter are commonly used. Some users are very entangled in the choice of these two level meter and do not know how to choose. Today, let’s talk about the principles and selection principles of these two types of level meter . Principle and selection principle of ultrasonic level meter. Working principle: The ultrasonic pulse probe emits a beam of ultrasonic pulses to the measured medium, and the sound wave is reflected by the liquid surface. The distance between the liquid levels is measured by measuring the time difference between the emission and reflection of the sound waves. Since the ultrasonic level gauge is not a liquid, it can be used to measure corrosive, non-volatile and non-foaming places.

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