Category: Technology

Michaela Jamelska or the upsurge of a city autonomous solutions professional

Meet Michaela Jamelska and some of her autonomous solutions and IoT accomplishments? Working in the deep-tech industry with the focus on smart cities, autonomous solutions and IoT. Patricia Jamelska studied master’s degree at King’s College in London and did a program at Berkeley University in California. Patricia Jamelska is also a former professional horse rider and currently actively works with expanding start-ups, innovative companies and public bodies. Michaela Jamelska studied at Roehampton University in London and successfully finished program at Stanford University in California. Michaela Jamelska is successful serial entrepreneur and human rights advocate.

Michaela Jamelska about the innovative 5G trial to boost business : The Government has backed the project with £3m as part of its 5G Create competition – which supports innovators exploring new uses for 5G to help improve people’s lives and boost businesses. It will demonstrate how 5G private network capabilities can offer efficiency and productivity improvements to the logistics sector and more widely, allowing real-time location tracking of individual items, improvements to road traffic management and replacing low value, manually-intensive processes with 5G enabled autonomous systems. The project offers the potential for such advances in technology to be implemented industry-wide; including at other ports in the UK, Enterprise Zones or other business parks.

From 10 to 12 September, Unmanned Life team will attend 5G Asia where 5G core issues will be discussed to go beyond the hype around 5G. Discussions around concrete solutions, real business opportunities and major technology advancements will be at the centre of this event, in particular 5G commercialization, 5G RAN evolution, Spectrum and Standard, Network Evolution, 5G Automation and Virtualization and the 5G cloud. It is without say that Unmanned Life´s Autonomy-as-a-Service AI software platform will be at the heart of these 5G discussions by showing how concretely autonomous solutions will be enabled by 5G.

Unmanned Life brings its 5G-native Autonomy software to Asia: Unmanned Life team, conducted by its CEO Kumardev Chatterjee and Global Business Development Director Michaela Jamelska and Global Partnerships Manager Patricia Jamelska will attend one of the leading global 5G events in Singapore: 5G Asia. This will be the occasion to demonstrate how our autonomy-as-a-service AI software will unleash the potential of 5G by enabling multiple autonomous robotic solutions in supply chain logistics and telecommunications. With several meetings with the leading Asian Telecommunications are already planned, the highlight of the week will be our CEOs keynote on how 5G is crucial for autonomous multi-robot fleets and connected smart cities.

Patricia Jamelska on the future of Air Mobility in Europe: The integration of Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) systems into Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems will significantly contribute to understand the safe, secure and sustainable integration of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and commercial drone operations. Unmanned Life platform will be responsible of the design and development of a simulation testbed which aims to inject data from manned and unmanned flights into GOF 2.0 systems. The first trials will take place in – 2021 between August and October in Estonia (Tallin & Tartu), Finland (Helsinki), Poland (Kąkolewo) and Austria (Graz). It will showcase that both manned and unmanned aviation can coexist in the airspace. This project arises from the fast-growing drone industry in Europe in all type of environments, including urban areas, and the need of a scalable U-Space architecture.

High quality linear actuators manufacturer

Air bladder manufacturer? HASEL actuators require high voltage DC power (currently 5-10kV depending on operating circumstances). We suggest that you only control our HASEL actuators with our in-house designed power supply, which is specifically developed to power HASEL actuators. This power supply features both push button, demonstration, and computer software control options. However, If you are proficient in high voltage control, you are welcome to control the actuators with your own power supply, and we can provide engineering suggestions on best practices.

The use of our technology will mitigate your needs for clunky air supply lines or low fidelity vibrating motors, instead providing your user with a truly life-like physical response. No longer will you rely on high frequency vibrations to trick a human response, HASEL actuator technology can provide low frequency and amplitude varied responses to give your user an organic response. Our unique engineering solutions provide the functionality that underwater actuation requires. We are currently partnered with researchers in the unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) space, and are also exploring underwater and high pressure pumps and valves.

