Top 10 refrigerators India

Top 5 refrigerators India? LG 687 Litre Side-by-Side Refrigerator. If you want a side-by-side door refrigerator and not restricted with the budget then go with L.G. This is typically that expensive, ultra-stylish side-by-side refrigerator. It is an Inverter Refrigerator loaded with smart features. We have placed it on 2nd only because of its expensive price tag. Inverter Linear Compressor: it is the best quality inverter compressor. It can save up to 50% of energy wastage and reduces noise by 25%. Hygiene Fresh Plus: it is an anti-bacterial deodorization. It eliminates 99% of bacteria and also removes any unpleasant odour. Multi Digital Sensors: it senses warm food and hot air. Then it speeds up the motor to reach the optimum temperature.

Samsung 212L 3 Star Direct Cool Refrigerator. Compared to the LG and Haier models mentioned above, Samsung has larger capacity. But the downside is that it consumes more energy and has only 3 star rating compared to 4 star rating of Haier and LG. Just like LG, this refrigerator also has a fresh cool zone in addition to the super freeze zone for keeping milk, curd and desserts. Stabilizer free operation; Big bottle guard that ensures enough space for keeping larger bottles; Toughened glass Shelves capable of holding up to 150 kg weight; Keyhole on the Chromium Handle; Anti-bacterial gasket that prevents fungal and bacterial build-up inside the refrigerator.

This BEE 4 star rated single door model from LG is a great buy if you are tight on budget but still want to buy a good fridge. It is energy efficient and comes with an inverter technology compressor. It works on home and solar inverter giving you an option to easily run it during power cuts. It is a stabiliser free model that can work perfectly between 90-300V. The shelves inside are made of toughened glass which makes them quite durable. On the whole, a great model to buy if you are on a budget. Read even more details at Best refrigerators in India.

Fridge tip : Give in to your air conditioning. Stop us if this sounds familiar: You have central air in your home but you don’t like to turn it on because it uses so much energy. Unfortunately, the energy that you’re saving by not cooling the whole house is actually being used by your fridge, as it works harder to stay cool in a seriously hot kitchen. It might not be a one-for-one tradeoff, but keeping the temperature regulated throughout your entire house can help the appliance run more efficiently.

Sort your fridge with baskets. Using small baskets to sort different products on shelves and in doors (and even in the freezer) is an awesome way to get some organisation going in your refrigerator. Not only will using baskets help you sort the contents of your fridge, but the base of the basket also acts as a protectant layer to capture any spills or food mess; instead of having to clean a whole shelf when the milk leaks, you can just clean the basket. You could even have a basket for nutritious snacks to help keep you on track with a healthy eating plan. See additional info at

Top quality and professional paintless dent repair services

Looking for hail or dent repair done on your vehicle?: PDR is environmentally friendly, too. Car paint contains a lot of toxic fumes. These fumes can end up causing lung problems to the people who repair the vehicles. The fumes also cause environmental degradation. Because PDR relies on simple physics, pushing and pulling, it is an eco-friendly car repair technique. As car owners become more environmentally conscious, they want their auto body repair shop to go green, too. You can ignore several small dents on your car, but eventually, these dents will require a major body repair. This will end up costing you more money compared to repairing small dents as they occur. Your insurance may even help you cover some of these costs. When you address the problem when it first occurs, it will cost you less money compared to when your car is in need of a complete bodywork overhaul.

Just like any skill, PDR takes a significant amount of time to master. NOCO always recommends you see a professional in order to be fully satisfied with a repair. However, it is possible to remove dents yourself at home, granted you have the correct tools. Properly removing dents involves getting the special metal rods and body picks to push out dents from the underside of the body panel. This is easier said than done, as you simply cannot place your hand behind the panel you need to work with. There are liners and multiple panels that will may need to be removed to get to the working surface. On top of this, PDR is very much a technique of “fine tuning,” meaning that it is easy to push too hard and make the dent worse and/or cracking the paint.

“Should I file an insurance claim on vehicle hail damage?” This is dependent on your deductible. For minor damage, it’s usually best to pay out of pocket for repairs. Major hailstorms, on the other hand…. Review your insurance policy after receiving your hail damage repair quote to see if filing a claim is in your best interest. If possible, ask your chosen auto body shop for assistance with your insurance claim.

