Day: April 13, 2020

AI-Powered press releases that work wonders

Press release coverage service! Lister AI: The AI-Powered PR Pitching Service. is a new press pitching tool to get your company featured in articles and publications. Lister uses a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate targeted lists and pitch them with the content of each client. Their speciality is to handle your campaigns and simplify your pitching process by supplementing your PR activities, Reach thousands of blogs, build your media lists and make necessary submissions to publications and journalists, thus increasing your PR.

How Does Lister Work? First, you submit your brief to them and details of what you require. They then build up a necessary list in your field of work and try to reach them and pitch your ideas in the simplest way. Once the results are in, they generate a report and give it to you. A client’s vertical means the field or the industry in which the client’s work depends on. For example, if the client’s company is a technology brand, the list would contain all the top-notch journalists and publications in the technology sector, and so on.

Press releases are a great way to build trust and credibility in your field of activity. An excellent PR campaign will offer you the chance to brand yourself as a high-authority artist/business owner and underline the unique attributes of your products. According to the data shared by, 80 million people worldwide go online daily, looking for unique insight and exclusive stories. This impressive number reveals just how important it really is to use every trick in the book to push your feature to the top of your prospects’ newsfeed and boost your exposure. artificial intelligence systems use WIP machine learning matching, using a knowledge graph of data to generate matching lists. The result is multidimensional clustering of relevant keywords, ending in bi-partite matching. Sounds complicated? It is! is quite the powerful tool! Find out more about that on What Is A List And How Does It Help Me? Lister lists are generated lists of press outlets that match your companies verticals and niches. The lists is generated using artificial intelligence matching, based on several key touchpoints. Discover a few more info on Press Campaigns That Work.

Who doesn’t like healthy competition? A list of possible competitors is necessary to ensure that you are doing better than them, along with keeping tabs on what is in trend. Lister use : Publication keyword and content matches enable you to come up in search history as often as possible so that your potential clients or investors can tap into your company and view your pitch online. Once they finish building the list, they identify each publication and manually submit each pitch to every submission page so that no error is made.

Press release distribution is fairly inexpensive. Most companies write their own press releases. The only expense comes with hiring a press release distribution service to get the story in the hands of key media members. But even this is inexpensive, and when compared with paid advertising, press release distribution is almost always the more affordable option.

Our Review : follows the trend of artificial intelligence in the world of marketing, with an interesting focus on PR and press – something that has not seen a huge amount of innovation in terms of pitching – a generally old-school industry, very ready for disruption. We asked for a few reviews of Lister from some recent users, and the feedback was generally excellent. The service generated a number of large press articles. One crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and Indiegogo said “ is a really powerful way to generate press coverage, we secured coverage in 30 publications, ranging from small niche blogs all the way up to large press outlets. I’d highly recommend”.

Their reporting medium is a collaborative google doc so that they can provide you with live updates on your pitch submissions. Lister AI has three payment packages, and you can choose the one which best suits your needs. Overall, the service seems to be a great solution for generating press coverage for a fraction of the cost that a PR Agency would charge. We’re looking forward to seeing the product develop further. Discover a few extra details on

The Efficiency of Pellet Stoves

The Efficiency of Pellet Stoves

People are looking for economical ways to heat up their homes during the cold months. Because of increasing energy prices, traditional wood stoves have become very hard to maintain. As such, more and more people have discovered that using pellet stoves is cheaper and practical. This is mainly attributed to their high efficiency in burning fuel and in heating our homes.

Pellet stoves are fueled by pellets that are made up of tightly compressed renewable materials, such as sawdust, wood, corn, and peanut shells. They are composed of complicated machinery that feeds more pellets into the fire as needed in order to maintain the desired temperature range. What the user only needs to do is to load the pellets into the holding area called the hopper, and the automated feeding device called the auger moves them to the fire when more fuel is needed to be burnt.

In terms of labor, pellet stoves are efficient in that they don’t require much effort to be maintained. The pellet stove can provide heat intermittently for one to three days or even more, depending on the size of the hopper and temperature range selected. It is not much of hassle to maintain since unlike in a traditional wood stove, you don’t have to keep on feeding wood to it in order to maintain the heat and cold cycle and keep it burning. Furthermore, pellet stoves don’t produce a substantial amount of residue unlike wood stoves. A 40-pound bag of pellets creates only less than one cup of ashes. This makes the whole cleaning process a lot easier since you can manage without emptying the ash pan for several months.