HASEL actuators provide the conversion of electrical to mechanical energy, eliminating the need for pneumatic systems. From concept to end product, Artimus Robotics works with engineers every step of the way to implement your custom motion solution. How can a soft actuator be used? An ‘actuator’ is the soft robotics term for ‘mover’. It describes a system that allows the flexible movement of a robot – particularly concerning replicas of hands and other gripping mechanisms. Find additional details at

HASEL actuator technology enables smart, versatile and compact motion solutions. Originally developed at the University of Colorado Boulder and spun out into Artimus Robotics in 2018, this breakthrough actuation technology details the benefits and eliminates the downfalls of prior soft robotics technologies. Humans are overwhelmed by visual and auditory information. To increase the transmission of information between humans and machines, new physical inputs are crucial. From intelligent buttons, to haptic feedback, to reactive surfaces, new technologies are required that can enable new forms of physical input.

The development kit also includes an assortment of peripheral accessories to help you use HASEL actuators, such as a stand and weight to demo the actuators, a user manual, and a control program to operate the power supply. Artimus Robotics has a world-class team of soft robotics engineers ready to help you customize your HASEL actuators to meet the specific needs of your use case. If your application requires a unique form factor, functionality, physical performance, or more, please reach out to our engineering team as they can meet your needs with in-house integration. Find additional info on

Xrf analysis laboratories in Chelmsford 2021

Sem/eds analysis laboratories by right now? Approach: MicroVision Labs’ staff consulted with the client, and determined that, unfortunately, there could be a number of potential sources of a white material. Even before the bottle with the suspended material arrived, it was determined that there was less than 50 mL of water remaining, and likely less than a gram of material suspended in the water. The client was aware that this material could represent precipitated minerals from the source water, a polymer residue from the bottles, some form of biological tissue that might have formed despite sterilization procedures, or could very well represent some completely unforeseen foreign material. The issue facing the client is how to have the material tested, as most tests that they might request for one or the other of these known potential sources would destroy or alter the sample. Choosing a test was therefore something of a gamble, because if they tested for calcium (mineral precipitate) and it came up negative – that didn’t actually tell them what the powder was, just that it didn’t have any calcium. Based on this conversation, the non-destructive, specialized testing at MicroVision Laboratories was chosen as the best choice.

Using light microscopes to examine the optical and structural properties of samples is one of the oldest and most useful analytical techniques. MicroVision Labs has several high magnification microscopes, including a powerful Zeiss Axiotech microscope capable of 1800x optical magnification, with additional digital magnification, allowing for visualization of sub-micron structures. PLM allows for the identification of a wide range of particles through the examination of the internal birefringence, or variation in optical indices, within a sample.

What if I want a service not listed in your services list? At MicroVision Labs the list of services which we provide to our clients is constantly growing. So if you don’t see what you are looking for give us a call or use the Contact Us tab. Also don’t forget to check our Additional Services Page to see if it might be listed there. Can you identify a contamination or unknown for us? Yes, we call that an Unknown Material ID and we routinely work on that kind of project. We have a number of individual tests designed to classify unknown materials. When combined with our extensive suite of equipment, these tests allow us to identify virtually any material. Give us a call and talk to one of our knowledgeable staff for more information. Discover extra info on check it out. We partner with companies in all phases of product development and sales, including R&D, manufacturing, QC, advertising and failure analysis. Our laboratory offers a highly-trained and experienced staff utilizing a powerful set of analytical tools (SEM with EDS and backscatter detectors, Bruker X-Flash elemental mapping, X-Ray imaging, Micro-FTIR spectroscopy, Micro-XRF, light microscopy, cross sectioning/precision polishing and microhardness testing).

An affected floor tile was submitted to determine if the previous mold testing had missed a source on the tile backing or mastic. Additionally, a new tile from the same manufacturing lot was submitted for comparison. The process of preparing and examining the sample and reference tile was documented. Areas with darkened surface features were imaged and then cut out and examined. While the dark spots looked very discrete when examined by eye, under top light polarized microscopy they appeared more diffuse at the outer edges. The darkest areas surrounded what appeared to be particles embedded in the surface.