Cheaper than professional repair. Paintless dent repair (PDR) kits can substitute a trip to the repair shop and help keep more money in your wallet. There are kits for tiny, medium-sized, and large dents, and the average price of the kits is generally a fraction of what you’d pay for repairs. Easy and convenient. With the right dent puller, it’s very easy to set up in your driveway or parking lot. The best PDR tools are shipped with detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. You can rest easy knowing they will not damage your car’s paint. From the ease-of-use standpoint, the suction dent puller is the undisputed winner. The suction cup works with metal and plastic auto bodies. The cups are made of rubber and plastic. Depending on the size of the cup, it can lift upwards of 130 pounds. If you want one of the best suction dent pullers, consider whether the kit includes multiple suction cups. The PDR process is requires patience and a trained eye to see the tiny changes made during each use of a tool. During the repair process it is often required to cycle through each of the previous steps until the dent has been completely removed.

Paintless Dent Repair vs Body Filler: So, how do body shops decide which method to use? It really depends on how damaged the vehicle is. PDR is ideal for removing small dents caused by hail damage. It’s also much cheaper and more eco-friendly compared to body filler, as there are no chemicals involved. In addition, PDR is a good option if you’re looking to sell your car in the future, as painting and traditional dent repair methods can cause the value of your car to depreciate. Plus, PDR typically is a much faster process compared to body filler. Body filler, on the other hand, is optimal for repairing heavily dented vehicles. If hail damage has caused the vehicle’s metal to stretch or crack, then it will need to be repaired with body filler. In addition, if hail has damaged your vehicle’s paint, conventional methods will need to be used to repair the damage.

If needed on your vehicle we will perform additional repairs on the exterior, including traditional body and paint work. We also repair or replace glass with our in-house glass team, Hail can damage things other than your vehicle’s exterior, such as trim or chrome elements. We replace all such components as part of the repair process at no addtional cost to you. After repairs are completed we perform a thorough diagnostic of your vehicle to ensure every dent, ding, scratch, and part replacement has been addressed to our top standards. See even more info at Auto repair hail services Cimarron Hills, Colorado.

Getting a dent in your car is one of the certainties in life. Even if you’re the most careful driver, you don’t always have control over out-of-nowhere light posts, runaway shopping carts, misthrown footballs, and so many other things that could hit your car. Minor dings and dents in your vehicle could lead to bigger problems if neglected. When taking your car to an auto body shop, ask them if they perform paintless dent repair. Most experts recommend this method compared to the traditional way of fixing dents because it’s faster and more affordable for customers.

Korean designer kids clothing online store in Hong Kong

Made in Korea casual kids clothing online store in Hong Kong and the newest kids fashion trends. Like shoes, baby socks rarely stay on. All those wiggles eventually work the sock over the heel and then—poof!—the sock is nowhere to be found. But Robeez socks have an added band of elastic gathering around the ankle, making it less likely those suckers are going anywhere. The socks are a stretchy blend of cotton, spandex and nylon and have non-skid soles for when your baby is ready to start stepping. (Robeez also makes cute shoes.)

The BabyBjorn is perfect for parents who want a quick, secure way to carry their little one during the early months (all it takes is just a couple of buckles compared to more intricate wraps). It’s simple to get babies in and out—even when they’ve fallen asleep on-the-go. Plus, it’s light enough to toss in your diaper bag or store in the stroller basket. This carrier is designed for newborns up to babies around 12 months. So larger babies may outgrow it sooner than you’d like. There’s no waist belt, which some say leads to back and shoulder strain when wearing it for too long. On the other hand, many moms and dads actually like the simplicity of only having shoulder straps. (FYI: the BabyBjorn Miracle has a waist strap, which is more supportive for longer excursions.) It allows babies to face in or out in a front-carry position. So if you want back-carrying options, the BabyBjorn One is your best bet.

Korean baby clothing focused store, all the goods are made in Korea, air freight to Hong Kong. We aim to bring the highest quality, safest and fashionable Korean children’s clothing to every parent. Kiddie Kisses provides high quality and latest Korean fashion to general public in an reasonable price. See a few extra info on The unique animal-shaped pillow is a suitable choice for pregnant and nursing women. It is made of high-quality cotton fabric and long enough to nestle in. Also, the pillow offers back, side and front support for the body while also creating a relaxed and comfortable position for sleeping, reading, nursing, and more.

Art & Eden prioritizes transparency. The brand boasts a collection of natural children’s garments made in fair and safe working conditions. Their colorful-patterned pieces contain low-impact dyes and are GOTS-certified organic cotton, making every item safe for your little one’s skin. Even more wonderful, Art & Eden funds a mentorship and give-back program that helps provide multivitamins and health essentials to children in need.

