New York En Bloc surgeons

San Francisco En Bloc surgeons? En bloc capsulectomy is not a simple procedure. It poses challenges to surgeon and patient alike. First, it is more difficult to perform than standard implant removal. In many cases, I find doing an en bloc capsulectomy to be more physically demanding than doing microsurgery! It takes more time, more difficult lighting, more effort to retract adjacent tissue, and more meticulous attention to detail. The capsule can be less than a millimeter thick and can be easy to tear. In order to “get around” it, a larger incision must often be used than was made to place the implant. In addition, the capsule must be teased away from the adjacent tissue (which may be breast, muscle, or rib), which can cause more damage to structures left behind. Patients are more sore than after simple implant removal and are more likely to have bleeding. To prevent fluid from accumulating as a result of the additional trauma, I leave drains in place, which are also a nuisance. Finally, if the implant is replaced, the lack of scar tissue left behind can make it more difficult to control where that implant ends up.

Before proceeding with implant removal due to health concerns, it’s critical to have other conditions ruled out. This will ensure you get the right kind of medical attention and treatment. The most common symptoms experienced by those concerned they have breast implant illness overlap with symptoms of other inflammatory or autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and Lyme Disease, and ruling those out is an important first step. How do I rule out other conditions? Why is it important to do that? Ruling out other conditions before breast implant removal involves being tested for other inflammatory diseases, getting full work-ups, and determining if you have markers for conditions that are proven to cause the symptoms you are experiencing. Ultimately, this is to protect you on multiple fronts: A proper diagnosis is needed to receive the best course of medical treatment and increase your chances of relieving your symptoms. Breast implant removal surgery is expensive and not typically covered by insurance. If you do have an underlying condition not associated with your breast implants, surgery could have added risks. It is crucial to have a broad understanding of your current health status before any surgery. If you prefer the way your breasts look with implants and your primary goal is to reduce unexplained health symptoms, it makes sense to rule out other possibilities before changing your appearance. Find even more details on

En bloc capsulectomy is a surgical procedure designed to remove a breast implant and the entire capsule as one intact unit rather than removing only part of the capsule and/or removing the capsule and implant separately. Why is the en bloc capsulectomy better for you? While an en bloc capsulectomy is not necessarily the best option for every patient, it certainly has some unique advantages. By removing the implant and capsule as one intact unit, the risk of contamination by bacteria or ruptured material is virtually eliminated. Removing the entire capsule as one piece also ensures that there is no capsule material left behind. In some cases, total capsulectomy (removal of the entire capsule) or en bloc capsulectomy (removal of the entire capsule as one unit with the implant) is not possible. One example of a situation where en bloc capsulectomy would not be possible is when portions of the capsule have adhered to surrounding tissue and structures, such as the rib cage. When this occurs, the surgeon may be forced to leave small pieces of the capsule, but these will be sterilized and generally pose no risk to the patient’s future health. Dr. Schwartz and his expert medical team will guide you through deciding what method of implant removal and capsulectomy is best and most appropriate for your specific case.

As a board certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience removing breast implants, I consult with numerous women who hope to have their implants removed or are concerned about changes to their health. Whether your desire to have your breast implants removed is connected with breast implant illness, BIA-ALCL, an implant-related complication, or a change in aesthetic preference, I want to help you fully understand all of your options. Explantation, or breast implant removal, is a nuanced combination of medicine and art—even when it is being done purely for health reasons—and you’ll want to be sure you’re choosing the right approach for your situation. See more info on

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