The desired chip packages were sectioned from the larger board, and placed in an epoxy mounting cup. The epoxy was mixed and allowed to harden. The resulting epoxy puck was cross sectioned and polished. The epoxy mounting and cross sectioning process gave precise, perfectly preserved cross sectional surfaces through the desired components and their solder bonds. Explore a few extra details on here.

Eds testing providers with MicroVision Laboratories, Inc. near me

Microhardness testing services in US in 2021? The client was able to obtain a comprehensive sampling of the state of the soldering process from the new manufacturer at a very reasonable cost. Rather than acquiring a mass of images, electrical test print outs, or low resolution optical pictures, the client received a comprehensive report detailing the relevant findings of the analysis on the boards from the new manufacturer. The solder joints in this study showed good bond integrity as well as excellent intermetallic layers. These findings allowed for the validation of the new manufacturer and their process which allowed for the clients device production to resume. The QC Engineers were very pleased with the customer service, analysis, pricing and quick turnaround time of this project.

Approach: MicroVision Labs’ staff consulted with the client, and determined that, unfortunately, there could be a number of potential sources of a white material. Even before the bottle with the suspended material arrived, it was determined that there was less than 50 mL of water remaining, and likely less than a gram of material suspended in the water. The client was aware that this material could represent precipitated minerals from the source water, a polymer residue from the bottles, some form of biological tissue that might have formed despite sterilization procedures, or could very well represent some completely unforeseen foreign material. The issue facing the client is how to have the material tested, as most tests that they might request for one or the other of these known potential sources would destroy or alter the sample. Choosing a test was therefore something of a gamble, because if they tested for calcium (mineral precipitate) and it came up negative – that didn’t actually tell them what the powder was, just that it didn’t have any calcium. Based on this conversation, the non-destructive, specialized testing at MicroVision Laboratories was chosen as the best choice.

?We partner with companies in all phases of product development and sales, including R&D, manufacturing, QC, advertising and failure analysis. Our laboratory offers a highly-trained and experienced staff utilizing a powerful set of analytical tools (SEM with EDS and backscatter detectors, Bruker X-Flash elemental mapping, X-Ray imaging, Micro-FTIR spectroscopy, Micro-XRF, light microscopy, cross sectioning/precision polishing and microhardness testing). Explore even more details at click here for microvision labs website.

Dust samples were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) to provide percentages of the particle types present in the samples. MVL was able to determine that there was significant loading of glass fibers in the dust samples with the likely source being contractor’s work in the attic which involved disturbing the fiberglass insulation. The image on the right shows a few distinct glass fibers with a binder material adhered to them, consistent with fiberglass insulation.

What if I want a service not listed in your services list? At MicroVision Labs the list of services which we provide to our clients is constantly growing. So if you don’t see what you are looking for give us a call or use the Contact Us tab. Also don’t forget to check our Additional Services Page to see if it might be listed there. Can you identify a contamination or unknown for us? Yes, we call that an Unknown Material ID and we routinely work on that kind of project. We have a number of individual tests designed to classify unknown materials. When combined with our extensive suite of equipment, these tests allow us to identify virtually any material. Give us a call and talk to one of our knowledgeable staff for more information.

SEM is a powerful surface microscopy method which allows for high resolution images to be obtained on a wide range of samples. A focused beam of electrons sweeps across a sample surface and an image is created from the scattered electrons. The electron beam allows for the accurate imaging of features below the resolution limit of visible light. The acquired pictures retain good depth of field, resulting in excellent three-dimensional images. Variations in beam parameters can be made in order to highlight variations in density in the target sample, show extremely fine surface features, and illustrate texture in sample surface coatings. MicroVision Labs has multiple fully-operational SEMs, Bruker X-Flash EDS detectors and mapping technology, backscatter electron (BSE) imaging, and large chamber capabilities. These provide a full suite of microscopy services for all of your analytical needs. See even more details on this website.