For our chinese guests:


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Best site to download music from

Best site to download music from from The Future FM? AudioMack started as a platform focused in Hip-hop music but branched out to other styles like R&B, Electronic and Dancehall. It is very similar to SoundCloud but has a cleaner user interface and best of all is completely free for musicians with no track limits. Whether you are a producer, singer or composer every AudioMack user can upload their tracks for consideration to get featured in their trending section, which translates to massive exposure to a wide audience. Starting in 2019 all creators will be able to monetize their work straight from AudioMack itself with no need for registering with a 3rd party distributor or publisher.

One of the other reasons why SoundCloud lost quite a lot of its popularity is that there has been a lot of various disputes, either over copyright infringements (often unfounded, claimed by SoundCloud anti-piracy algorithms by mistake) with some users completely losing their accounts for not actually doing anything wrong. Also, there were a lot of mishandled takedown claims filed purely with the intention to harm the author, etc.

Free DJ music? Find recent music like never before. Find the latest tracks from the best new artists. Download as much as you want, when you want, without limits. Are you a producer? Get paid for your music! The first subscription-split music sharing platform! Producers finally get paid fairly. We make it easy to get discovered and get paid what you really deserve. Ready for real exposure? TheFuture gives everybody the chance to be discovered fairly. Upload unlimited original music for free, share everywhere and grow your fan base! Find even more info on Download DJ Mixes.

Bandcamp is probably the first name that comes to mind when you talk of SoundCloud alternatives. It is a music publishing platform that has been around for over a decade. Like SoundCloud, it also caters to indie artists for the most part, and is often the first port of call for musicians looking for an alternative to SoundCloud. Artists who sign up with the service are provided with their own customizable microsite where they can upload and share their music. As a fan, you can stream all tracks for free, but can also choose to buy either entire albums or individual tracks at prices that you set yourself. You can also donate to an artist or receive a free track or album by joining the artist’s mailing list. Unlike SoundCloud, musicians don’t need to pay a fixed yearly amount to Bandcamp to upload their music. The company charges a 15% commission until your overall sales reach $5,000, after which, the commission drops to 10%. Each artist’s page on the Bandcamp website also features information on the artist, their social media links, merchandising links and a list of their available music. The service was a website-only platform until 2013, when the company launched its mobile apps for Android and iOS.

Producers: You’re welcome to upload your original music and use the sharing feature. In fact, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND uploading your music and begin sharing ASAP to increase your statistics. This will ensure that your profile and music will be higher on the charts and will get the ultimate visibility when the flood of DJs, producers and listeners are invited to TheFuture. This will convert into the highest commissions for your music from the very start. The “Share” function works for both links and embedded. Feel free to use our global network for streaming your music to your fans, which is 100% free. While we are in the BETA stage, all DJs and Listeners will be able to download without charge, so there will be no commissions distribution. However, as soon as the platform is announced publicly and we begin accepting subscription signups, you will begin to receive commissions on every download from paying subscribers! Discover even more details on

Several advices for vehicle wraps & decals projects

Some tricks for automotive hail damage repair tasks: This technique is popular among automotive enthusiasts when it comes to the removal of small dents. The idea is simple: heat will inevitably cause the metal surface to expand and (hopefully) pop the dent out. Remember that the more time the car spends time under the sun, the better this technique will work. Use a plastic and/or leather conditioner for the car’s interior, so as to not damage it while exposing the car to maximum sunlight. If the sun’s heat isn’t particularly strong that day, a simple hair dryer could be used in conjunction with the sun to concentrate the heat to a specific area. Point the hair dryer to the dented area for two-minute intervals until the dent pops out. Be careful not to touch the hot lip of the hair dryer on any painted surface. A two-to-four inch gap between the dryer and the surface is recommended.

In the first place let’s begin with some car paint care advices: Repair times are up to the severity of the hailstorm and the damage on your car. For the light or moderate damages, the repairs may take from 1 to 3 days. But for heavy damages, it may take you 2 to 3 weeks as that damages will needs body shop participation, for paint work and panel replacement.

I don’t care if you wash your car yourself (more on that strategy later in this page) or you take it to a quality car wash. (Yes, not all car washes are created equal) This is not an option as dirt is your #1 enemy when it comes to the finish on your new car paint. And this doesn’t mean once every 6 months whether it needs it or not. This means regularly and consistently. (A minimum of once a month…minimum!)

Not only can you unclog a drain with a plunger, but you can also get out small- to medium-sized dents out of your car too. Just splash some water on both the plunger and the dent and start pushing and pulling until it pops out. Make sure to use a cup plunger (for sinks), not a flange one (for toilets). Reversing into an object is one of the easiest ways to get a dent. So for plastic bumpers, even if you attempt to take off the bumper, it might still be difficult to push out the dent because of how stiff the plastic is. Solve this issue by boiling some water in a pot and throwing it on the dent.