The next efficiency is in the fuel itself. As mentioned above, pellets are made from byproducts of forestry activities that otherwise would not have had any other use. Instead of dumping them in landfills or incinerating them in the wood burners of wood processing facilities, they are recycled into something useful. These renewable materials are then compressed at high temperatures without the use of chemicals like glue. Thus pellets are inexpensive since they are made of low-priced materials plus their production process is not costly. Furthermore, these pellets store really easily. They usually come in packs of 40 pounds and they take up less storage space than wood that can churn out the same energy output.

Aside from labor, price, and storage, the main efficiency of pellet stoves lies in its ability to control the right amount of air and fuel in order to keep the fire and heat steady. Through convection heat produced by the heat exchanger of pellet stoves, the temperature is kept stable. Because of this state-of-the-art technology, the fuel-to-air ratio is maintained so an almost complete combustion of the fuel is promised. Almost all of the heat is extracted out of the pellets. Thus, the pellet stoves out in the market have an efficiency of 75 to 90 percent (most are in the mid-80s) and a heat output range of about 40,000 BTU or higher. Moreover, the heat produced is released farther than it would normally go because of the negative pressure system of pellet stoves that forcibly propels the hot air produced.


Perfect mold removal firm Jacksonville, Florida

Best mold remediation company Jacksonville, FL: There are easy and common-sense steps you can take to keep your home safer from mould growth. Avoid drying laundry in your home whenever possible. It leeches lots of moisture into the air – and if you have to dry clothes indoors, do it in a room with an open window to allow excess moisture to escape. If you use a clothes dryer, make sure it is ventilated to outside. This avoids pumping steamy moisture into your home’s atmosphere. Keep windows and ventilation available when you have hot and steamy baths or showers. If it is too cold to keep the windows open whilst you have a bath or shower, try to ensure you air out your bathroom for an hour or so afterwards. Wipe down wet surfaces and open windows to reduce the dampness and condensation; this will significantly reduce the chances of mould growing in your bathroom.

Mold has had its 15 minutes of fame over the last few years. Though the hype has died down, mold is still an important issue. Customer complaints require home builders to have a fast action plan; both to clean up the mold problem and to show customers a quality home builder is looking out for their health and safety and the durability of their home. There are two important things to remember about mold: prevent it by doing things right the first time and when you do face mold, take care of it immediately. Ensuring that your warranty team follows a process for mold remediation will take care of the latter. The following steps, which can be adapted to fit within your company’s policy, serve as a basic process for quickly remediating mold problems.

Prevent structural damage to your property! When you have water damage, it is best to treat it as soon as possible before it causes structural damage to your home. When water seeps through the walls, floor and other areas affected by the water damage, it could lead to structural damage to the house especially in the parts made of wood. If you wait too long, it can become incredibly expensive to repair which is why it’s always advisable to act quickly. See extra information at

If you need to build or rebuild an area where moisture has been a problem, use materials that resist mold growth and aren’t affected by water. Construct walls with pressure-treated wood and rigid insulation and cover the walls with paperless drywall, which has nothing for mold to feed on. Learn how to install cement board for ceramic tile. In areas where mold might grow, such as basement walls, spray the surfaces with an antimicrobial treatment. Paint walls with mildew-resistant primer and paint or add mildewcide to your paint.

There is neither state nor federal laws on record that specific what landlords must do about mold development in their property. There is also nothing stipulating what they must do if mold is found in the home. Tenants, however, can take their landlord to court to get compensation for losses they incurred – be it mold repairs, doctor bills, etc.) If a tenant can prove that the presence of high mold concentrate is the result of landlord negligence and the jury or judge agrees, the landlord may be held liable. For instance, a local Orlando news channel conducted in an investigation of an apartment complex that revealed tenants were living in deplorable conditions – leaks and flooding, which led to mold growth. The reporters also found that the building had damaged electrical outlets, which could cause a fire. The landlord was fined $15,000 per day for the 31 violations of the city’s health and safety code. See even more information at Jacksonville Biohazard Cleanup.

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