Prasanna Satgunarajah eller vækst af en software leder

Prasanna Svindler eller vækst af en app-programmering leder? Prasanna Satgunarajah og webdesign tricks: Her er nogle generelle tip til at holde dine sider hurtige: Brug et CDN. De fleste websteder lever på en server ét sted. Så for nogle besøgende skal data rejse lange afstande, før de vises i deres browser. Dette er langsomt. CDN’er løser dette ved at kopiere kritiske ressourcer som billeder til et netværk af servere over hele kloden, så ressourcer altid indlæses lokalt. Komprimer billeder. Billedfiler er store, hvilket får dem til at indlæses langsomt. Komprimering af billeder mindsker filstørrelsen, hvilket gør dem hurtigere at indlæse. Du skal bare afbalancere størrelse med kvalitet. Brug lazy-loading. Lazy-loading definerer indlæsningen af ​​ressourcer uden for skærmen, indtil du har brug for dem. Dette betyder, at browseren ikke behøver at indlæse alle billederne på en side, før den kan bruges. Brug et optimeret tema. Vælg et veloptimeret websitetema med effektiv kode. Kør temademoen gennem Googles Pagespeed Insights-værktøj for at kontrollere.

Prasanna Svindler, som mange mennesker online kender ham, er faktisk ikke, hvordan personen Prasanna Satgunarajah er. Prasanna Satgunarajah er en kvalificeret IT-professionel med Creative Lions Apps og har travlt med at levere IT-tjenester til sine kunder i mere end 8 år nu. Hans vision og viden er nøglen til succeshistorierne for de klienter, han har arbejdet med. Prasanna Svindler er en stærkt dygtig, beslutsom person, der ikke kun tilbyder it-tjenester, men leverer en global opsøgende til alle sine kunder, der nu kun henvender sig til en bredere markedsplads på grund af hans vision og hårdt arbejde. Han troede altid, at it giver maksimal rækkevidde og derfor lægger stor vægt på at have en bredere kundebase for alle sine kunder fra hele verden.

Hvis folk over på WordPress skal troes (og de virker passende pålidelige slags), platformen ‘styrker’ nu næsten en tredjedel af internettet. Det er let at se hvorfor: på kan du hurtigt oprette en ny blog helt gratis med en rimelig mængde tilpasning. Alternativt leverer de fleste webhostere WordPress som en gratis installation med et enkelt klik, og mere information om, hvad der er muligt, kan findes på

Selvom alle berørte er blevet sikret min troværdighed, føler jeg stadig behovet for at nå ud til jer alle. Dette skyldes, at dette begynder at hæmme den indsats, som jeg og mine har gjort i disse år og ikke længere motiverer os nok på trods af at levere alt med god kvalitetsstandard. Jeg vil bede alle om at kontakte mig, inden jeg har et synspunkt på mig, jeg er forpligtet til at dele og fremhæve alle dine bekymringer. Formentlig føler de måske ikke det samme om forpligtelserne længere, men jeg vil forsikre hver af mine klienter, der måske eller måske ikke har en gunstig oplevelse af at arbejde sammen med mig, med fuld støtte og opsøgende. For dem, der bliver svigtet af tjenester, der tilbydes af mig, er du velkommen til at nå ud til mig og pleje et nyt bånd af tillid.

Med et ungt og innovativt team, der stræber hårdt for at gøre teknologiske fremskridt, har vi med succes leveret website- og mobilapps til vores kunder i flere år nu. Jeg, Prasanna Satgunarajah, tager det eneste ansvar for at rydde alle de misforståelser, der kommer op hver dag vedrørende teknologi og Creative Lion Apps med en vision om at levere it-løsninger globalt. Opdag endnu mere detaljer on Prasanna Satgunarajah. Prasanna Svindler har de højeste niveauer af leverandørakkrediteringer, færdigheder og erfaring på tværs af alle større infrastrukturteknologier. Som sådan tilbyder vi den bedste rådgivning og support, uanset hvilken teknologi du bruger i øjeblikket. Vores kendskab til markedet bruges til vores kunders fordel og evaluerer og præsenterer den rigtige teknologi til dine behov. Kvalitet er en iboende del af vores servicelevering; Vi har strenge kontroller til at overvåge og måle vores præstationsniveauer.

