Author: Patrick Moreau

GBL industrial cleaning chemical manufacturer

When it has been copared to other normally industrial used or daily life used cleaner, the PURE GBL cleaner could be clearly distinguished by its high concentration. GBL cleaner is to be diluted with water to a desired concentration, PURE GBL Cleaner can be diluted with water up to a maximum ratio of 1:5. It is therefore necessary to handle GBL cleaner with care and follow safety instructions.

When people use the related GBL products such as the PURE GBL , they should wear waterproof safety gloves and safety goggles as the most minimum protection. When people need to use the GBL cleaner with very high concentration, it is also very advisable to wear protective clothing and never spray towards people or animals. Before the using of the GBL cleaner, people should firstly read the package leaflet. Should always be stored out of reach to people, children, and animals.

Gamma-butyrolactone is an organic compound, more specifically a lactone, with the gross formula C4H6O2. The substance occurs as a colourless, oily liquid, which is low in hygroscopicity. It is a solvent and reagent in chemical reactions.

Gamma butyrolactone is a chemical. People use it as medicine but this article is about the cleaning product known as GBL. Be careful not to confuse gamma butyrolactone (GBL) with gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB).

Despite serious safety concerns and illegality, people take gamma butyrolactone for improving athletic performance, sleep, and sexual performance and pleasure. They also take it for relieving depression and stress, prolonging life, promoting clear thinking, causing relaxation, and releasing growth hormone. GBL is also used to trim fat and as a body- or muscle-builder. Some people take it as a recreational drug.

How does it work?

Gamma butyrolactone is converted in the body to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) which affects several nerve pathways in the brain. So please be extra careful when using this cleaning product.

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Usualy liqud is used as multi purpouse gbl cleaner. Saying more accurate gbl cleaner can be used as described below.

Glue remover. Gbl can perfectly cllean glue from stickers, foils, etc.
Ink remover. Gbl widly used for needs in serving printers, cleaning cartridges.
Resin remover. GBL cleaner from our shop can be applyed for cleaning car body from road resin and etc.
Wood stripper. Gbl can esylly strip wood from different kinds of pollish and wood paints.
Alloy wheels cleaner. Gamma bytirolactone perfectly removes stains from light alloy wheels surface.
Removal of graffiti. Best practice of household use of GBL is removing graffity from walls.
Oil removing. Motor oil, silicone oil, cooking oil and many other variants of oil stains can be washed away with help of GBL.

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Top Science Instruments Products brought to you by ArrEssPro Scientific

ArrEssPro sells new equipment for all your science and educational needs.

They have designed this web site with Research Professionals like you in mind! You’ll find the Right Products at the Right Price. Everything brand new and shipped directly from the manufacturer to your destination.

ArrEssPro LLC is a Texas based company specializing in online sales. We offer all kind of scientific equipment and supplies. Here are few of our latest products:

Measures electro magnetic field emissions from electrical power lines and transmission equipment, computer, HVAC, audio/video, and other electrical appliances and equipment

While the evidence of the carcinogenic effect of such electromagnetic emissions is still inconclusive, prudent avoidance is recommended to avoid excess exposure over long periods of time. Reads milli-Gauss and micro-Tesla on a large 1″ high display. The display indicates when the object being measured is out of range as well as when the battery is low. Features both standard and maximum hold. Powered by a standard 9V battery lasting approximately 100 hours. Comes with battery, instructions, and a soft carrying case.

Dimensions: 5″ 2″ 1″ (127 51 32 mm)
Weight: 5.4 oz (153 g)

Unico Powerspin FX Centrifuge

PowerSpin FX spins at 3,400 rpm. The Power Spin FX series centrifuges are extremely quiet for a better working environment.

All PowerSpin FX models have a timer and on/off switch as well as other features that are normally only found on units costing much more.


C800-00 8 Place Rotor
C800-01 8 Place Rotor
C800-75 Tachometer, Laser Digital with Reflective Tape, Batteries, In A Storage Case
C800-02 Regular tube shield, pack of 2
C800-03 Adapter for short tubes, pack of 10
C800-04 Pediatric or microtube adapter, pack of 2
C800-05 Tube Lift Adapters, Pk/12
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Air Science 24″ Wide DWS Downflow Workstation

Air Science DWS Downflow Workstations are high efficiency ductless fume hoods designed to protect the user and the environment from hazardous vapors generated on the work surface. Unrestricted front and side access facilitates applications requiring complex and intensive operator involvement, while downward airflow in the chamber protects the operator.