Clay: You could also obtain a better finish and a prominent shine if you use good quality clay. Before the clay is applied to the surface, make sure the car is cleaned with paint cleaner. Always remember to use the right applicator pad or a soft terry towel when working on the car’s exterior, to avoid scratching the vehicle. If you don’t know how to use detailing products or clay on your car, view online tutorials and easy do-it-yourself guides to complete the task easily. Find even more info on Automotive Repair & Customization in Colorado Springs.

If you are interested in learning how to do paintless dent repair, make sure that you take the time to gather the right tools and supplies, learn about the detailed process of PDR, and then spend time practicing your own repair techniques on metal panels from the local junk yard before you start doing repairs on your own vehicles.

First, you have to pick a proper tool kit. And that’s not easy for a user who has little clue what’s going on. Some of them are cheap — low prices should raise red flags. Others are so expensive (three-figures or more) that they’re probably right up there with the cost of a decent professional repair (although, to be fair, if you buy the kit you can perform multiple repairs). Many of the high-end, expensive tools are intended to be used along the inside of the panel, much like a pro would do. (Gaining access to the inside of body panels can be a chore, though, and often involves careful removal of multiple interior trim pieces.) Alternatives (which tend to be the less expensive kits) flaunt the conventional wisdom that small dents should be massaged back out from behind the painted surface. These options instruct the user to glue a tool to the dented surface and then twist or pull on the tool to pop it out. True, you can go buy the same tools as a pro, but it takes a lot of skill and experience to use them properly.

Join Soundio and cash rewards music app

Get Soundio & receive $10 and cash rewards music app! Soundio is a cool music app that helps you turn your music passion in to results and cash rewards. First we will look at other Soundio competitors and we will end with why Soundio is the top music app for people that also want to earn cash.

One of the most popular GPT websites, InboxDollars, also pays you to listen to music through its radio. InboxDollars, like Earnably, connects its radio to RadioLoyalty. When you listen, you’ll earn points to your InboxDollars account. Again, if you’re going to sign up for InboxDollars only for its radio, you may just want to sign up for RadioLoyalty instead. But, InboxDollars has so many ways to earn money, that it’s definitely worth signing up to earn cash from radio and its other offers. When you listen to InboxDollars radio, you’ll need to enter a CAPTCHA when prompted so you can get credit for the time you’re listening.

Do you use Spotify, Deezer or Apple Music? If so, PlaylistPush will not only reward you to listen to and review songs, but the company will also pay you up to $12 per song if you add it to one of your playlists. The company works with artists who are looking for exposure and curators alike who want to make money by exposing these artists on their playlist. It’s a great platform if you want to support the independent music scene. To qualify for this service, they do ask that you own a playlist with at least 400 followers. And, don’t worry as it isn’t as hard as you think to gain followers as you can often buy them for a low price on Fiverr if you don’t want to hustle yourself. Make this a priority as you won’t get approved if you don’t have the followers! In the end, the costs really will depend on your reputation and engagement, but out of all options, it does seem to pay the most. All payments are issued via PayPal.

Soundio is better than the music apps we presented above. Easy Tap & Set Metronome?. Set a BPM or tap to find out. Minimalistic functions & design clear out distractions so you can practice like a pro. Metronome comes with visual beats to optimize your practice experience. Easy-Tap Metronome: Set a BPM or tap to find out. Minimalistic functions & design clear out distractions so you can practice like a pro. Metronome comes with visual beats to optimize your practice experience. You automatically receive cash rewards when you make use of Soundio App. Along with free bonus opportunities such as your birthday gift from us and referral program, Soundio App offers you multiple ways to accumulate your coins in a reasonable amount of time. Options to redeem include our popular Amazon eGift Card, Paypal transfer, or charitable donations. Explore even more details at Get Soundio & Receive $10 Free.

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Soundio is a free music app, all-in-one music utility app that offers cash rewards. Practice your instruments, record your vocals, just do what you love, and make passive income along the way. Get Soundio App, no subscription, 100% free, period. Download Soundio App to your phone within minutes. No registration required, only a curious heart! Read a few more details on All-in-one music utility app with cash rewards.