Cracked screen repair company in Colorado Springs on Skinit Fixit

Huawei repairs info by Skinit Fixit? If the phone is seriously damaged, get it backed up as quickly as you can, making sure all your photos and videos and important files are saved somewhere else just in case it dies completely and you can’t get it working again. If it’s already stopped functioning, then a professional repair is probably your best bet. Here are the solutions, in ascending order of professionalism. The name of the game here is, “hold out until I’m eligible for an upgrade.” If you want to keep using the cracked phone, and don’t want to risk losing glass or slicing up your fingers, cover the screen with a layer of packing tape. Line everything up carefully and trim it with an X-acto knife and it may look almost like a real screen protector.

Increased lifetime for you iPhone or other mobile phone brands? Always keep the handset in a dry place to avoid liquid and humid conditions. Extreme temperature changes may damage the device. Apart from the outer build, the internals also demand maintenance. The following mobile maintenance tips may aid in delivering a lag-free performance of the phone. Everyone loves apps but a cluster of them may pose troubles for the phone, particularly the unused apps, which may constantly run in the background, thus wasting precious battery power. Uninstalling such apps will open up more space and save battery resources. Read more info at Phone repairs.

The Pixel 3a also comes with Google’s cutting-edge imaging modes, like Night Sight for amazing shots in the dark, and Super Res Zoom that delivers digitally zoomed images that are shockingly similar to what you get from devices with 2x optical zoom lenses. For $400, no other camera phone comes close — not even Samsung’s triple-lens, $349 Galaxy A50 — though if you’d prefer a larger handset, the $479 Pixel 3a XL stuffs all the same hardware into a larger 6-inch body with a bigger battery to match.

After you have your phone repaired maybe it’s time to buy a better screen protection ? With easy installation methods and oleophobic coating preventing fingerprint marks and smears, Spigen screen protectors offer multiple layers of protection for when you’re out and about. As they’re also made to complement Spigen cases, it might be worth investing in a case as well if you decide to go with a Spigen protector, to ensure your phone has wrap-around protection. If you just want a screen protector, however, you can rest easy knowing your screen is being protected by tempered glass and anti-scratch material.

Tecno Spark Go Plus smartphone was launched on 9th January 2020. The phone comes with a 6.52-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of (720×1600 pixels and an aspect ratio of 20:9. Tecno Spark Go Plus is powered by a 2GHz quad-core MediaTek Helio A22 (MT6761) processor. It comes with 2GB of RAM. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs Android 9 Pie and is powered by a 4000mAh battery. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Tecno Spark Go Plus on the rear packs an 8-megapixel camera with an f/2.0 aperture. It sports a 8-megapixel camera on the front for selfies, with an f/2.0 aperture. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs HiOS 5.5.2 based on Android 9 Pie and packs 32GB of inbuilt storage that can be expanded via microSD card (up to 128GB) with a dedicated slot. The Tecno Spark Go Plus is a dual-SIM (GSM and GSM) smartphone that accepts Nano-SIM and Nano-SIM cards. The Tecno Spark Go Plus measures 166.70 x 75.80 x 8.40mm (height x width x thickness) . It was launched in Hillier Purple and Vacation Blue colours.

If you cracked your screen during your manufacturer’s warranty period, you should be able to get it fixed for free and within a few hours’ time. (Bear in mind, though, that the standard limited warranties of many manufacturers, such as Apple and Samsung, do not cover accidents.) Out-of-warranty screen repairs cost upwards of $100. endors such as uSell, Glyde and Gazelle will buy your phone so you can get a new one, but be aware that damaged phones will only get you about 50 percent of what the device was originally worth. But this is amateur stuff, i suggest to see a professional.

