Reptile pet habitat tricks by

How to care for reptile pets guides? There are two main subspecies of Hermann’s tortoises. The Western Hermann’s tortoise is the smaller of the two, reaching lengths of about six to eight inches. The Eastern Hermann’s tortoise is a bit larger at 11 inches when fully grown. Despite the size differences, the care requirements for each subspecies are identical. They come from similar environments. Generally, you can find these tortoises living on rocky hillsides or lush evergreen forests. In captivity, replicating that natural habitat is crucial. They need plants and rocks to thrive. Of course, a hide box for protection is important as well. Hermann’s tortoises can tolerate a relatively wide temperature range. They do best when daytime temperatures are between 80 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. But, they can tolerate nighttime temperatures as low as 60 degrees.

Fortunately, many pet snakes will accept dead prey. If yours does, consider keeping a separate small freezer for what are delicately called “prey items”. Dead mice and rats of various ages can be purchased in frozen packages through pet supply stores and directly from people who breed “feeder” mice. For health reasons, it is best to keep your snake’s dinner separately from your own foods. Depending on the snake, she might scarf down three or four at one meal, or she might only eat one. You’ll need to keep half a dozen on hand, in any case. Try starting with prey items that are about the same size around the middle as your snake is. If your snake won’t touch dead prey items, try wiggling the meal a bit, to make it move. Also, try putting a piece of fabric over the tank as a “privacy curtain”. Sometimes one or both of those will do the trick. If that fails, you might need to feed your snake live prey. This is more complicated, and not for the faint of heart. You’ll need to watch the snake hunting and killing the larger prey, because it is dangerous to the snake to leave an adult rodent alone with her. The panicked creature could injure the snake with its claws and teeth.

These gorgeous lizards are best known for their bright green skin, eye color variations and prehensile tails. Their clearly defined scales give them a very unique and textured look that many people absolutely love. Abronia graminea also have very personable and expressive faces. The white patch around their eyes makes it look like they’re studying you. Because they spend much of their time in trees, they have strong legs and toes that are perfect for climbing. They have a fairly thick tail that can be used for counterbalancing to assist them while they’re in trees as well. The usual Mexican alligator lizard size is around 12 inches when full grown. If you’re looking for a pet lizard but are short on space, then the Mexican alligator lizard is perfect. Expert Tip: This length can be a little deceptive at first, because more than half of it is made up of the tail! This reptile may be little, but you’ll find that it is packed with personality. The combination of their small size and vibrant colors is something to see! Find extra information at reptile pet enclosures.

Humidity should be maintained between 35-75% to provide as natural as possible an environment for your bluetongue — this can be achieved by placing a shallow dish of water in the enclosure. Feed your adult bluetongue every two days in warm weather, in colder weather every three days. Remember — if the enclosure temperature is not right your bluetongue may refuse to eat. Bluetongues are omnivores and should be offered a variety of foods such as insects e.g. crickets, worms, snails and slugs. They will eat a range of chopped fruits and vegetables including dandelion, milk thistle, watercress, banana, apple, pawpaw, pear, green beans, carrots, alfafa sprouts, parsley and tomato. In addition, small amounts of moistened dog kibble and canned dog food may be given occasionally. Add a calcium supplement to the food once a week.

Leopard tortoises need sizable enclosures to stay happy and enriched. Many owners like to keep them outdoors. They require relatively warm temperatures and a basking spot that’s at least 95 degrees Fahrenheit! The shell is also very tall. Like other tortoise species, the center of the carapace is steep and rounded. This can make things difficult when setting up a suitable habitat. The good news is that this species isn’t keen on climbing. They like to stick to the ground and spend their time foraging for snacks. As herbivores, they do best when the enclosure has live grass for grazing. The marginated tortoise is a beautiful species with a distinct shell. As juveniles, the shell takes on shades of black and pearly white. However, this coloration fades to a dark gray as the tortoise gets older. See even more details at

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