Tricks to study French language in Pune

Studying French language advantages? An introduction to an incomparable cultural universe, France is often considered the language of culture. A French lesson is a cultural journey into the worlds of fashion, gastronomy, the arts, architecture and science. Learning French also offers access to the works of great French writers such as Victor Hugo or Marcel Proust and famous poets like Charles Baudelaire or Jacques Prevert, in the original text. It means being able to hear the voices of actors Alain Delon or Juliette Binoche, and the pleasure of being able to understand the words of French songs sung by an Edith Piaf or a Charles Aznavour and even sing them yourself.

French is an easy language to learn. There are many methods on the market that make learning French enjoyable for children and adults alike. French is a good base for learning other languages, especially Romance languages (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian) as well as English, since a significant percentage of English vocabulary is derived from French. First and foremost, learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful, rich, melodious language that is often called the language of love. French is also an analytical language that structures thought and develops critical thinking, which is a valuable skill for discussions and negotiations.

Why from SevenMentor: You might come across as an entirely different environment when speaking in French. Becoming fluent in this language by enrolling for French language courses in Pune which will offer you an unrivaled feeling of accomplishment, and it is a skill that can be of significant importance to you. In the words of Roger Bacon, “Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.” The major reason why a lot of people these days are learning foreign languages is that knowing languages gives you wisdom, and leads you towards the path of both personal and professional growth. Explore additional details at French language classes in Pune.

Appreciate the finest French movies and books: Give the French their credit, they’ve created some beautiful movies and written a lot of fine literature. No matter how experienced you are as a movie or book credit, you can’t fully appreciate the art unless you speak the language. There’s just no other ways to go about it. Order with confidence at restaurants: Stop feeling shy or intimdated when you visit a French restaurant. If you’re tired of just pointing at a menu for what you want to eat or asking for the English menu, learning French will solve that issue for you. Better yet, surprise your next date by taking him or her to a French restaurant, and show her your skills. Like Bradley Cooper from Limitless.

Are there any eligibility criteria for enrolling? NO age restrictions, no educational background required, no external certificates required!!! Anyone who is passionate about learning French can enroll for the Best French language courses in Pune at SevenMentor. Upper-Intermediate – Helps to understand the main ideas of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including technical articles in the user’s area of expertise. I can communicate with a classic level of spontaneity and fluency during a conversation with a native speaker, in a way that is comfortable for everyone. Explore even more details on

Affordable international school in KL

International Primary school in Kuala Lumpur and education tricks: Educational research has shown that working in small groups fosters closer relationships between students and teachers, and also that a smaller student-to-teacher ratio leads to greater success in college. But numbers can be misleading. In their published student-teacher ratios, some schools count every adult and coach as a teacher. If you want to forecast the amount of attention your child will get from classroom teachers, multiply the number of sections a teacher has in a day by the average class size. That will give you a sense of how much individualized contact a teacher is likely to have with each child.

A one-on-one meeting with the principal during your school visit can be the best time to ask many of your questions. Principals should be open to meeting with parents and should be forthcoming with information about the school and staff. In addition to finding out more about current events at the school you are considering, this is an excellent way to collect names and phone numbers of parents at the school that you can contact later. PTA meetings are usually available to all parents at the school, as well as the general public, so your presence should be welcome.

St. John’s Pre-University Study Centre always goes the extra mile and does something more fundamental than the norm: funding more than 50 scholarship students since 2012 who have displayed qualities that should be emulated within diverse capabilities. We closely ingrain the ethos of ‘Smart Choice, Bright Future’ which offers 100% scholarship and 50% bursary for student who are Lasallian or Convent student alumni in Malaysia. The GCE A Level qualification emphasises on knowledge, understanding, reasoning abilities and skills. It is one of the most recognised pre-university qualifications in the world, and is accepted as proof of academic ability for entry into world-class universities in the United Kingdom, USA, Singapore, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Malaysia, to name a few. Discover even more details at International Primary school in KL.

What people say about St. John International School ? SJIS is perhaps the best place for teenagers to learn about and understand people from different cultural or racial backgrounds. It provides a safe and open place for students to demonstrate their uniqueness and culture. A very good experience. St. John’s International School has helped improve my standards of education by providing the necessary information and help I needed. The teachers were all friendly and never hesitated to help when I was stuck with questions. The school had a variety of curriculum and sports, which not only helped in my academics, but also in extracurricular activities.

SJIS presents a new milieu for students from different cultures and backgrounds to be nurtured in education, sports and extra-curricular activities excellence. We realise that a holistic education is also one that promotes values of respect for all and a sense of responsibility. Good discipline and strong student-faculty relationship are emphasised to create a mutual and respectful learning environment within the school. Explore a few extra details on

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