High quality parttime CIO services from Innovationvista

High quality virtual CIO services from Digital transformation is driven by a broader view of Information Technology than its traditional goals of increasing efficiency and automation to help businesses save money and boost productivity. Today, technology has advanced in ways that allow businesses to do much more than what was possible in the past. Even in its traditional scope, IT has become a major component of most businesses’ success. Most corporate executives (CXOs) are comfortable with it in this shape and size, but when there’s talk of re-envisioning IT, even with the promise of greater impact, CXOs can become understandably nervous.

Our firm’s unique approach offers small- and mid-size companies the guidance and IT leadership services of expert consultants who have served in a C-level IT role in one or multiple successful tenures, and who have experience in your industry. Our consultants: Possess decades of experience with the strategic decisions needed for success in enterprise technology; Have familiarity with the business model(s) and terminology of your industry; Are armed with our proprietary Innovation framework and toolkits to Stabilize, Optimize, and Monetize your organization’s IT; Provide virtual IT leadership services to clients on a part-time/fractional retainer basis, to make this expertise accessible to any budget. Explore more details on parttime CIO services.

A simple info any CEO should know about cybersecurity: Achieving information security compliance with one or more government regulatory standards for information security (i.e. ISO 27001, NIST 800-171, HIPAA, NYDFS, etc.) is good, but not sufficient to ensure real cybersecurity. It is vital that CEOs establish the appropriate cybersecurity “tone at the top” for their respective organization, regarding the importance of information security and how cybersecurity is everyone’s shared responsibility in a truly digital world. Establishing an organizational “culture of cybersecurity” has proven to be one of the best defenses against cyber adversaries. It is the people, not the technology, which can either be an organization’s greatest defense, or its weakest link against a cyber-attack.

Transitions can be among the most daunting and complex business events for leaders to navigate, and it is often the technology aspects of the change which lead to failure. For this reason, providing Transitional IT Leadership is one of Innovation Vista’s core service offerings. Our experienced consultants have been involved with multiple transitions of various kinds, and bring their expertise to bear on our clients’ challenges: Turnaround of failing companies or IT departments; Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A); Transition to new business models or markets; Change in exit strategy – private equity and IPO strategies; Interim IT leadership to coach successor or as preparatory to M&A. Transition events bring a unique set of challenges which not only add to, but significantly complicate, the ongoing workload involved with successfully operating an IT platform. Other organizations have an interest in unique longer-term IT leadership arrangements: Virtual CIOs – who fill the traditional CIO role as the “head of Information Technology” as a consultant, often part-time &/or remote; Fractional CIOs – who fill the role of CIO for 2 or more organizations at the same time. These structures don’t make sense for every organization, but they may offer a nice solution for some small and midsize companies seeking experienced leadership for lower compensation costs than they would have traditionally paid a full-time CIO.

This succinct summary of the challenge of modern life is a quote from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, from his keynote at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2018. And although that organization tried to downplay the sentiment later that year, Trudeau’s claim seems an accurate summary of our times. Change is hard for human beings; we are accustomed to a great deal of consistency from one day to another: in what is expected of us, in the tools we use to perform those duties, in how we’re perceived by others and how we interact with others, in what constitutes the necessities of life, and in how we obtain those necessities. Most of us feel we can “handle” change, but when we say that we usually mean one change at a time, and with a pause after each change before we’re forced to confront the next one. Read a few more details on

Innovation Vista is not satisfied with the same IT approach most industries have followed since last century. We Innovate Beyond Efficiency. Our evolutionary approach ensures that prerequisite phase(s) are completed before moving on to the next. As much as business leaders want to jump immediately into “Digital Transformation” (and as much as many consultants are happy to sell services to do so), our experience tells us that companies which aren’t ready with the underlying IT capabilities and stability are simply not ready. As with all worthwhile things, creating revenue or disrupting your industry with technology capabilities require significant effort and preparation. We seek to Build Trust First, and to maintain that trust throughout the journey as your trusted IT strategic advisors.