The DWS Downflow Workstation product line is based on an innovative Air Science Multiplex Filtration Technology that creates a safe work environment over the widest range of applications in the industry.

DUCTLESS TECHNOLOGY: The Eco-friendly Choice
Advanced carbon filtration technology offers a safe, high performance alternative to conventional ducted fume hood products for a broad range of applications.

Environmental Benefits. Air Science ductless fume hoods isolate and trap chemical vapors to prevent ecological impact through release into the environment.
Versatile. Each filtration system is selected for its specific application. The Multiplex Filter broadens the range of applications. Carbon filters are available in more than 14 configurations for use with vapors or organic solvents, acids, mercury and formaldehyde. HEPA/ ULPA filters can add to biological safety.
Easy to Install. The ductless fume hood is self-contained and does not require venting to the outside. Many units are portable and may be moved from one location to the next with minimal downtime and without filter changes. Set-up, operation and filter maintenance are straightforward.
Energy Efficient. Because filtered air is returned to the room, no demands are required of the facility HVAC capacity for make-up air.
Cost Effective. Facility duct work, HVAC and construction costs are eliminated.
Safe to Use. Workstation airflow and face velocity protect users from incidental exposures to fumes.
Self testing. Electronic airflow monitoring assures continuous safety. An optional electronic gas sensor monitors carbon filter performance

Please visit our online store and contact us for any questions:
ArrEssPro LLC
PO Box 51663
Denton, TX 76206-1663

desarrollo de aplicaciones moviles con

Huelga decir que todos los propietarios de productos de software quieren crear y lanzar una aplicación de éxito, no la que se pierde en un mar de competencia donde todos luchan por ser el mejor. Aquí hay 11 características imprescindibles y características de una aplicación móvil exitosa, que generalmente no dependen de las características específicas de los dominios comerciales. La mayoría de estas cualidades son aplicables a todas las aplicaciones buenas, y pueden ser fácilmente facilitadas por el equipo dedicado que las crea.

Qué es una buena aplicación?

La respuesta es bastante simple: es la que satisface completamente las necesidades del usuario final, y lo hace de manera rápida y efectiva, con bastante frecuencia en cuestión de varios toques. Podría hacer una sola cosa, pero hacerlo excepcionalmente bien. Dicho esto, ¿qué hace que una aplicación sea buena, o incluso la mejor en su nicho? Bueno, además de un nombre pegadizo e identidad visual. Veamos…

Simplicidad para el usuario final
En otras palabras, significa el desarrollo de una interfaz de usuario conveniente y una navegación simple, basada en las pautas de diseño para la plataforma seleccionada. Tenga en cuenta la calidad principal de cualquier aplicación móvil que se encuentre entre las mejores. Si su aplicación incluye la simplicidad, los usuarios no tendrán ninguna razón para buscar una aplicación similar. Cualquiera que sea la funcionalidad, cuanto más fácil se entregue, mejor, y no perderá usuarios. Esa es una de las cualidades esenciales que ayudan a las aplicaciones móviles populares a reunir y mantener un público fiel. Solo asegúrate de elegir un equipo que sepa cómo diseñar bien una aplicación.

Tanto iOS como Android deberían estar cubiertos
Estas son dos plataformas esenciales para abarcar. Vale la pena señalar que los marcos modernos de desarrollo de aplicaciones multiplataforma, que incluyen PhoneGap, ReactNative y NativeScript, se han convertido en la solución de ahorro de costos para la prueba de concepto. El desarrollo multiplataforma ahorra los presupuestos iniciales, permite la entrada temprana en el mercado con un MVP y logra de manera efectiva la siguiente tercera característica …

Alto rendimiento
Su aplicación móvil debe iniciarse rápidamente por primera vez y nunca debe esperar a los usuarios desde ese momento. Tenga en cuenta que su aplicación debe optimizarse continuamente, y el alto rendimiento se verificará mediante la garantía de calidad.

Esta característica es vital para el desarrollo de aplicaciones especializadas en industrias tales como la atención médica y la administración de dispositivos móviles, donde la confidencialidad de los datos está protegida en el nivel legal. La provisión de seguridad de datos es una de las tendencias de IoT más discutidas. Es uno de los requisitos principales discutidos con su equipo.

Trabajo fuera de línea
Naturalmente, hay muchas aplicaciones que dependen principalmente de la disponibilidad de la conexión a Internet. Sin embargo, el acceso a las funciones y el contenido en modo fuera de línea es imprescindible incluso en sistemas corporativos complejos. Las características exactas pueden ser tan específicas que sería difícil categorizarlas.

