Septic inspections professional firm in Copperopolis, California

Septic systems high quality services in Arnold? Your septic tank may not always be top of mind when you’re considering home maintenance, but it’s an important part of your home and something not to be overlooked. Properly caring for your septic tank will extend its life and value, while helping to keep septic tank costs down. Follow these nine easy steps to septic tank care, and you’ll help maintain your septic tank even longer: Don’t throw rubbish down your toilet. It’s so tempting to flush rubbish down your toilet, but it’s very unhealthy for your septic tank system. When you flush items such as cat litter, facial tissue and paper towels, you can clog your septic tank. Use your litter bin for these items.

The most common cause of a failed system is overloading it. This can be caused by the consecutive use of high-volume activities such as laundry, showering, and running the dishwasher. Space out their usage as well as follow water conservation efforts year round. If your drainfield is flooded, your first step should be to drastically reduce water use in the house until you notice it is dry at the surface. Pumping the septic tank may be an option, however should be considered after the area above it is dry, otherwise it could cause the tank to float out of the ground, damaging the inlet and outlet pipes. Consult a professional septic service provider for advice.

Foothill Sanitary Septic; driven by our philosophy to never waver in our integrity and honesty and commitment to provide outstanding workman ship, will not perform an inspection without pumping the tank first. The cost of a tank replacement could range between $4,500 to $8,000, so we make sure the job is performed correctly. If we can’t provide a complete evaluation, it is not reasonable or proper to do so. We inspect for signs of any inflow and infiltration. All tanks, risers, inlets and outlets must be water tight as per code. Firstly, if a tank is not water tight, waste water can leave the tank and go straight into the ground without any treatment. Secondly, if waste water can go out, then ground water can come in (this is what is known as I&I). Discover more information at visit site.

Your drain field is likely several hundred feet away from your home but it’s directly impacted by everything you put into your septic system and maintaining it is important. A few things to avoid: Don’t plant trees or other vegetation on top of or near the drain field. Trees and shrubs should not be within 100 feet of the field since roots are attracted to the moisture and can easily start growing inside the drains. Planting grass is desirable because it will help reinforce the soil and prevent erosion. Don’t drive cars or other vehicles on top of the drain field. Heavy machinery will compress the soil and lead to broken drain pipes.

Even professionals with 30 years in the business can get too tied up in ‘how we’ve always done it’ to realize simple improvements will make a huge difference in performance and longevity. What follows is a general guide to the average Individual Sewage Disposal System ISDS guidelines (code) in most of the country. Your septic system site plan is typically drawn right on top of your property survey showing the septic tank ‘setbacks’ with tank 5-10 feet from the house, the leach field at least 20 feet from the house, at least 100 feet away from wells and streams, 25 feet away from dry gulches, and 10 feet away from the property lines. Or whatever the local regulatory officials require, so always check with the county first for minimum setbacks.

We at Foothill Sanitary and Foothill Portable’s “Stand” for our Flag and kneel for our fallen. My family has a very strong military background with family members serving in every branch of the military. This is why we at Foothill Sanitary and Foothill Portable’s offer a 5% Military discount to all of our vet’s as a small way to say Thank you for “your” service. My motto is from the branch that I served in “Semper Fidelis” meaning always faithful, a motto that we will bring to you.

An Evaporative System is used when the soil cannot treat the waste water before it percolates to the water table. This occurs usually in rocky or sandy soils which drain to fast or where the soil absorption is very poor as you would find in heavy clay soils. An evaportanspiration (ET) bed treats the water by using evaportranspiration, which is the loss of water in the soil by both evaporation and transpiration from the plants growing there. The evaportranspiration bed is shallow and can be lined with a liner or unlined. A liner is required if the soil drains so fast the water can’t be treated before it hits the water table. In clay soils the ET can be unlined which also allows disposal through some absorption in the soil. These are often called evaportransition/absorption beds (ETA). See more information on Foothill Sanitary.

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