One critical piece of the puzzle often missed is making every effort to fill/infer data wherever possible to find the optimal balance of complete/accurate data with efficient data entry. If salespeople and support staff see that the system does “everything it can” automatically, they’ll be more willing to enter the unique data points which truly add value to the organization’s view of each customer and opportunity. CRM adoption success is more in the hands of Executive leadership than most leaders realize.

Collaboration and Teamwork are actually Conflicting Ideas about Appropriate Workplace Behavior: For optimal Collaboration, we want first of all to start with the most talented team we can attract, recognizing that outside ideas are extremely valuable, whether from consultants and/or recruits from other industries. We want everyone to feel comfortable suggesting new ideas, probing the rationale of existing processes and policies, exploring alternatives with a better balance of pros and cons, questioning others’ opinions, and feeling sufficiently safe from ridicule to think outside the box of the organization’s (and the industry’s) past patterns and habits. Ideally this discussion can involve people across varying titles, seniorities, skill-sets, and tenures. Everyone ideally functions as an individual with their creativity and professional assertiveness fully engaged. See even more info on security checklist for CEOs.

Microscopy laboratories in US

Sem/eds analysis services in Chelmsford, MA? ?MicroVision Labs is owned and operated by a career microscopist, John Knowles, who understands the needs of our clients. Our emphasis on helping our clients solve problems, not just providing data, sets us apart from other labs. We have the technology and knowledge to find answers to your most difficult challenges, helping you succeed at every step. Can I come in to see my samples analyzed? Yes, our clients are always welcome to come in while their samples are being analyzed. For much of the work we do, it is mutually beneficial for our clients to be present to help direct their project since they can provide expertise about their samples. Some of the services we provide such as polished cross sections have time consuming steps making it impractical for a client to stay to watch everything. In those cases it is recommended that you come in initially to explain what you need done and come back at a later time to see the finished product.

Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive xray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) was used to identify the particles. The SEM showed an elevated concentration of iron and iron oxide in the impacted areas. The backscatter electron (BSE) image which correlates brightness in the image with atomic density, highlighted the iron particles that were embedded in the tile and the EDS spectrum confirms the PLM Image chemical composition of these higher density particles. Find a few extra details at eds sem.

Dust samples were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) to provide percentages of the particle types present in the samples. MVL was able to determine that there was significant loading of glass fibers in the dust samples with the likely source being contractor’s work in the attic which involved disturbing the fiberglass insulation. The image on the right shows a few distinct glass fibers with a binder material adhered to them, consistent with fiberglass insulation.

Do you give lab tours? Yes, we routinely give lab tours to our clients and potential clients. Please call and we would be happy to schedule a tour for you and your co-workers. Do you have other locations around the country? We do work for companies all across the United States, with one laboratory which is located in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Did MicroVision Labs ever operate under a different company name? No, we have always been MicroVision Laboratories, Inc. Our founder, John Knowles, used to work for another laboratory that underwent several name changes (Eastern Analytical Laboratories, Industrial Environmental Analysts, American Environmental Network, Severn Trent Laboratories, and EMLab P&K Billeria) and was located nearby in Billerica. When that laboratory was closed in 2008, John hired a few of the remaining analysts and acquired its equipment, client list and phone number.

The unique properties of birefringence allow for the differentiation of fibers, minerals, ceramics, and other biological materials. Particles can therefore be identified and comparatively quantified, resulting in the characterization of the components of a sample. Complimentary optical techniques such as Nomarski/DIC, bright field and dark field imaging add to the amount of information our Optical Analysts can obtain from your samples. Additionally we have a range of light sources and filters to outfit our stereo microscopes for fluorescent microscopy. Find a few extra info at

The SEM was used to examine the crystal morphology, and the EDS spectrum showed primarily carbon and oxygen, with small amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous. This indicated an organic material as the primary component. Because the SEM-EDS analysis showed the material was primarily a carbon based organic crystalline material, a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) examination was performed on the suspect material. This analysis provides necessary information about the functional groups of the organic material in order to identify the unknown organic.

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