Actualizaciones regulares
Para obtener una popularidad duradera, necesita un ciclo continuo de desarrollo de productos de software: actualizaciones periódicas y evolución. Tener un equipo para mantener el servidor. Asegúrese de que su contenido esté hecho de información actualizada y relevante. Actualiza la aplicación con correcciones y nuevas funciones. Desarrolle su producto, haciéndolo más valioso para sus usuarios.

Comentarios y medios de contacto
Esté abierto a todos los usuarios. Crear medios de comunicación mutua para sugerencias, calificaciones y reseñas. Incluya medios de contacto y haga clic para llamar, si es necesario. Haga que todo sea lo más rápido y simple posible, con un número mínimo de toques y un mínimo de ingreso de texto.

Opciones de personalización
Úselo donde sea posible. La personalización es innegablemente amada por todos. Las configuraciones, fuentes, colores y tamaños flexibles son un ganador, cuando simplemente se trata de elegir una aplicación entre otras similares. Deje que sus usuarios vean la aplicación y funcionen de la manera que deseen. Las emociones positivas pueden inclinar la balanza fácilmente a su favor.

Crea un sistema intuitivo de búsqueda y filtros específicos. La búsqueda es importante cuando la aplicación entrega contenido complejo. Sin embargo, no olvides hacer que todas las páginas y todos los servicios sean fácilmente accesibles.

Esencial como el aire, esta característica permite rastrear a los usuarios y obtener la información completa sobre su comportamiento. Así es como puedes medir el éxito de tu aplicación. НPuede ver dónde puede mejorarlo durante el desarrollo posterior.

Las aplicaciones se distribuyen a través de la App Store y de Google Play. Envíamos tu APP a las tiendas y optimizamos su SEO personalizando la ficha. Después, todo lo que tienes que hacer es disfrutar de los beneficios de la distribución en las tiendas: visibilidad gracias al SEO y garantía de calidad por los comentarios y revisiones de los usuarios.

A menos que hayas renunciado voluntariamente a toda la tecnología moderna, lo más probable es que sepas que las Apps se han convertido en un gran tema. De hecho, es incluso difícil imaginar realizar algunas de las tareas diarias sin ellas. Con eso dicho, si tienes una aplicación en pleno funcionamiento o incluso sólo en las etapas iniciales de desarrollo o de planificación, podrías estar en el camino de sacar provecho de los posibles grandes beneficios que la cultura de las aplicaciones ha creado.



# desarrollo de apps moviles
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The Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center Will Host Hurricane Harvey Benefit Show September 24th

Who knew a devastating hurricane in the Texas Gulf Coast would inspire so many communities across America to pitch-in and help? But that’s exactly what’s happening September 24th in Ocean Springs, Mississippi when “FRANK & LIZA” come to the Mary C. This strong community already knows the impact of a record-breaking storm. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged their own coastline. But today, it’s Houston and the Texas coast that urgently need the help.

Thanks to the Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center, the exhilarating musical tribute to “Frank Sinatra & Liza Minnelli” will come to Ocean Springs for one Sunday matinee benefiting the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. The show is a rapid-paced musical journey through the classic and timeless hits of Frank Sinatra and the Broadway-like song and dance spectacle that is Liza Minnelli’s trademark.

Described as “warm, witty and sexy”, the Las Vegas show features a delightful exchange of music, humor and dazzling duets between two of the most talented artists working today – Dave Halston and Suzanne Goulet. Together, “FRANK & LIZA” will not only thrill a willing audience, they will make it easy for virtually anyone to assist in the Hurricane Harvey relief effort.

Seating is limited. Tickets are available online now for $25.

About the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund:
After receiving an overwhelming number of inquiries from citizens and companies who want to help, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and County Judge Ed Emmett have established the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund that will accept tax deductible flood relief donations for victims that have been affected by the recent floods. The fund will be housed at the Greater Houston Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity.

About the Artists:

Dave Halston comes with an impressive resume – working a multitude of theatres, casinos, special events and private parties coast to coast – and in most cases, leaving the audience stunned. As one observer described it, “Dave Halston somehow casts a spell, and they always want more.” Even Barbara Sinatra was brought to tears when Dave performed for her at an exclusive private event. She called his performance “wonderful” and noted specifically the fine job Dave did with Sinatra’s signature song “My Way”.

In addition to Mrs. Sinatra, Dave has also entertained Jeanne Martin (Mrs. Dean Martin), recording artists Michael Feinstein, Steve Tyrell and Mr. Las Vegas himself, Wayne Newton, among other notables.

Suzanne Goulet was born in Montreal, Canada and has been dancing since the age of 3. She starred in “Fantastique” at the Sheraton Bal Harbour in Miami Beach, then at the Sands Casino in Atlantic City and at the Condado Plaza in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She then joined “Hooray for Hollywood” for an international tour to Spain, Switzerland and Japan. She also choreographed and danced for a show on the “Song of America” cruise ship from RCCL. After studying voice in New York City, she won the “Smirnoff Makes You A Star” competition and began her career as a tribute artist.

In 1996, Suzanne joined “Legends in Concert” at Bally’s Grand in Atlantic City. Then she followed the show to the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas where she received rave reviews and numerous awards.

Show Details:

A Musical Tribute to Frank Sinatra and Liza Minnelli
2:30PM | Sunday, September 24th, 2017

The Mary C. O’Keefe Cultural Center of Arts and Education
1600 Government Street
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564

Frost & Sullivan’s Indonesia Domestic Warehouse Services Provider of the Year

PT. Kamadjaja Logistics was recently named Frost & Sullivan’s 2017 Indonesia Domestic Warehouse Services Provider of the Year at the annual Frost & Sullivan Indonesia Excellence Awards ceremony, held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Jakarta on 28 November 2017.

“Recognizing the importance of innovation and meeting customer needs, PT. Kamadjaja Logistics has focused on developing and improving its warehousing infrastructure and technologies. The company’s cutting edge warehousing facilities such as its successful KLOG PARK establishments have enabled customers to derive maximum value from top-notch services, allowing the company to enjoy a better relationship with customers,” said Norazah Bachok, Research Analyst for Transportation & Logistics at Frost & Sullivan.

She continued, “PT. Kamadjaja Logistics also aims for more partnerships with various regional participants to boost opportunities. An extensive product portfolio, new business chain ventures, regional partnerships, and expansion strategies allow the company to enhance its brand recognition and value in the industry.”

“We are delighted to receive the 2017 Indonesia Domestic Warehouse Services Provider of the Year award from Frost & Sullivan. This recognition is a huge encouragement to the team as we strive to provide value to our customers by delivering innovative and excellent logistics services,” said Ivy Kamadjaja, Deputy CEO of PT. Kamadjaja Logistics.

The recipients of the annual Frost & Sullivan Indonesia Excellence Awards were identified based on in-depth research conducted by Frost & Sullivan’s analysts. The award categories offered each year are carefully reviewed and evaluated to reflect the current market landscape and include new emerging trends.

The short-listed companies were then evaluated on a variety of actual market performance indicators which include revenue growth; market share and growth in market share; leadership in product innovation; marketing strategy and business development strategy.

About PT. Kamadjaja Logistics

PT. Kamadjaja Logistics is widely recognized as a pioneer in the logistics industry in Indonesia. Established five decades ago it is now the largest Indonesian company that provides integrated and modern logistics solutions. Equipped with 29 Distribution Centers spread over 16 major cities in Indonesia and covering over 355 destinations, PT. Kamadjaja Logistics has the largest nationwide logistics network in the country.

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today’s market participants. For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Is your organization prepared for the next profound wave of industry convergence, disruptive technologies, increasing competitive intensity, Mega Trends, breakthrough best practices, changing customer dynamics and emerging economies? Contact us: Start the discussion

Fuad Misbah
Corporate Communications – Indonesia

Recommended Indonesian gambling website

Choosing a sports betting site is a key decision, because it will impact your betting activities in various ways. If you pick the right site, you are more likely to have an excellent overall experience and can even improve your chances of winning. Pick a dubious or fake website and you will end up losing a great deal more. Continue reading “Recommended Indonesian gambling website”

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To get started, click on your state, enter your zip code in the search box provided, to get a map of all the junkyards in your area! The junkyards listed by state will have contact numbers provided along with addresses, and hours of operation when applicable.

You can search junkyards for auto parts in all US states :
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Here at, we have taken all of the junkyards in cities located across the United States and compiled them into our vast Junkyards Near Me Database. This vast collection of complied data gives the user complete control over finding junkyards in the city you choose. Not only do you get to choose to search junkyards by city, but within this search you can locate junkyards in distance by miles from your current location or just use your zip code. Each search quickly brings all the information you need up in a single page for a junkyard that fits your match. This information includes the name, street address, city, state and zip code with the telephone number and hours of operation when applicable. Finding junkyards and quality used auto parts has never been easier, so start searching today!

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