Top driving instructors in Ireland

High quality driving instructor in Dublin? Refrain from distracted driving. You should never drive distracted, and this is doubly important when road conditions are less-than-desirable. Stay off your phone, the radio, and even stop conversing during a heavy downpour or snowstorm.

Let’s face it, road rage affects just about everyone – it can happen to the calmest and most patient among us, often for no good reason. If you find yourself growing irritated as you settle into the tail end of a traffic jam or as a driver cuts you off, take a deep breath and try to put it all into perspective. Is this a life and death situation? Or are you just going to be a little late to work? Plus, think about that “jerk” who cut you off – maybe that’s a Mom racing to pick up her kid who just fell at school and broke their arm. You never know, and you probably can’t do anything about your situation anyway. So just find something good on the radio and let it be. If you have a car, you need to keep it in shape or you are risking a number of potentially dangerous and expensive problems. You need to change your oil about every 3000 miles, and you need a yearly inspection to keep your car registered. And you’ll want to keep tabs on the air in your tires and replace any lights that go out ASAP. Also, if the check engine light or some other warning sign goes on, get it checked out first thing – don’t just cross your fingers and hope it goes away!

There are a few things you should know about defensive driving, and here you will find some really great defensive driving tips for new drivers. (They are actually great for everyone who drives, no matter how long they have been driving.) These tips will help you to know what to do in many situations, so that you can arrive at your destination safe and sound. Never use a cell phone while driving. If you are chatting on a cell phone or sending and receiving text messages, you will not be giving your driving your full attention, and you will not be aware of what is going on with other drivers around you. Using a cell phone is extremely distracting, and you should only use it when the car is parked. Find extra information at driving lessons Dublin.

Don’t use your horn in anger. Some people don’t seem to realize this, but the car horn is not designed to express your anger toward other drivers, it is meant for alerting other drivers to your presence – for example when approaching a blind corner. Yes, nowadays sounding the horn long and loud is the road version of delivering a mouthful of fruity invective, but you should avoid using it for this purpose. At best, it means you have lost your cool – at worst, it can cause road rage and even violent confrontations.

Park guided by your windows and mirrors. When perpendicular parking, stop once you see the curb under the side mirror. This way the distance between the car and the curb will be minimal, and you won’t scratch the bumper. When parallel parking, make sure you don’t scratch the hubcaps. Stick a piece of colored duct tape to the bottom of the windshield. Stop once the mark matches the curb line. It’s better to parallel park in reverse: this way, the curb is visible in the side-view mirrors, so you won’t be too close to it. Discover additional details on here.

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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez