Category: Travel

Top places to see in Mauritius

A fabulous place if you are looking for adventure and ancient history feeling, add beaches, lagoons and reefs, this is Mauritius. Sightseeing Tours In Mauritius experience the beauty of the island and your eyes on enchanting sights of picture postcard transparent lagoons, pristine coastlines, undulating sugar cane fields and other other awesome perspectives. Tours range from 15 minutes to 1 hour whereby the itinerary depends on the flight duration, helipad location and climate conditions. Customized tours can also be organized. Prolong your flight experience with our premium transfer service. Save driving hours and transfer direct to your hotel in just a few minutes, whilst experiencing the beauty of Mauritius from the air. Transfers can be organised between SSR International Airport/hotels and vice versa. Click here to book your transfer trip.

If you have been to Mauritius and have not been to this place, have you ever been to Mauritius? If you wish to witness something out of this world, visiting the Chamarel Coloured Earth is an absolute must for you. This stupefying attraction has gained popularity over time because of the fact that it comprises of sand of seven different colors which is most definitely going to leave you perplexed and shocked at the same time. The colors are not very prominent because of the tropical climate of Mauritius but if you mix the colored earth, you will be able to see a remarkable difference. The predominant colors you notice include that of the red, black, purple and cyan.

If wild adventure is your style, visit Black River Gorges National Park which is one of the famous places to visit in south west Mauritius. Spread in an area of approximately 68 km, it is best for the photographers looking for flower and fauna. If you are a researcher, then the park field stations can come in handy to know more about the national park. While trekking, one can find numerous wild pigs, rusa deer, privets, and Chinese guava. Some of the endangered species of birds and animals can even be seen in this national park.

The La Vanille Crocodile Park totally lives up to its name. It is home to some of the most misunderstood creatures around in the world, crocodiles. It also has a wide range of giant tortoises. The crocodiles are the showstopper of this park but you can also explore around a number of other kinds of reptiles and plants too in the area around. If butterflies are your thing, you can witness a wide range of rare butterflies in the park as well.

Where to stay in Mauritius?

Set amongst 213 hectares of tropical gardens and surrounded by an Ernie Els designed 18-hole golf course, Anahita Golf & Spa Resort, one of the best five star Mauritius hotels, is nestled on the east coast of Mauritius. Experience the authentic Mauritian charm with its unique accommodation, diverse culinary experience and dedicated service. Enjoy a vast range of the most sought-after activities: two exceptional 18-hole championship golf courses designed by Ernie Els and Bernhard Langer, exclusive beach experience on its two beaches, boutiques, Personal fitness centre, Anahita Spa by Themae Paris, tennis courts, Kid’s & teens club, water sports centre, leisure parks at Domaine de l’Etoile and Ile aux cerfs. Read extra info :

For our french visitors :

Un fascinant lieu si vous recherchez aventure et histoire ancienne exploration, ajoutez des plages , lagons et recifs, c’est l’ile Maurice. Visites guidees A Maurice, decouvrez la beaute de l’ile et admirez les lagons transparents, les cotes vierges, les champs de canne a sucre ondulants et d’autres superbes perspectives. La duree des visites varie de 15 minutes a 1 heure, en fonction de la duree du vol, de l’emplacement de l’helipad et des conditions climatiques. Des visites sur mesure peuvent egalement etre organisees. Prolongez votre experience de vol avec notre service de transfert premium. Economisez des heures de conduite et transferez directement a votre hotel en quelques minutes, tout en decouvrant la beaute de l’ile Maurice depuis les airs. Des transferts peuvent etre organises entre l’aeroport international SSR / les hotels et inversement. Cliquez ici pour reserver votre transfert. Pour ceux qui aiment la plongee en apnee et la natation, Trou Aux Biches devrait etre le premier endroit a visiter a l’ile Maurice. Avec son sable doux et ses eaux calmes, peu profondes et claires, c’est un lieu ideal pour un pique-nique a la plage avec la famille et les amis. Si vous aimez la cuisine de rue, faites du porc dans les nombreux stands et cafes le long de la cote. Une variete de cuisines peut etre essayee ici. Pour les leve-tot, la plage Belle Mare Plage a Maurice est un bon choix pour profiter du lever du soleil. Faites un plongeon pendant que le soleil se leve; vous seriez heureux d’ajouter la plage de Belle Mare Plage a votre liste d’attractions touristiques a ne pas manquer parmi les sites touristiques de Maurice. Les nageurs experimentes peuvent nager dans les courants, qui sont un peu plus forts que d’autres plages de l’ile Maurice.

Situee dans la region exotique de l’ile Gabriel, a 20 km de la cote nord de l’ile Maurice, la plage de l’Ilot Gabriel est l’une de ces plages inexplorees que peu de gens connaissent. Si vous voyagez de Grand Baie, vous pouvez simplement louer un bateau pour visiter cette ile. La meilleure partie de visiter cette plage est la beaute pittoresque du lever et du coucher du soleil. Non seulement cela constitue un cadre completement romantique, mais cela vous apporte egalement un calme et une serenite que vous ne pourrez certainement pas obtenir autrement.

Trou Aux Cerfs, ou volcan du Murr, est un volcan dormant de 605 m de hauteur situe a Curepipe, Maurice. Son cratere bien defini mesure environ 350 metres de diametre et 80 metres de profondeur. Les experts estiment que ce volcan en sommeil pourrait devenir actif a tout moment dans les mille prochaines annees.

Le parc de crocodiles de La Vanille porte totalement son nom. Il abrite certaines des creatures les plus mal comprises du monde, les crocodiles. Il a egalement une large gamme de tortues geantes. Les crocodiles sont le fer de lance de ce parc, mais vous pouvez egalement explorer un certain nombre d’autres types de reptiles et de plantes dans les environs. Si vous aimez les papillons, vous pourrez egalement admirer un large eventail de papillons rares dans le parc.

Ou sejourner a Maurice?

Situe au milieu de 213 hectares de jardins tropicaux et entoure d’un parcours de golf de 18 trous concu par Ernie Els, Anahita Golf & Spa Resort, l’un des meilleurs hotels cinq etoiles de Maurice, est niche sur la cote est de l’ile Maurice. Decouvrez le charme mauricien authentique avec son hebergement unique, son experience culinaire diversifiee et son service devoue. Profitez d’une vaste gamme d’activites parmi les plus recherchees: deux parcours de golf d’exception de 18 trous concus par Ernie Els et Bernhard Langer, une experience de plage exclusive sur ses deux plages, des boutiques, un centre de remise en forme personnel, le spa Anahita de Themae Paris, des courts de tennis , Club pour enfants et adolescents, centre de sports nautiques, parcs de loisirs au Domaine de l’Etoile et a l’Ile aux Cerfs. Voir plus details: hotel luxe ile Maurice.

Manaslu circuit trekking – What can you see in Nepal

Mentally Prepare. Depending on your level of comfort with the outdoors, you may need to prepare yourself for life in the mountains. Luckily, I am a lover of the outdoors and very comfortable with the mountain life, including camping, bugs, dirt, baby wipe showers, and going to the toilet outdoors! However, for some who are more comfortable with the four seasons than a campsite, you may need to prepare yourself for what is to come. All accommodation on our trek to Everest Base Camp is in small tea houses, run by the local Sherpa people. You will have a bed to sleep in (albeit not the most comfortable bed in the world, but a bed to say the least), in a twin-shared room. There are options for showers lower down on the trail, if you decide to use them, however, many people keep clean by using baby wipes and a bowl of warm water each day. The toilet situations can be difficult at times, as in the tea houses they are generally not Western-style toilets, rather just a hole in the ground instead of a toilet bowl. You will also need to be prepared to use the great outdoors at times when you are on the trail with no tea house nearby. You do need to prepare yourself for these things, as you do not want to arrive on the mountain and have higher expectations and be disappointed.

Manaslu region trekking is one of the hidden gem in the central north part of Nepal. Manaslu towering at 8167m the 8th highest peak of the world is conquered by few and acclaimed as one of the most dangerous 8000er peak. The Manaslu region trekking gives you an opportunity to walk through one of the most varied landscape due to it’s wide altitude variation. The trek starts from Arughat which is at mere 500m and goes to the elevation of Larkya pass at 5143m. You experience the sub tropical climate to the high mountain climate in one trek. At the end of your trek you also traverse through the section of Annapurna circuit trek making it an ace. The journey is full of scenic locations, beautiful villages, rich Tibetan influenced culture and amazing mountain views. The Manaslu region trek can be done directly through the Larkya or visiting the isolated and sacred villages of Tsum valley. It requires a special permit to get in this region which is still far away from the modern civilization. We can see the Buddhist monasteries, Mani walls, prayer flags all along our way. The region is attracting more visitors in recent years. However, the authenticity and the unmatchable panorama is still intact which the visitors get to see still today. Manaslu region trek is certainly a great way to see diverse Nepal and soak in it’s pure form.

Altitude Headaches – A headache can be one of the first signs of altitude problems. Small headaches are common and should not stop you from trekking or worry you. However, it is worth mentioning to your guide and by all means if your headache gets progressively worse or you have other signs of altitude sickness it’s time to stop ascending or even head down. Altitude Sickness if allowed to progress is serious. If you need to arrange extra days on the mountain we can normally arrange that .

Trekking in Everest region is the most popular activity of the visitors. The Everest region is the home of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Amadabalam, Pumori and many other famous mountains. Likewise the region is the homeland of Sherpa people. Everest region is known as the home of Sherpa people and the mysterious Yeti. Everest region trekking destination is located in the eastern part of Nepal. There are several choices of trekking, peak climbing and mountaineering. In this region several well developed trekking trail like Everest Base Cap Trek, Gokyo Lake Trek and many other trails are busy to service the trekkers. Some trails are remote semi-wilderness areas, there is a choice to suit all-corners. Read extra info on Everest base camp helicopter tour.

Advices : Stay at Tengboche. When yo arrive atgo and see the monks chant at 06:00 and 15:00 pm, it is very cool. It is a nice break from trekking to give your mind a break and listen to the music of the monks chant. It clears your senses and lets you relax for the day ahead. It is also an incredible cultural experience.

The Annapurna region offers great views of mountains like Dhaulagiri (8,167m), Manaslu (8,156m), Annapurna I (8,091m), Machhapuchhre (6,996m), Nilgiri (6,940m), Tukche peak (6,920m), Annapurna South (7,219m) and Mt Tilicho etc. Between Annapurna & Dhaulagiri Mountains runs the Valley of Kaligandaki River which is the deepest gorge on earth. Muktinath temple is a religious shrine in this area. Annapurna circuit trekking was listed as the top trekking route by various travel magazine and Medias. Annapurna Base Camp is the popular trekking route in these days and Poon Hill is the famous view point for sunrise and sunset over the Himalayas.

Nepal Trekking in Himalayas Pvt. Ltd is run by a group of highly experienced, innovative, dynamic and professionals with proper preparations that can meet the expectation of any kind of trekkers, explorers, mountaineers, geologists, earth scientists, anthropologists and tourists of other interests which offers the wide range of adventurous and fun-packed trekking, tours, Peak climbing in Nepal. Together they make a significant contribution to Nepal’s tourism industry by delivering a service that extends beyond normal standards. Our main motto is to serve you and help you travel each and every place of Nepal with the flaunting sceneries and make your trip an awesome trip.

Company Information:

Company Name: Nepal Trekking in Himalayas Pvt. Ltd.
Website :
Address : P.O.Box : 10303, Nayabazar 16, Kathmandu Nepal
Phone: 977 01 4385008
Mob. : +977 9869006383
Email :

Pay later but get it now online shopping for best priced travel accessories

Lofthigher is travel accessories provider, offering top quality travel related products for the best prices. The big product selection is making sure that the online store responds to all travel needs for women, men, babies, kids and youngsters. High quality travel accessories are required if you want to have a pleasant trip, without accidents and disconfort created by equipment failures, like broken bottles, wet clothes, unonfortable backpacks and things like this.

Lofthigher offer includes a wide range of travel bags, first aid camping kits, anti insects products, all types of backpacks, trolley suitcases, liquid carry bags, health and hygiene products for travellers and many more. For example Waterproof travel electronic accessories.

It’s important to remember that the bigger your backpack is, the less likely it is that you’ll be able to carry it on the airplane. Additionally, since you can no longer bring liquids in containers larger than three ounces on airplanes if your bag has soap and liquids in it, you’ll be forced to check the bag. Most baggage sizes are 45 linear inches (22 x 14 x 9 in) or 115 centimeters (56 x 36 x 23 cm) including handles and wheels so if you get a backpack with those dimensions, you’ll be able to carry on. You won’t face any baggage fees from the major airlines for checking your bag when flying internationally. Budget airlines, on the other hand, charge a fee for checking a bag based on weight, so the more your bag weighs, the more you will have to pay to check it at the gate. Even though my bag fits in the overhead bin, I often have to check it when flying a budget airline.

Padded shoulder straps – These make carrying your load more comfortable, as the weight of your pack will also be pushing downward on your shoulders. The pads will put less pressure on your shoulders and also help take pressure off your lower back. Make sure the padding is very thick and made up of a single piece of material as it will be less likely to split and thin out.

More products at Lofthigher : Our new five toned Diaper bag is beautiful baby care assistant for the Mothers. It’s so gorgeous and well made that no one will even know it’s a diaper bag. You can even use it for any occasion. The Bag is suitable for travelling, shopping and going out. It has has 11 pockets 7 inside including a zipper pocket and 4 outside, 2 of which are heat preservation pocket. So that you can take in the milk bottle, water bottle, baby clothes, baby diaper, towel and so on in different separate pockets. This bag has endless surprises, one being our water repellent, and the cutest buffalo check interior fabric. Our bag design is easy to clean and opens wide so you can see all of your everyday essentials.

Lofthigher professionalism is showing in some of the features they offer to customers. If the product is different than the image or the product has a defect or damage, they will refund or resend the product. Communication with the customer is essential for a very good shopping experience and it also creates trust between the seller and the buyer.

But what sets Lofthigher apart from most other travel accessories online stores is the buy now, pay later option. The customer has to pay only 40% of the whole price and can pay the rest during a period of two to eight months, without interest or additional fees. If you decide to use their down payment services, they will first charge you 40% of the item price to preauthorize your card and initiate an individual payment plan. After that, you will be able to pay for the rest of your order in maximum 8 installments with no extra charge. Combine this with the quality of their travel accessories like [here we will rotate the other half of the producs, to get more unique versions, around 100 words]. Amazing!

I think it’s an offer you can’t refuse or , at least, take a look at it. If you want to take a look please check Buy now, pay later online shopping for affordable travel equipment.

Paris em janeiro: clima, o que levar, o que fazer – Guia completo de Paris

Onde se hospedar em Paris? Para quem esta planejando uma viagem para Paris, decidir em que area da cidade se hospedar e sempre uma grande duvida. Se essa sera a sua primeira vez, e natural querer entender um pouco mais sobre os principais pontos da cidade para decidir qual area mais te chama a atencao. Se voce nao sabe em qual arrondissement se hospedar em Paris esse guia vai te ajudar bastante.

Compras na Rue Saint-Dominique: Aqui voce vai encontrar muitas lojas para conferir as liquidacoes de Paris. Entre a Avenue Bosquet e o Blvd de la Tour-Maubourg, no 7º arrondissement. A estacao de metro mais proxima e a La Tour-Maubourg. Voce vai encontrar uma boa selecao de boutiques com principalmente grifes francesas, variando de acessiveis ate as muito caras.

Le Marche Saint Martin: o mercado de rua mais moderno: Este mercado fica localizado no 10 arrondissement, e nao muito distante do Canal Saint Martin. Ele e tambem um mercado coberto como o Mache des Enfantes Rouges, mas e pequeno e mais moderno. Cada feirante aplica um alto nivel de controle de qualidade dos produtos oferecidos. Voce vai encontrar aqui os melhores produtos, sejam eles queijo, carnes, flores ou temperos.

Esse monumento fica fora de Paris, mas a sua historia faz com que seja um dos monumentos mais visitados da regiao, considerado como uma visita obrigatoria para quem passa pela capital. O Castelo, construido a partir de 1623 (sob Luis XIII, ate entao uma pequena cabana de caca), e um dos monumentos mais visitados da regiao. Lar de muitos reis da Franca, de Luis XIII a Luis XVI, o local e uma das mais belas testemunhas da historia pre e pos-Revolucao Francesa. Para a visita a Versailles, se voce nao quiser passar metade do seu dia em uma longuissima fila, e imprescindivel ja levar seu ingresso. Roteiro romantico de 1 dia em Paris: 1, 7 e 8 arrondissement.

Turistas e parisienses fazem fila para comer o unico prato do restaurante: um belo file com fritas coberto com um molho verde misterioso. Pelo meu paladar e algumas pesquisas, a base desse molho secreto e mostarda, manjericao, azeite, e sabe Deus mais o que. So sei que e delicioso e inesquecivel. As batatas fritas tambem sao divinas. E voce ainda tem direito a uma segunda rodada delas. Nao recuse!

Benoit e um dos restaurantes mais romanticos de Paris que se orgulha de uma incrivel culinaria classica. O interior e feito de madeira, acessorios de latao e toda a rica decoracao tradicional do passado. Alias, este bistro completou 100 anos em 2012 e e o unico bistro em Paris a ter uma estrela Michelin.

O vinho de Bordeaux e definitivamente o mais classico entre todas as regioes produtoras francesas. Na La Bordeauxtheque, na Galerie Lafayette, ha 7 simpaticos de sommeliers que falam ingles, chines, espanhol, portugues e frances, e estao prontos para ajuda-lo com conselhos personalizados sobre a compra de vinhos de Bordeaux. Funcionarios que falam multiplos idiomas vao ser de grande ajuda para voce comprar seus vinhos em Paris. As sugestoes vao desde os renomeados Grand Cru ate vignerons menores. Eles possuem uma colecao de mais de 1.000 rotulos exclusivamente da regiao de Bordeaux. Se voce e um fa e colecionador dos vinhos de Bordeuax, essa cave e o seu lugar! Confira mais no site da La Bordeauxtheque.

BHV MARAIS, Esta enorme loja de departamentos fica ao lado do Hotel de Ville (a bela prefeitura de Paris) no 4 arrondissement, perto do rio Sena e da Place Dauphine. O porao da BHV e famoso por sua loja de ferragens, com todo tipo de artigos do tipo “faca voce mesmo”, incluindo sacos de rolhas para fazer seu vinho e telas para para manter pombos longe das grades. Mas alem de casa de faz tudo, no BHV voce tambem encontrara artigos de moda e beleza. Algumas das marcas de perfume mais exclusivas voce so vai encontrar por aqui. Um otimo lugar para fazer as suas compras em Paris.

Encontrar um hotel barato em Paris e possivel. Quando se planeja uma viagem para Paris os custos de passagem aerea e hotel sao os que mais pesam. Aperta daqui, aperta dali, nem sempre se consegue cortar o custo na passagem aerea, entao acaba sobrando tentar pagar menos na hospedagem. Nao e tarefa das mais faceis encontrar um hotel barato em Paris, mas da para encontrar um hotel que caiba no bolso. Tudo vai depender do que voce esta diposto a abrir mao na sua viagem.

Situado entre Trocadero e a Estacao Victor Hugo, no meio do 16º arrondissement, o Le Metropolitan Tribute Portfolio Hotel, outro hotel favorito para casais, fica a poucos passos do Grand Palais e Champs Elysees. Este hotel ecologico oferece quartos modernos e bem equipados com piso em parquet, moveis de madeira e banheiros revestidos em granito e marmore. O hotel e bem luxuoso para um 4 estrelas, mas o seu preco correspnde ao seu nivel. Um pouco salgado para quem viaja com orcamento, digamos, mais eficiente. Mas se voce esta viajando numa ocasiao especial como Lua de mel, por exemplo, vale a pena o conforto e luxo oferecido.

A rue Mouffetard que fica nessa regiao, e uma rua muito bonita, calcada com pedras e paralelepipedos. Ela liga o Quartier Gobelins ate o Pantheon e abriga uma feira de rua muito boa, e tambem muitas lojas interessntes. Aqui voce vai encontrar muitos produtos frescos diariamente (menos as segundas). O ponto alto da semana sao as manhas de sabado e domingo. Aqui o visitante pode passear no domingo antes de visitar Notre Dame, o Jardim de Luxemburgo, o Jardin des Plantes, ou o Instituto do Mundo Arabe. Eu ja me hospedei um hotel nessa rua. Adorei! A rue Mouffetard e uma otima opcao de onde se hospedar em Paris.

A apenas 30 minutos ao sul de Paris fica o Parc de Sceaux (pronuncia-se “So”), um lindo e pouco conhecido chateau com imensos jardins. Projetado por le Notre, os jardins sao incrivelmente vastos, entao eu recomendo gastar um bom tempo la para realmente fazer justica a eles. O castelo e muito charmoso, decorado em tons pastel e vermelhos ricos com candelabros extravagantes que iluminam os quartos. A visita e especialmente agradavel na primavera, quando voce pode fazer um piquenique sob as cerejeiras em flor de cerejeira. Vale a visita.

Turkey attractions and top destinations selection

Incredible Turkey … the land at the middle between East and West influences. Impossibly turquoise-blue water. Check. Lush green forest tumbling down a cliff to a white sand beach. Check. The sheltered inlet of ?l?deniz, just a short journey from Fethiye, is Turkey’s most famous beach, and with scenery that might as well have fallen off a perfect postcard, it’s easy to see why its popularity hasn’t waned. If the beach gets too crowded, it’s time to take to the skies and experience the stunning aerial views on a tandem paragliding dive off the summit of mighty Babadag Mountain, which rises up behind the shore. Oh, did we mention that ?l?deniz is one of the world’s top paragliding destinations? Check.

The ruins of Ephesus are a popular tourist attraction on the west coast. The city of Ephesus was once famed for the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, which was destroyed by a mob led by the archbishop of Constantinople in 401 AD. Some of the structures can still be seen however including the Great Theater and the Library of Celsus. The library was built around 125 AD to store 12,000 scrolls and to serve as a monumental tomb for Celsus, the governor of Asia. The fa?ade was carefully reconstructed in the 1970s to its present splendid state from the original pieces. Read more on 10 great Turkey road trips.

The Gallipoli Campaign in World War One saw months of bitter fighting between Allied troops – particularly those of Australia and New Zealand – and the forces of the Ottoman Empire. It was an attempt by the Allies to knock the Ottomans out of the war and its failure marked a high-point for Ottoman forces during the conflict. In modern times, the battlefields of this campaign are marked with a series of memorials, museums and cemeteries where visitors can pay their respects and learn about the sombre history of these costly events. Today, it is at Anzac Cove where the annual commemorative Anzac Day ceremonies are held.

Visitors to the Suleymaniye Mosque say its beauty and peacefulness gives them an inspiring sense of spirituality. Located on the Third Hill of Istanbul, the mosque was ordered built in 1550 by the Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. The mosque, indeed, is magnificent, blending the best of Islamic and Byzantine architecture. The mosque was extensively damaged over the years, including during World War I when a fire broke out while the gardens were used as a weapons depot. It was restored in the mid-20th century. The mosque is marked by four minarets, indicating it was built by a sultan. When it was built, the dome was the highest in the Ottoman Empire.

Tourist Attraction of the day in Cappadocia :

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Shopping,food and packing tips – What can you see in Paris

Bangkok and Paris ? 2 very different places. Here are some tips if you visit one of them. Top destinations in Paris and shopping,food and packing tips. The most visited tourist attraction in Paris, the Eiffel Tower also ranks high on the list of places to visit in France. It’s hard to believe that the structure was dismissed as a monstrosity when it was first unveiled. The iconic tower was designed by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel for the Paris Exhibition of 1889, which marked the centenary of the French Revolution. The tower consists of 18,000 sturdy iron sections (weighing over 10,000 tons) held together by 2.5 million rivets. This innovative structure is now considered a masterful architectural feat and is the most emblematic sight in Paris. From the Jardins du Trocadero and the lawns of the Champs de Mars, there is just the right distance from the Eiffel Tower for a picture-perfect photo-op. Reaching 324 meters in height, the tower was the world’s tallest building until the Empire State Building was erected.

Sitting at the highest point in Paris like an ornamental decoration, the Basilique Sacre-Coeur has a special aura. Its alabaster facade blends Romanesque and Byzantine styles, and from far away, it looks like a wedding cake (which is its nickname). Inside the Basilica, the striking mosaic of Christ with a flaming heart gives the sanctuary an emotional and spiritual intensity, fitting for a church that was created as a symbol of hope after the Franco-Prussian War. The sanctuary is illuminated with many candles, which provide a contrast to the dark, somber space. Visitors can spend time on the terrace admiring the views of Paris or climb the tower for an even higher perspective. The Esplanade that leads up (by a staircase of over 200 steps) to the Sacre-Coeur church is a popular area for people to hang out and is often animated by street musicians. Read extra details on

Paris restaurant pick : The one haute-cuisine restaurant in Paris that’s really, truly worth it? L’Astrance. Chef Pascal Barbot has the most elegantly lyrical gastronomic imagination of any chef working in Paris today, and it’s expressed by dishes that are often spectacularly simple, like his buttermilk and burnt toast crumb soup. The dish is not always on the menu, but if you tell them you’re desperate for it when you make your reservation, Barbot and maitre d’hotel Christophe Rohat are such nice guys, they might make it for you. Otherwise, you should beg for the mille-feuille of white mushrooms, apple, and foie gras.

Paris shopping pick : Boulevard Saint Germain, Bon Marche & Rue du Bac: Running through the elegant 7th arrondissement, the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Pres and into the lively Latin Quarter, Boulevard Saint Germain is a street shoppers won’t want to miss in Paris. Starting at the Seine River in the 7th, this pretty street is lined with trees and beautiful Parisian buildings. It’s a great spot for home decor shops, fashion boutiques and gourmet food shops. As you reach the intersection with Rue du Bac and Boulevard Raspail, you’ll enter a fabulous shopping neighborhood. Follow Boulevard Raspail down to Rue de Rennes, and along the way you’ll find many interesting stores, including Genevieve Lethu for dishes, tablecloths and so on (95 Rue de Rennes). Plastiques (103 Rue de Rennes) is great for home gift ideas, including cool cheese trays, salad bowls out of clear plastic with Provencal flowers inside and so on.

Bangkok travel advices

Wat Arun is something of a triumphant complex, dating back to ancient battles between the former Siam and Burma. Having fallen to the Burmese, Ayutthaya was reduced to rubble and ashes. But General Taksin and the remaining survivors vowed to march “until the sun rose again” and to build a temple there. Wat Arun, the Temple of the Dawn, was that temple. It is where the new king later built his royal palace and a private chapel. If you climb to the top of the prang just before sunset, you are rewarded with an unforgettable view as the sun sinks over the Chao Praya River. Even if you don’t plan to be doing any climbing, sunset is really the time to take in this place in all its glory. See more info on

Coming in at a whopping 2.5 kilometers in length, the trail at Lumphini Park may be too long for visitors to tackle in one go. That said, this park provides visitors with a number of things to see and do. In addition to jogging or cycling the path, the park is home to a number of sporadic aerobic classes that visitors can jump in on. Paddle boats can be rented by those who want to take to the water for the day and slowly explore the lake which sits at the park’s core. Chinese-inspired gazebos, sunbathing monitor lizards, a concert in the park; visitors never know what they are going to stumble on upon visiting this massive green space in the heart of the city.

Bangkok shopping pick : Chatuchak Weekend Market : One of the largest markets in the world: Its land size is huge, covering an area of 35 acres. The number of stall is vast with 8000 stalls. The place brims over products of all kinds as a result. While Chatuchak covers everything you can ever imagine, unique sections worth checking out are rare to find antiques, ceramics, home furniture, and souvenirs. Best place to buy Thai handicrafts in Bangkok: Get some beautiful handicrafts while touring Chatuchak market if you plan to bring home something truly Thai. The product range is huge; the quality is high; the prices are competitive among shops. These are simply the reasons.

Just by the name itself, you might have guessed that Terminal 21 has a certain theme to it and what else would it be but everything related to travel! The design starting from the airport-esque feel of the glass and steel front to the electronic display boards to the Golden Gate Bridge spanning across an entire floor, Terminal 21 truly resonates the traveller spirit in you. Each floor resembles a famous world city. There’s Tokyo City, Carnaby Street in London , an Istanbul Souk, and Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. Here you can shop anything from clothes to accessories to home decor.

If you have your eye on everything high class, luxurious, and upscale, Gaysorn Village is the shopping mall in Bangkok to go to. The marble and chrome interiors reeks nothing but sophistication and class. To put it simply, Gaysorn is where the rich and famous head to for their fill on fashion and fun. In this exclusive shopping centre, an impulse of shoppers isn’t the normal case here but just a few elite members out on a splurge. Other than the international brands such as Ermenegildo Zegna, Louis Vuitton, and Hugo Boss, another note-worthy feature here is its innovative ‘Purely Gaysorn’ campaign that aims to offer a gold standard lifestyle shopping with its new Lifestyle Consultant team that exclusively helps you out on your style, parties, and gifts. With only a few shoppers at a time, the shopping experience here is truly relaxed. Expect only up-market fashion brands, jewellers, and the like when you enter Gaysorn Village. For more please see Travel guides , a complete travel blog.

Lava flow map for Hawai volcano

Hawai means beaches, sun, volcanoes, lava, tourism, travel and more. The park’s centerpiece, Kilauea, has been active as recently as 2018, and visitors should be aware that portions of the park are closed during periods of seismic activity that might pose a threat. Located on the Big Island of Hawaii, Volcanoes National Park offers a unique, close-up look at an active volcano system where lava seeps from fissures in the earth. The surrounding landscape is shaped by cooled lava rock, both old and new, which has flowed over roads in a display of its unstoppable force. During the area’s most active periods, tourists have the chance of experiencing the thrill of feeling seismic activity, hearing the boom of gas emissions, or even seeing a pillar of ash escaping into the air. The park has many things to do and see, including the Thurston Lava Tube, the Jagger Museum, Devastation Trail, and the steaming Halema’uma’u crater. Address: 1 Crater Rim Drive, Hawaii National Park, Hawaii

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park encompasses 333,308 acres from the summit of Maunaloa to the sea. Discover 150 miles of hiking trails through volcanic craters, scalded deserts and rainforests, as well as a museum, petroglyphs and two active volcanoes: Maunaloa, which last erupted in 1984 and Kilauea which has been erupting since January 3, 1983. Crater Rim Drive is the 10.6-mile drive that circles Kilauea Caldera. Driving around this loop will take you to the park’s main attractions: the Kilauea overlook, Devastation Trail and Kilauea Iki Crater Overlook.

Even with the destruction of over 700 homes, reports of injuries by lava bombs spewing from Kilauea, and ongoing eruptions and lava flows, this island of Hawaii, in general, still remains safe for travelers if they take the proper precautions. Boat tours, cruise lines, and airlines have modified their schedules and routes when necessary. Visitors are cautioned to stay abreast of news about the active Kilauea volcano and be ready to avoid affected areas.

Get access to basic information on the islands, from weather to where to stay, for free! Each of the categories has select free sections so you get a sneak peek at what the full package will include. More on Volcano Lava Flow. “The directions are so thorough. You’ll always find the best scenic drives and hole in the wall restaurants that will make your trip unforgettable. The maps lead you straight to where you want to go with exact instructions! My trip wouldn’t have been half as good without this app.”

Mauna Loa is an active volcano and is due for an eruption. Mauna Loa has erupted 15 times since 1900. These eruptions have lasted from a few hours to 145 days. Since 1950 Mauna Loa has erupted only twice, in 1975 and 1984. The 1975 eruption lasted 1 day. The 1984 eruption lasted 3 weeks. Nearly all the eruptions begin at the summit. About half of these migrate down into a rift zone.

Switzerland travel insurance and more

Switzerland is a dream location but also one of the most expensive. Not having your legal documents in order can cost you a lot here. So we will talk about the amazing places and also the practical tips regarding insurance and other legal stuff. Lake Geneva, Europe’s largest Alpine lake, straddles the Swiss/French border, and laps at the shores of some of Switzerland’s most popular cities. The city of Geneva (in French Geneve; in German Genf) sits between pretty snow-capped peaks at the point where the Rhine spills into Lake Geneva. This French-speaking “capital of peace” is the European seat of the United Nations and exudes a pleasing blend of French joie de vivre and Swiss structure. Promenades, parks, and gardens surround the lake, and the old town is a lovely spot to stroll among the historic buildings. The Jet d’Eau, a fountain in Lake Geneva shooting water 150 meters into the air, is a famous landmark. Cultural attractions include the Opera House and the Grand Theatre, which stages international acts. Also on the lake, about 62 kilometers from Geneva, Lausanne boasts lovely views over the surrounding region and the lake, with the Alps rising in the distance. Take a stroll through the medieval old town with its cute cafes and boutiques and stunning Gothic cathedral. At the foot of the Alps, on Lake Geneva, Montreux hosts the world-famous Montreux Jazz Festival in June/July.

Mount Pilatus in the Lake Lucerne region is full of legends. The name of the mountain comes from a rumor that the famous biblical Roman governor Pontius Pilate may have been buried there. Medieval Europeans believed that the mountain formed as a dragon rock falling from the sky. The 2,100 meter (7000 foot) peak offers views of the Swiss and French Alps, as well as Lake Lucerne below. The winter boasts a high-altitude Christmas market, and the summer offers hiking opportunities galore. This region can be reached with the steepest railway in the world, boasting grades over 48%.

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The Castelgrande, Castello Montebello and Castello Sasso Corbaro protected the city of the Bellinzona, the capital of the canton of Ticino. Each castle is worth a visit by its own right, but together with their defensive walls they offer a fascinatingly beautiful step back in time.

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